Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

fuzzy logic

Catalan translation:

lògica borrosa

Aug 4, 2011 17:54
13 yrs ago
English term

fuzzy logic

GBK English to Catalan Tech/Engineering Computers: Software
An alternative to traditional logic where truth values range between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0.0 representing absolute Falseness and 1.0 representing absolute Truth.
Example sentences:
When humans reason with terms such as 'tall' they do not normally have a fixed threshold in mind, but a smooth fuzzy definition. Humans can reason very effectively with such fuzzy definitions, therefore, in order to capture human fuzzy reasoning we need fuzzy logic. (XpertRule)
In many applications Fuzzy Logic can result in better control performance than linear, piecewise linear, or lookup table techniques. (FIDE)
Fuzzy Logic is a particular area of concentration in the study of Artificial Intelligence and is based on the value of that information which is neither definitely true nor false. (
Proposed translations (Catalan)
5 +2 lògica borrosa
Change log

Aug 4, 2011 15:04: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Aug 4, 2011 17:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Aug 7, 2011 22:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Aug 14, 2011 22:54:

Sep 3, 2011 22:54:

Oct 3, 2011 22:54:

Nov 2, 2011 12:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

33 days

lògica borrosa

El terme lògica borrosa té com a sinònims: logica difusa i lògica heurística
Definition from termcat:
Superconjunt de la lògica booleana que permet de contemplar qualsevol valor intermedi entre totalment cert i totalment fals. En restringir els valors permesos a cert i fals, esdevé la lògica booleana.
Example sentences:
Dono una queixelada a aquesta poma vermella que tinc a la mà; una altra queixelada i una altra. La mitja poma que em queda a la mà va deixant de ser poma: és poma i no ho és. Hi ha algun punt a partir del qual la poma deixa de ser poma? La lògica multivalent o borrosa exigeix parlar de graus. Entre el 1 (vertader) i el 0 (fals) de la lògica binària, hi ha un continu expressable numèricament amb 80%, 50%, 30%, i expressable literalment amb quasi segur, bastant possible, possible, difícilment possible, ... (Xarxa telemàtica educativa de Catalunya)
Peer comment(s):

agree Nuria Ventosa Barba : Translation proposal from Termcat (given by Olga) should be selected, since Termcat is the official terminology center for the Catalan language.
27 days
agree Blanca BC
56 days
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