Thread poster: Helena Grahn
Helena Grahn
Helena Grahn  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 11:14
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Dec 11, 2017

I have rcvd the following in an email....

Translation: 0.075 EUR/source word +grid
Review: 0.023 EUR/word + grid

Never seen this grid. Can someone enlighten me, plzzzzzzzzzzz?


Jan Truper
Jan Truper  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:14
English to German
fuzzy table Dec 11, 2017

I assume by "EUR per source word + grid" they mean what is usually referred to as "EUR per adjusted source word", i. e., rate and word count are subject to a CAT tool's fuzzy table.
You need to ask them what their fuzzy table looks like (or provide your own) and then reassess the rate based on this information.

Marcella Marino
Marcella Marino  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:14
Member (2016)
English to Italian
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Agree Dec 11, 2017

I agree with Jan Truper.
I also think they refer to the grid where the percentages of discount for fuzzy matches, repetitions, 100% and CM are listed. These are subject to the use of a CAT Tool.
I would suggest to ask their grid, then compare it to yours, so that you can find an agreement.

Hope to help!


Daniel Frisano
Daniel Frisano  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:14
Member (2008)
English to Italian
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Grid Dec 11, 2017

As suggested by the colleagues. Usually it is something like this:

Reps - 10% (i.e., 10% of the base rate is paid)
100% - 10%
95-99% - 30%
85-94% - 30%
75-84% - 50%
50-74% - 100%
No match - 100%

From several real-life examples. Quite typical, and if you ask me, quite dreadful.

Luca Tutino
Luca Tutino  Identity Verified
Member (2002)
English to Italian
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indefinite discount Dec 11, 2017

"+ grid" appears to mean indefinite discount. The rates are already too low. And no "grid" should apply to review (because repeated or fuzzy segments must be checked with the same care as the new ones).

Helena Grahn wrote:
Can someone enlighten me, plzzzzzzzzzzz?

Push the delete button to see the light.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:14
Member (2007)
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Makes absolutely no sense for reviewing Dec 11, 2017

Luca Tutino wrote:
no "grid" should apply to review (because repeated or fuzzy segments must be checked with the same care as the new ones).

You either check every word with equal care, or you skip entire sentences/blocks/paragraphs as specified and clearly indicated by the client. Nothing else is possible. It makes no sense in monolingual English reviews, even less sense in heavily inflected languages, and when it comes to bilingual revision a target word can be wrong for a multitude of reasons, regardless of whether a source match was found in the TM.

For translation, discounts only make sense if two criteria are met:
1. The TM full/fuzzy match or the repetition of a phrase saves the translator time, and
2. only some of that time saving is passed on to the client in the form of a discount.
After all, you've invested money and training time in your CAT tool, and you're entitled to some ROI. I don't personally let agencies tell me how much I'm going to get paid, but I have used a similar "grid" to encourage regular translation clients to keep using my services rather than look elsewhere to save a cent or two per word.

Luca Tutino
Luca Tutino  Identity Verified
Member (2002)
English to Italian
+ ...
Well said Dec 16, 2017

Sheila Wilson wrote:
Nothing else is possible.



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