| Topic | Poster Replies (Views) Latest post |
 | Translators not mentioned on amazon | 2 (3,500) |
 | Looking for a quote from the French novel "La véritable histoire de Mary Prince, esclave antillaise" | 0 (3,776) |
 | A writer's view on seeing one's work in translation | 9 (5,862) |
 | Poetry translation at the Poesie Festival Berlin 2011 | 2 (4,451) |
 | A literary translator's dream: translating books we love | 3 (4,205) |
 | Author-translator co-operation | 3 (4,030) |
 | Off-topic: Looking for a Spanish poem for a funeral (in English translation) | 3 (11,615) |
 | Need help finding the translation in French | 2 (4,006) |
 | Call for Submissions: The Best Poems Encyclopedia 2011 seeking translated poetry works | 0 (3,418) |
 | My Nights with Emma B - translating Flaubert | 2 (4,099) |
 | Off-topic: reading translated novels | 7 (5,467) |
 | Literary Translation: how to get started? | 13 (15,488) |
 | Looking for advise on translation and publishing | 4 (3,998) |
 | Help with quotations from philosophical literature (fr>en) | 2 (2,865) |
 | recent translation cleansing concerning Mark Twain | 4 (4,653) |
 | Searching for more translations | 1 (3,485) |
 | Off-topic: Amalia Guglielminetti: Looking for 1935 Article | 2 (3,509) |
 | The Spanish translation of The catcher in the Rye | 1 (3,747) |
 | Off-topic: Blind Man's Beauty | 4 (4,193) |
 | Off-topic: Oto Dokan poem in Japanese (kenji) | 2 (4,004) |
 | french-english yourcenar help | 3 (3,743) |
 | Cases of translating something we didn't like by principle? ( 1... 2) | 15 (9,243) |
 | US$ 0.04 a word for editing a poem AND translating it?! ( 1... 2) | 20 (12,530) |
 | Nobel Prize - Mario Vargas Llosa | 7 (6,477) |
 | Is a poem translatable? ( 1... 2) | 18 (13,116) |
 | How to deal with quotes in a literary translation | 2 (3,481) |
 | Small passage on translation | 3 (4,364) |
 | Ayuda con plegaria en inglés | 6 (4,398) |
 | Got my first ever literary translation job offer... a bunch of questions... | 5 (4,184) |
 | Lost Kafka Writings | 10 (5,326) |
 | Opinion on sentence needed | 12 (6,152) |
 | Argumentation analysis | 3 (4,022) |
 | Interesting article: A New Great Wall: Why the crisis in translation matters | 2 (4,743) |
 | dealing with a bad proofreader | 13 (6,107) |
 | A.C. Archives, Denver - any idea what they are? | 0 (2,583) |
 | Mouse or Rat. Fly or Cow! | 2 (4,158) |
 | Preamble to the instructions on how to wind a watch (Julio Cortázar) ( 1... 2) | 21 (32,700) |
 | Translation in History (Book) | 4 (4,380) |
 | Would you mind answering a quick questionnaire? | 2 (3,301) |
 | Help with translation of a Christian Song into Spanish | 5 (13,075) |
 | Small Publisher Finds Its Mission in Translation | 1 (3,475) |
 | The road to publishing... | 3 (3,817) |
 | Translation of theater plays - German to French to German | 0 (2,964) |
 | Off-topic: Opinion on a sentence | 11 (5,459) |
 | Edith Grossman on literary translators | 0 (3,364) |
 | Best English translation of Bulgakov's Master and Margarita | 10 (38,900) |
 | The Mistake on Page 1,032: On Translating "Infinite Jest" into German | 3 (4,564) |
 | Would like to publish my translation of a Uyghur short story. What do I need to do about copyright? | 3 (4,330) |
 | Sharing a quote | 5 (4,147) |
 | Ask for American magazines which publish essays about expriences | 4 (4,224) |