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Are you vegan?
Thread poster: Tom in London
Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
Member (2007)
English to Italian
Happy for you! Jan 6

Helena Chavarria wrote:

My muscles seem to be ok. I do Pilates two or three times a week, plus I walk at least 7 km a day.

I haven't lost weight, nor have I put any on. However, last year my daughter went to a wedding and she lost over five kilos by fasting intermittently for a few months. She told me that it was an easy way to lose weight.

As for me, I enjoy being able to forget about eating for several hours in the evening, leaving me free to concentrate on other things.

What I meant by muscle loss was mostly intended for people who works out hard in a fasted state with heavy weights. Activities such as pilates and walking are not as taxing as weight lifting.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
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@Christopher and @Tom Jan 6

Christopher Schröder wrote:
Tom in London wrote:
Exercise will NOT take weight off

It WILL if you do enough…

True... my cousin lost 15 kg (from 90 to 75 kg) using the 10 000 steps per day method, without any change in diet. They bought a cheap walking treadmill and then binge watched, and walked 2 x 30 minutes per day outside as well.

Christopher Schröder
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:02
Member (2008)
Italian to English
85 Jan 6

Samuel Murray wrote:

Christopher Schröder wrote:
Tom in London wrote:
Exercise will NOT take weight off

It WILL if you do enough…

True... my cousin lost 15 kg (from 90 to 75 kg) using the 10 000 steps per day method, without any change in diet. They bought a cheap walking treadmill and then binge watched, and walked 2 x 30 minutes per day outside as well.

In Feb 2020 just before the lockdown started I weighed 98.70 Kg.(yes, don't tell me)
I spent the lockdown focussing on losing weight.
It is now down to somewhere between 89-90 and I'm holding it there.
I need to get down to 85 (max) which would take me to my ideal BMI (yes, don't tell me)
I want to do this with a diet that is sustainable and not a form of self-punishment.

[Edited at 2024-01-06 18:17 GMT]

Christopher Schröder
Sebastian Witte
Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
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Is your ideal BMI ideal for you, or just ideal in theory? Jan 7

Tom in London wrote:

[my weight] is now down to somewhere between 89-90 and I'm holding it there.
I need to get down to 85 (max) which would take me to my ideal BMI (yes, don't tell me)
I want to do this with a diet that is sustainable and not a form of self-punishment.

Just to play devil's advocate, recently I read that a BMI between 25 and 30 or more may not be unhealthy, and I gave up all attempts to get below 25.
e.g. here:
I make sure I don´t put on weight, but one article I read suggested that the healthy range above the ´ideal´ range is why some people find it nearly impossible to lose weight and keep it off. It asks why the ideal range was set precisely there in the first place. It is possible to lose a couple of kilos in a week or two, but as soon as people eat a realistic diet that they can live with among friends and relatives, the weight pops back.

Exercise doesn´t work in the long term, either because the body and metabolism adjust to the change in lifestyle, or because, like me, people don´t keep it up. I belong to a walking club and keep myself in form, but life is simply too short for exercise I do not enjoy! (I'm in my 70s, but my attitude has been the same, ever since I stopped doing school gym in the last century.)

Food-wise, I control my weight by going for lots of vegetables that are filling and satisfying, but generally have less calories than meat and dairy products. I have been cutting down on meat and going for vegetarian options for years, but I could not give up dairy for long. Living with a husband who believes he needs a little meat every day, and occasional visits from a vegan relative, I am flexitarian. We try to keep the climate impact of our diet to a minimum - home-grown veg or locally grown, seasonal products, and that means lots of apples, carrots, green beans and cabbage all winter! My husband has at least ten apple trees in the garden and if you eat three or four apples a day, neat, with tahini, in ´English curry´ or as apple crumble, any way you like, you can avoid a lot of more fattening calories! Fill at least half your plate with vegetables and not more than a quarter with low-fat carbohydrates. Plain bread or boiled potatoes may have fewer calories per gram than pasta or rice... and go for light sauces or enjoy the cream, just not too often!

Then there are beans and lentils - I never touch substitute meat, but I do eat falafels and lentil kofte, and have a some good recipes for bean or lentil roasts. These often have fewer calories than meat recipes, but not always. They are satisfying, and I find people eat smaller portions.

I love Indian food, and my cookery books include some delicious vegan recipes - as well as lots of notes in my writing that half the meat or double the sauce (= more veg.) in a recipe suits our family better, depending on the number of people you aim to feed!

I have an Italian daughter-in-law, and there are some wonderful Italian recipes with beans and lentils, from her simple New Year lenticchie, just plain green lentils, with onion, rosemary and marjoram, to all the wonderful things you, Tom, probably know much more about than I do!

In answer to your question, I think it is probably possible to find a healthy vegan diet, but not easy (too little protein if you avoid highly processed meat substitutes, etc. etc.) But a vegetarian or nearly vegetarian diet is much easier, and need not disrupt your social life as insisting on going vegan will!

Deliberately going for fruit or e.g. a carrot when you need a snack is a habit you can soon learn. Keep the high-calorie cake, biscuits and chocolate for social occasions!

[Edited at 2024-01-07 13:42 GMT]

Tom in London
Helena Chavarria
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
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8:16 intermittent fasting Jan 7
Have you heard of this?
I just tried it for 3 weeks and will start again soon (I am aiming for next week). I don't hold a scale - for reasons - but my bod
... See more
Have you heard of this?
I just tried it for 3 weeks and will start again soon (I am aiming for next week). I don't hold a scale - for reasons - but my body felt very good and I saw that I lost a little weight on my clothes. I think it also has a positive effect on the gut.
Since (like everyone) I have my own biorythm, my "eating time" is from 12pm to 8 pm, with black tea allowed for breakfast (it has no calories and I have hypotension and depend on that kick in the morning - and afternoon).
Let me add that I have been a vegetarian since my early 20's and even when I was vegan for some time (well, it was not that long), I was never slim, but I was never very fat either.

Edit: I just see now it has already been mentioned. Well, I can confirm it is beneficial. If you do it to lose weight, it certainly will take some time, but it works (not last because you can't eat as much in 8 hours as you would do during "normal" days).

[Bearbeitet am 2024-01-07 17:00 GMT]

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
French to English
. Jan 8

Taking note of who the acid barbs are coming from and refusing to engage because this is a professional forum...

Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
United Kingdom
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Eh? Jan 8

Kay Denney wrote:
Taking note of who the acid barbs are coming from and refusing to engage because this is a professional forum...

Barbs? I thought it was all remarkably civilised given the topic.

I can set the ball rolling if you like by getting in a first mention of bacon?

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
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English to Afrikaans
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Barbs? Jan 8

Christopher Schröder wrote:
Kay Denney wrote:
Taking note of who the acid barbs are coming from and refusing to engage because this is a professional forum...

Barbs? I thought it was all remarkably civilised given the topic.

I see no barbs. So far, this entire thread has been quite civil and remarkably on-topic. We're all sharing ideas for Tom's diet.

Added: oh wait, I see the second post contains a barb in the second sentence, but it's a fairly innocuous one.

I can set the ball rolling if you like by getting in a first mention of bacon?

Erm, I already beat you to it... but that wasn't a barb either.

[Edited at 2024-01-08 22:10 GMT]

Christopher Schröder
Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
French to English
. Jan 9

Christopher Schröder wrote:

Kay Denney wrote:
Taking note of who the acid barbs are coming from and refusing to engage because this is a professional forum...

Barbs? I thought it was all remarkably civilised given the topic.

I can set the ball rolling if you like by getting in a first mention of bacon?

Ok we haven't yet had any mention of "did you know carrots have feelings too", nor have we reached the Godwin point, but there's been a reference to vegans chewing people up (as if!) and an inference that vegans always tell you they're vegan.

LOL sorry bacon was mentioned on page 2 already, please keep up!

But with veganism you could just go back to being Ice Scream just the name is provocative LOL

Christopher Schröder
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Local time: 15:02
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Vegan ice cream Jan 9

The best ice cream I ever ate in my life was vegan ice cream (almond milk + other ingredients). That is not to say that all vegan ice creams are nice, quite the contrary. It was at a holiday resort, and when I came back to the same resort/venue after Covid, the place has changed, the owner has changed, and the ice cream has changed (not the same ice cream any more, unfortunately).

Jo Macdonald
Jo Macdonald  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
Italian to English
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How much pasta are you eating? Jan 9

Not a vegan but I was a vegetarian for 10 years and gained weight at first as I started eating more, both in terms of the amount of food I was eating and eating more carbs.

Look at what you're eating
Pasta is great but mostly carbs so unless you're burning off all that energy every day you store fat to burn slowly on days you don't hunt or gather something. A big plate of pasta in the evening for example is a great way to store fat as you don't burn it off.
Alcohol has a
... See more
Not a vegan but I was a vegetarian for 10 years and gained weight at first as I started eating more, both in terms of the amount of food I was eating and eating more carbs.

Look at what you're eating
Pasta is great but mostly carbs so unless you're burning off all that energy every day you store fat to burn slowly on days you don't hunt or gather something. A big plate of pasta in the evening for example is a great way to store fat as you don't burn it off.
Alcohol has a much greater effect on us as we get older and we're less active, check things you buy and eat regularly for added sugar, muesli can be 30% added sugar for example to keep you hooked.
Sitting at a desk is terrible for humans, a standing desk makes you more active. If you burn more calories by moving more while eating the same you will lose weight, same result if you reduce your carb intake by eating more protein instead of carbs.
If you feel full after a meal you're storing fat. If you want to lose a bit of weight you want to still feel a bit hungry. No snacks. Fat is great but not things like salami, cream or fried food, goat's milks cheese is much better than others. I recently got my bad colesterol level back into check by changing from 3 tablespoons of whole fat Greek yoghurt to "light" for breakfast every day, so small changes to things you eat every day can make a big difference.

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