| Topic | Poster Replies (Views) Latest post |
| How to fix the content of a website | 7 (2,895) |
| Comparison tool for XLIFFs | 6 (1,241) |
| Off-topic: Looking for revisers/editor to fill in survey | 0 (512) |
| What are the standard proofreading rates? ( 1... 2) | 24 (109,413) |
| Any experience of using ATMS Cat Tool? | 0 (821) |
| Help with hyphens | 4 (1,331) |
| Off-topic: CV Assistance ( 1... 2) | 23 (3,106) |
| Most Efficient Way to Replace English Text with Translated Text in an eBook | 5 (932) |
| Uso correcto de la palabra "ni" | 4 (835) |
| Difference between MTPE and proofreading ( 1... 2) | 25 (4,950) |
| Help with Language Sign-Off (LSO) fees | 0 (524) |
| 12 000 words a day | 12 (2,326) |
| Revision | 1 (631) |
| Source content uses both US and UK English. What impact can this have on translation? | 2 (1,098) |
| How do you tackle revising/reviewing poorly translated texts? ( 1... 2) | 17 (2,918) |
| Checking returned work once again after QA | 8 (2,181) |
| Proofreading of subtitles | 9 (2,488) |
| A solution for online simultaneous revision of SDLXLIFF files with multiple revisors? | 4 (1,816) |
| Time needed for proofreading aka am I too slow ? | 13 (4,009) |
| Checking monolingual files with Xbench | 2 (1,275) |
| Post-editing machine translation | 4 (1,969) |
| How long does it take to do Linguistic Quality Assurance (LQA)? | 10 (3,831) |
| Reviewing Quality of Translation and Vetting Good Linguists ( 1... 2) | 16 (5,613) |
| How much to charge to transcribe French to French (i.e. only transcription, not translation)? | 0 (1,249) |
| How to choose a sample to proofread | 2 (1,522) |
| google translate translation | 3 (1,683) |
| Are these rates real?! ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6) | 85 (23,503) |
| Confusion and Misunderstanding | 2 (1,537) |
| Free PDF Editor | 6 (6,608) |
| QC review speed versus translation speed | 3 (2,300) |
| Does a structure/style comparison tool between original and translation exist? | 2 (1,521) |
| Biased/incorrect/unfair evaluation by reviewer | 11 (3,404) |
| Proofreading review qc | 1 (1,468) |
| Translation, editing and postedition | 11 (3,245) |
| Is there an accepted procedure for requesting "wait time pay" for repeated late to arrive revisions? | 4 (1,902) |
| Typing Productivity and Rate ( 1... 2) | 19 (6,344) |
| Non-native client claiming issues with 'style' of my translation - can I have an 'expertise' done? ( 1... 2) | 15 (5,816) |
| Google translate proofreading projects ( 1... 2) | 17 (9,624) |
| Translator doing the proofreader's job? ( 1... 2) | 18 (13,893) |
| Translator-proofreader relationship: Is anonymity the industry standard? ( 1... 2) | 27 (11,576) |
| Proofreading price proposal | 5 (2,292) |
| Proofreader changed my translation with obvious mistakes | 14 (4,049) |
| How to quote Editing, Proofreading and MTPE? | 3 (1,967) |
| Do you submit feedback when a certain translator's jobs that you review are consistently AWFUL? ( 1... 2) | 18 (6,237) |
| Edit + LQA per word rate? | 6 (3,316) |
| Non-native speakers reviewing your edits ( 1... 2) | 25 (7,868) |
| What is Xbench used for? | 4 (2,865) |
| WLAN or WiFi ? | 4 (2,143) |
| Being asked for letter from the "language expert" | 4 (2,149) |
| Microsoft Editor (spell and grammar checker) now in Google Chrome for online text proofing | 0 (1,332) |