Samuel Murray wrote:
If I look at the available checks, they all seem to relate to comparing a source text against a translation. Can you give some examples of what kinds of things you'd like to check?
You can add personal checks – by using the checklist manager, you can add hazard words (officialese, common typos), and add punctuation rules that check the quality of the target text. It is (would be) especially handy when reviewing work from another human translator.
Well, you can copy the text file's content into column A in Excel, then duplicate column A into column B, and save it as TXT. This creates a "bilingual" TXT file. Then, when you add the file to Xbench, don't accept Xbench's default guess of "Tab Delimited File" but choose "Wordfast Glossary" instead.
Thank you, it looks like a pretty good solution.