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Are you vegan?
Thread poster: Tom in London
Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:42
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It also depend on the age Jan 6

Samuel Murray wrote:

If your weight remains stable, then I think you should be satisfied. If your body regulates your metabolism in such a way that you stay the same weight, regardless of your diet, then that's your body's way of saying "this is my ideal weight", even if it is more than what experts and books have to say about it.

I was told that 2 weeks ago, at my age (over 60 but under 70) it is difficult.

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:42
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One question please Jan 6

Helena Chavarria wrote:
I don't eat anything between 19:00 in the evening to 09:00 the next morning, but there are different options to choose from, depending on your gender, age, lifestyle, etc.

I am interested but, coffee (without sugar) can be taken? I mean after 19:00

Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:42
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English to Italian
I.F. Jan 6

Helena Chavarria wrote:

I enjoy looking after myself and that includes eating well. I'm not vegan but I only eat meat and fish once or twice a week. I've never let myself get overweight but I need to be disciplined.

Intermittent fasting is quite beneficial. There's a lot of information available and it might suit you. I don't eat anything between 19:00 in the evening to 09:00 the next morning, but there are different options to choose from, depending on your gender, age, lifestyle, etc.

is just another way to reduce calories intake, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that depriving your body of nutrients for long spells do anything to you (it can actually be detrimental and involve muscle loss), except the forementioned effect of eating less

Tom in London
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
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@Helena, @Gianni, @Angie Jan 6

Gianni Pastore wrote:
Helena Chavarria wrote:
Intermittent fasting is quite beneficial. There's a lot of information available...

[This] is just another way to reduce calories intake, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that depriving your body of nutrients for long spells do anything to you.

I agree with Helena that there is a lot of information available, although I'm also somewhat with with Gianni: the "lot of information" is mostly *how* to do intermittent fasting, and some of the claimed benefits, and some of the theorized mechanisms, but in reality there is little scientific data to back up intermittent fasting generally.

That said, the term "intermittent fasting" can mean many different things, depending on the method. The logic behind 8:16 fasting is entirely different from the logic behind 5:2 fasting. And not everyone are slavish followers of the science cult -- some things can be beneficial and work well even if scientists haven't proved it yet. Unfortunately, scientists don't test everything... they test only things that they can get funding for.

Helena Chavarria wrote:
I don't eat anything between 19:00 in the evening to 09:00 the next morning, but there are different options to choose from...

Yes, the 8:16 method of intermittent fasting is to eat only during an 8-hour period (so, from 09:00 to 17:00).

Angie Garbarino wrote:
I am interested but, coffee (without sugar) can be taken? I mean after 19:00

There are two ways of doing the 8:16 method: no calories, or no intake. With the no-intake method, this means no intake for 16 hours... not water, not coffee, not tea. The idea is to have an intake-free period, which is apparently good for your gut. With the no-calorie method, calorie-free drinks are allowed -- this just reduces calorie intake, but your gut keeps on working during the fasting period.

Which period suits you depends on your own metabolism... some people do it like Helena, i.e. they have breakfast at 09:00. Others have a late dinner and then only eat at noon the next day. Still others eat an early breakfast e.g. 07:00 and then stop eating at 15:00.

[Edited at 2024-01-06 08:59 GMT]

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:42
Member (2008)
Italian to English
mmmm Tahini Jan 6

Lingua 5B wrote:

I am just eating a fresh apple (organically sourced) cut in two halves, and I spread tahini paste over it. I like this combo plus it’s vegan. Maybe Tom wouldn’t like tahini taste/after taste (many people don’t), but then experiment with almond/hazelnut or peanut butter.

Yes, Samuel, I didn’t recommend keto to Tom, because the weight comes back quickly after the diet. In my example above, the butters and tahini are keto category, the apple is not, that’s why it’s a balanced variant. Keto is not a balanced diet.

I *love* Tahini and would eat it out of the jar with a spoon. I have tried going Keto for a week but it's BORING and expensive !

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:42
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Tried that Jan 6

Lingua 5B wrote:

Maybe run chains with padlocks around your fridge. Give the key to a friend or neighbor to hide at a secure place. May help with cravings.

LOL I have actually tried putting a big notice inside my fridge so that when I open the door it flaps in my face "EAT LESS" or "PORTION CONTROL" etc.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:42
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@Tom Jan 6

Tom in London wrote:
I have tried going Keto for a week but it's BORING and expensive!

How is eating fried bacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner boring?

P.L.F. Persio
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:42
Member (2008)
Italian to English
It is Jan 6

Samuel Murray wrote:

Tom in London wrote:
I have tried going Keto for a week but it's BORING and expensive!

How is eating fried bacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner boring?

Trust me, it's boring. Ham, bacon, salame, prosciutto, all kinds of cheese, sausages, all the time is BORING. At first you think "great: I'm going to get healthy and lose weight whilst stuffing my face with eggs and bacon and cheese as much as I want to"

Two days later "I WANT BREAD".

Angie Garbarino
Christine Andersen
Rachel Waddington
Rachel Waddington  Identity Verified
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Local time: 13:42
Dutch to English
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Veganism Jan 6

I think going vegan is a great idea for several reasons, but I'm not convinced you will necessarily lose weight. It depends what you eat now and what kind of vegan food you eat - there are healthy and unhealthy vegan diets.

I'm not vegan myself, but I am vegetarian. I didn't lose weight when I cut out meat but I probably have a healthier diet as processed meat is not good for you.

Sebastian Witte
P.L.F. Persio
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:42
English to Italian
Avoid... Jan 6

all sugars and limit refined carbohydrates.

Tom in London
P.L.F. Persio
Rachel Waddington
Jo Macdonald
Bartosz Kurkiewicz
Bartosz Kurkiewicz
Local time: 14:42
English to Polish
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I am a practicing omnivore. Jan 6

wasn't really considering veganism as a viable option, but having observed a rather sharp decline in the quality of meat that's being sold,
I decided to minimize the intake.

Matthias Brombach
Matthias Brombach  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:42
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A friend of mine told me... Jan 6

Besides the usual plumber here in the forums, who will be mentioned to compare when it comes to rates, payment conditions, repetitions, and test translations for free, the one or other translator always knows a friend, who was sued because of poor translation quality, who got subsidies by the German state to compensate income losses due to Covid 19, or who was scammed. The same friend everybody here seems to know told me recently, that you quickly can lose weight when you quit drinking alcohol, ... See more
Besides the usual plumber here in the forums, who will be mentioned to compare when it comes to rates, payment conditions, repetitions, and test translations for free, the one or other translator always knows a friend, who was sued because of poor translation quality, who got subsidies by the German state to compensate income losses due to Covid 19, or who was scammed. The same friend everybody here seems to know told me recently, that you quickly can lose weight when you quit drinking alcohol, be it beer or wine. That friend lost 8 pounds in 5 weeks, although he was drinking "only" three beers a day (per evening) and some wine on the weekends. Alcohol seems to block the normal functions of your liver so that surplus carbohydrates, be it from the drink or from the meal that goes together with the drink, will be converted into fat and stored at common places in your body. Still, two pounds left I have to ask my friend for how to get them rid of too. Smoking may help, because it damps your appetite.

[Bearbeitet am 2024-01-06 20:00 GMT]

Christopher Schröder
Helena Chavarria
Helena Chavarria  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:42
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I like to make life easier Jan 6

Angie Garbarino wrote:

I am interested but, coffee (without sugar) can be taken? I mean after 19:00

I understood that you can drink water (which I imagine includes tea and black coffee) though I don't drink anything after 19:00. I was finding it difficult to get a good night's sleep, so I decided not to drink anything in the evening and now I don't wake up in the middle of the night wanting to go to the toilet.

I'm a 60-something female and I tell my daughters that I'm fighting against the effects of old age, not old age itself.

I.F. wrote:

is just another way to reduce calories intake, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that depriving your body of nutrients for long spells do anything to you (it can actually be detrimental and involve muscle loss), except the forementioned effect of eating less

My muscles seem to be ok. I do Pilates two or three times a week, plus I walk at least 7 km a day.

I haven't lost weight, nor have I put any on. However, last year my daughter went to a wedding and she lost over five kilos by fasting intermittently for a few months. She told me that it was an easy way to lose weight.

As for me, I enjoy being able to forget about eating for several hours in the evening, leaving me free to concentrate on other things.

P.L.F. Persio
Angie Garbarino
Rachel Waddington
Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
United Kingdom
Member (2011)
Swedish to English
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Advice from a professional Jan 6

Tom in London wrote:
Exercise will NOT take weight off

It WILL if you do enough…

I'm thinking that going vegan for a short period might do the trick.

It might do temporarily but a typical vegan diet is less likely to result in weight loss than a low-carb meat-based diet. Carbs are your enemy. Protein is your friend.

Drinking water in Delhi would also do the trick.

Matthias Brombach
P.L.F. Persio
Dan Lucas
Denis Fesik
Denis Fesik
Local time: 15:42
English to Russian
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I'm okay with full vegan recipes Jan 6

And I totally believe that mujaddara doesn't need any meat, only some fried onions. I won't eat tahini as is because I think it needs water, lemon juice, and garlic (baked garlic in my case). Tabbouleh is another dish that's both delicious and vegan (the Middle East can make vegan food taste great). However, a recipe that says "proudly vegan" or "better than meat" will go to the bin right away, and it's okay if someone won't even understand why. Once I tried making lentil tofu and didn't like it... See more
And I totally believe that mujaddara doesn't need any meat, only some fried onions. I won't eat tahini as is because I think it needs water, lemon juice, and garlic (baked garlic in my case). Tabbouleh is another dish that's both delicious and vegan (the Middle East can make vegan food taste great). However, a recipe that says "proudly vegan" or "better than meat" will go to the bin right away, and it's okay if someone won't even understand why. Once I tried making lentil tofu and didn't like it (but still ate it all)Collapse

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