Translation glossary: Arab-Eng-Dictionary

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Arabic to English
فِسْلfool ; foolish ; idiot ; idiotic ; imbecile ; silly ; simpleton ; stupid 
Arabic to English
فِضّيّargentic ; argentine ; argentous ; silver ; silvery 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فِطَامablactation ; weaning 
Arabic to English
فِطَحْلgreat scholar 
Arabic to English
فِطْنَةbrightness ; brilliance ; clairvoyance ; clear-sightedness ; foresight ; mental perception ; penetration ; perception ; percipience ; prescience ; prevision ; smartness ; subtlety ; vision 
Arabic to English
فِطْنَةacuity ; acumen ; acuteness ; astuteness ; cleverness ; discernment ; insight ; intelligence ; keenness ; perspicacity ; sagacity ; sharpness ; shrewdness ; wit 
Arabic to English
فِطْرfast breaking 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فِطْرَةcreation ; origination 
Arabic to English
فِطْرَة(innate) character ; (natural) disposition ; moral constitution ; nature ; temper 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فِطْرِيّcongenital ; connate ; inborn ; inbred ; inherent ; innate ; native ; natural 
Arabic to English
فِعْلexecution ; working 
Arabic to English
فِعْلaction ; effect ; impact ; influence 
Arabic to English
فِعْلact ; acting ; action ; deed ; doing ; performance 
Arabic to English
فِعْلِيّactive ; actual ; de facto ; effective ; effectual ; factual ; real 
Arabic to English
فِصَالablactation ; weaning 
Arabic to English
فِصْلَةexcerpt ; extract ; offprint ; selection 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فِصْحPassover ; Pesach 
Arabic to English
فْرَكْتُوزfructose ; levulose 
Arabic to English
فقهFiqhIslamic law. 
Arabic to English
فقهاءFuqahaa'Plural form of faqeeh. 
Arabic to English
فلُورfluoride ; fluorine 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فلُوريتfluor ; fluorite ; fluorspar 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فاوَضconfer (with) ; negotiate (with) ; parley (with) 
Arabic to English
فاقbe better than ; be superior to ; beat ; defeat ; have an advantage over ; prove superior to 
Arabic to English
فاقbe or prove superior to ; beat (out) ; eclipse ; excel ; outclass ; outdo ; outmatch ; outshine ; overtop ; surpass ; top 
Arabic to English
فاقexceed ; outreach ; transcend 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فاقoutbalance ; outweigh ; overshadow 
Arabic to English
فاقَمaggravate ; exacerbate ; make worse 
Arabic to English
فاقَمcomplicate ; make critical ; strain ; worsen 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فاقَةdestitution ; indigence ; lack ; need(iness) ; pauperism ; penury ; poverty ; privation ; want 
Arabic to English
فاقِدdeficient in ; in need of 
Arabic to English
فاقِدforfeiter ; loser 
Arabic to English
فاقِدbereaved of ; bereft of ; deprived of ; destitute of ; devoid of ; dis- ; im- ; in- ; lacking ; non- ; un- ; void of ; wanting ; without 
Arabic to English
فاقِعbright yellow 
Arabic to English
فاقِعbright ; brilliant ; gay ; intense ; vivid 
Arabic to English
فالِيَةspotted dung beetle 
Arabic to English
فالِتat large ; at liberty ; escaped ; free ; loose ; unchained ; unconfined ; unrestrained 
Arabic to English
فالِحprosperous ; successful 
Arabic to English
فانٍdead ; destructible ; dying ; irredeemable ; perishable ; perishing 
Arabic to English
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