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Search results: (152 matches)
German DRINGEND!!! Heute TM nicht aktualisiert Deine Arbeit ist nicht verloren... Hallo Helena, Deine Arbeit befindet sich in der
bilingualen sdlxliff-Datei, die sich normalerweise
hier befindet: C:Users[Benutzer]DocumentsStudio
Nani Delgado Jul 25, 2013
German Studio 2011: Wie TM löschen? Eine andere Möglichkeit für das nächste Mal... Ich bekomme auch oft solche Art von Texten, von
denen nur ein Teil übersetzt werden soll. Diese
sind auch normalerweise rot markiert. Was ich
in dem Fall mache, ist, in Word den übrig
Nani Delgado Jul 6, 2013
Spanish ¿Ya lo han recibido? Yo también lo recibí No se puede ver la entrada de Javier, pero sé a
quién se refiere. Yo también recibí el correo y
tardé un rato en parar de reír. Da la impresión
de que mandan el correo por estar sus
Nani Delgado Jun 26, 2013
German Englisches und andere schwehre Wörder Hahahaaa... Hahaaa, genial, danke Nicole! Meine 2 Bilder
passen hier ziemlich gut rein. Die habe ich in
gemacht. [IMG]
inowhurl.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]htt
Nani Delgado Mar 9, 2013 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Not right next to your credential [quote]Charlie Bavington wrote: It might be
nice to be provided with a specific space to
provide links to such professional organisations -
I just whizzed through the "edit profile" opt
Nani Delgado Sep 10, 2012
Smart shoppers Advice for buying a smartphone Indeed... [quote]Meta Arkadia wrote: And he has a
Mac. [/quote] You are right, Bruno has a Mac
and he said that casually in the middle of a post
on page 3... Too bad that he didn´t mention it
Nani Delgado Sep 10, 2012
Smart shoppers Advice for buying a smartphone I was not talking about synchronizing e-mails... The BlackBerry does that automatically without the
need of an app. I know about iCloud and I even
have Dropbox on my BlackBerry for a couple of
things, but soon it was too small for me.
Nani Delgado Sep 10, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? wow, it goes so fast! [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: [b]PROBLEM
REDUCTION[/b] I propose we split the two
parties: 1) Users who don't wish to use the
platform professionally - let's call them
Nani Delgado Sep 9, 2012
Smart shoppers Advice for buying a smartphone BlackBerry I had an iPhone for 2 years but I don´t really
like writing e-mails with the touch screen, and I
switched to Blackberry. Also it is much more
easier to move files from your BlackBerry to
Nani Delgado Sep 8, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? No. [quote]Balasubramaniam L. wrote: I think we
should now steer this discussion in the direction
of measuring and verifying translator competency
and stop talking about native language
Nani Delgado Sep 7, 2012 suggestions Methods for verifying "native language" claims Even that may be illegal too... [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: It's moments like
these that make me wish there was a "Like" button.
[/quote] Sure the word "like" has been
copyrighted... :D
Nani Delgado Aug 14, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? No, Marina, no... [quote]Marina Steinbach wrote: [quote]Bernhard
Sulzer wrote: It would be a lie if you say that
you are a US citizen if indeed you are a German
citizen. [/quote] Are you referrin
Nani Delgado Aug 7, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? A higher probability to get a quality product [quote]Charlie Bavington wrote: But then the
point is to think back to what that attribute
(nativeness) is intended to convey to
clients.... [/quote] Of course, I think we
Nani Delgado Aug 6, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Because... [quote]Charlie Bavington wrote: Furthermore, if
the tests of what we ARE are going to rely
(largely or wholly) on testing what we DO anyway,
then why not just limit ourselves to what we d
Nani Delgado Aug 6, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Ignoring the troll! [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Correct me if I'm
wrong, but haven't the hows been discussed already
as well? Then what comes next? [/quote] To
me it is perfectly clear: ignoring the
Nani Delgado Aug 6, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? So sad... It is so sad that a troll is able to make people
who broadly agree with each other and are on the
same "side" discuss and argue the same things we
actually had covered over and over again
Nani Delgado Aug 6, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? You are right, Sheila, thanks! [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: Nani was
suggesting that (a) quoting on jobs be
restricted to paying members, and (b) that
claims being made by those paying members be
verified by
Nani Delgado Jul 29, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Oh, and for the paying members at this very moment... I have an idea: let´s give them (us) say 1 month
time to set the real native language (taking into
account that one could be sick, on vacation,
etc.). After this period, verification shou
Nani Delgado Jul 29, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? I know... [quote]psicutrinius wrote: There are also
paying members who are deceivers/liars. The
investment required to become a paying member is
not what would deter them (and there are some
Nani Delgado Jul 29, 2012
Business issues Tests required by outsourcers:I have a feeling Of course you did! [quote]Alexandra Schneeuhr wrote: so far I
responded saying that I am busy with another
project at the moment (which is true) and that
they are free to have a look at my sample
Nani Delgado Jul 29, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Incredible... It has become impossible to argue with some people
here without being personal, because either some
statements are simply not true or this certain
person is incredibly bad at (at least) a
Nani Delgado Jul 29, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? That tops it all. [quote]Balasubramaniam L. wrote: [quote]Nani
Delgado wrote: But you should respect what the
clients are looking for. And if they are looking
for native speakers that´s what they sho
Nani Delgado Jul 16, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? . [quote]Catherine GUILLIAUMET wrote: Yes, but
what you explained is also very interesting.
And, by the way, I learnt that Basque (Euskera)
is now an official language too. That's good
Nani Delgado Jul 15, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? oh, psicutrinius was faster than me. Well, I was too slow, and in the meantime
psicutrinius posted a similar answer than me. But
we mean pretty much the same. :)
Nani Delgado Jul 15, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Well, let´s make some things clear. :) In Spain there are in fact 4 languages:
Castellano, Gallego, Catalán und Euskera
(vascuence). They are not considered as dialects
but as languages. All of them are normalised and
Nani Delgado Jul 15, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? wow... [quote]LilianBoland wrote: People who have
lived in another country for an extended period of
time, even just like ten, fifteen years, may
sporadically make non-native mistakes in thei
Nani Delgado Jul 14, 2012
Money matters Unpaid 100% matches @Elke: I feel with you. Hi Elke, I agree with all those who say you are
not being unreasonable and I certainly would not
make that kind of work for free. Some time ago I
had a very similar situation
Nani Delgado Jul 13, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Misunderstanding [quote]Lisa Simpson, MCIL wrote: One of the most
recent suggestions is that “unconfirmed
languages” (black and grey N icons) be excluded
from directory searches and filtering criteria
Nani Delgado Jul 6, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? You are right, Jen. Hi Jen, You are perfectly right, nobody here
said otherwise. Being native speaker doesn´t
automatically give you the talent to write and
express yourself properly, just like being
Nani Delgado Jul 5, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? To be convinced that you can perform a certain job doesn´t mean that you actually can. [quote]LilianBoland wrote: Why would people
lie about their native languages? I don't see any
logic behind this other than being allowed to bid
on jobs they think they could do. They p
Nani Delgado Jul 4, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? @Sarah: I have read your suggestions, and they are indeed
not bad at all. But I was thinking of something
more automatic. I mean that the directory search
should automatically consider a native la
Nani Delgado Jul 4, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Icons or words... I personally don´t care about the form a native
language appears in everybody´s profile page. But
I think it is important that non-native speakers
*don´t appear* in the directory list w
Nani Delgado Jul 4, 2012
CAT Tools Technical Help New CAT tool being advertised Hehe... Vaya perlita.... :-D Nani Delgado Jul 4, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? so what... [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: and Lilian's point
(if I understand correctly) is that the degree of
exposure to English for non-English people is
often much higher than the degree of expos
Nani Delgado Jul 3, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Yeah, right... [quote]Catherine GUILLIAUMET wrote: This fear
that jobs may be stolen by incompetent "non-native
liars" (according to some of the definitions we
can read in this thread) is completely
Nani Delgado Jul 1, 2012
German Tempusfrage Vielleicht täusche ich mich... Aber "haben" scheint mir im 1. Beispiel kein
Hilfsverb zu sein. [quote]Heike Behl, Ph.D.
wrote: Anstatt Weil er einen Unfall gehabt
hat, kommt er zu spät. > Weil er einen Unfall<
Nani Delgado Jul 1, 2012
Translation Theory and Practice Is there a comma missing or something else wrong with this statement? A perfect example [quote]Tom in London wrote: Wrong
again [quote]Marina Steinbach wrote: Thanks
for proofreading my blog for free. Did you like
my drawings? Any suggestions how I could improve
Nani Delgado Jun 29, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? As high as professionalism needs it to be... [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]Phil Hand
wrote: If you're not near-native, you have no
business working with this language in the first
place. ... (1) Just by putting a language on
Nani Delgado Jun 28, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Yep. :) I think so. We are not only allowed to report
abuse to staff, we were asked yesterday to do
so: [quote]Jared wrote: If you suspect fraud
or any other violation of site rules, as alwa
Nani Delgado Jun 26, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? oh... Hi writeaway, Well, I have never noticed it and
thought this would be the crown of all lies and
nobody would act that way, but I believe you
saying that it actually happens. However, fo
Nani Delgado Jun 25, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? What I think... [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: So, to "get back on
topic", perhaps the topic needs to be specified:
is this thread about verifying English nativeness
of non-UK/US/ANZ residents, or is this
Nani Delgado Jun 25, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Difference between context and purpose [quote]Annamaria Amik wrote: Because all
debates have a context, and you can't discuss the
native issue out of context without distorting the
very purpose (translation quality?) why
Nani Delgado Jun 25, 2012 suggestions Replace "native language" with "most competent language combination" Exactly! [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: To add to that, it's
also the ability to recognize when a grammatically
perfect sentence just isn't acceptable/idiomatic.
Native speakers can do this without bl
Nani Delgado Jun 25, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Of course. [quote]Annamaria Amik wrote: So theoretically
it is possible for a translator to pass the
nativeness test and still be a bad translator.
[/quote] This topic has nothing to do wi
Nani Delgado Jun 25, 2012 suggestions Replace "native language" with "most competent language combination" And again this poor language skills of native speakers... Poor language skills don´t make a native
speaker/writer less native. And perfect grammar
doesn´t make you native.
Nani Delgado Jun 25, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? I understand... [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: [quote]LilianBoland
wrote: I can't stop wondering what the problem
is. There are many rare languages not too many
native speakers, born and residing at all
Nani Delgado Jun 24, 2012 technical support Map disappeared from profile Maybe your browser updates run automatically Hi Jenny, It´s only an idea, but it is
possible that you are not aware whether something
changed in your browser if updates run
automatically. What browser do you use? I use
Nani Delgado Jun 24, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Of course... [quote]Paul Stevens wrote: That's not to say
that it does not have drawbacks and Shiya has
already stated one, namely that members could
declare their first language as their second
Nani Delgado Jun 24, 2012 technical support Map disappeared from profile I can see it Hi Jenny, I can see your map and other maps
too. Maybe it has to do with a browser update? Has
anything changed in your browser?
Nani Delgado Jun 24, 2012 suggestions Should “native language” claims be verified? Indeed it is... [quote]Phil Hand wrote: [quote]Robert Forstag
wrote: Simply allow individuals to privately
alert staff to blatant instances of
misrepresentation, and trust (for, in the end,
Nani Delgado Jun 24, 2012

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