Translation glossary: Arab-Eng-Dictionary

Showing entries 1,001-1,050 of 38,642
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فانٍmortal ; must eventually die ; subject to death 
Arabic to English
فانٍdecrepit ; far advanced in years ; very aged ; very old 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فانِيdying ; ephemeral ; evanescent ; impermanent ; passing ; perishable ; perishing ; transient ; transitory 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فاه بِpronounce ; say ; utter 
Arabic to English
فاءcome back ; go back ; return 
Arabic to English
فائِقadded ; additional ; deep(er) ; extra ; further ; great(er) ; large(r) ; many ; more ; much ; wide(r) 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فائِقconsiderable ; drastic ; exceeding ; excessive ; extensive ; extreme ; greatest ; increased ; intensive ; marked ; maximum ; severe ; stepped up ; utmost 
Arabic to English
فائِق(pre)eminent ; ascendant ; distinguished ; excellent ; excelling ; outstanding ; superior ; surpassing ; top(ping) ; transcendent(al) 
Arabic to English
فائِتpassing ; transient ; transitory 
Arabic to English
فائِتabsent ; lost ; missed ; missing 
Arabic to English
فائِتat an end ; elapsed ; over ; past ; up 
Arabic to English
فائِدَةfeasibility ; usury ; workability 
Arabic to English
فائِدَةadvantage ; avail ; benefit ; good ; interest ; profit ; use ; usefulness ; utility ; welfare ; worth 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فائِرboiling over ; flaming up with rage ; frantic ; horn-mad ; hot ; inflamed ; overwrought ; seething ; wild 
Arabic to English
فائِرboiling up ; bubbling ; bubbly ; ebullient ; effervescent ; gushing ; jetting forth ; shooting out ; welling out 
Arabic to English
فائِض(over)flowing with ; (super)abundant ; abounding in ; additional ; exaggerated ; exceeding ; excessive ; exorbitant ; extra ; extravagant ; extreme ; filled with ; full of ; hyper- ; immoderate ; in excess (of) 
Arabic to English
فائِضexcess ; overabundance ; overflow ; overplus ; superabundance ; superfluity ; surplus ; surplusage 
Arabic to English
فائِضexcess ; more than enough ; overabundant ; spare ; superabundant ; superfluous ; surplus 
Arabic to English
فائِضeffluent ; flowing (out) ; issuing (forth) ; outflowing ; pouring out or forth ; profluent ; running ; streaming ; torrential 
Arabic to English
فائِضabundant ; copious ; exuberant ; plentiful ; profuse 
Arabic to English
فاتbe over ; be past ; elapse ; expire ; go by ; pass ; run out ; slip by 
Arabic to English
فاتelude (someone) ; escape (someone) ; fail or forget to do ; fail or forget to make use of or take advantage of ; let go by ; let slip ; miss ; neglect ; omit ; overlook ; slip away (from) 
Arabic to English
فاتexceed ; go beyond ; go past ; leave behind ; outstrip ; overtake ; pass ; surpass ; transcend 
Arabic to English
فاتَح بِaccost ; address first ; approach ; open a conversation (talk ; overture ; speak first to ; subject) with 
Arabic to English
فاتُورَةbill ; invoice 
Arabic to English
فاتِنabsorbing ; appealing ; catching ; catchy ; charismatic ; engrossing ; gripping ; magnetic ; magnetizing ; striking ; taking ; transporting 
Arabic to English
فاتِنalluring ; attractive ; beautiful ; breathtaking ; captivating ; charming ; cute ; enchanting ; engaging ; enticing ; entrancing ; exquisite ; fascinating ; glamorous ; lovely ; luring 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فاتِحbeginner ; commencer ; initiator ; launcher ; mounter ; opener ; originator ; starter ; the first (person) to do something 
Arabic to English
فاتِحbright ; light 
Arabic to English
فاتِحَةexordium ; prelude ; prelusion 
Arabic to English
فاتِحَةbeginning ; commencement ; dawn ; first ; inception ; incipience ; onset ; opening ; outset ; rise ; start 
Arabic to English
فاتِحَةforeword ; introduction ; preamble ; preface ; proem 
Arabic to English
فاتِرapathetic ; chilly ; cold ; cool ; disinterested ; dispassionate ; frigid ; halfhearted ; impassive ; indifferent ; lukewarm ; nonchalant ; spiritless ; tepid ; unenthusiastic ; unfriendly 
Arabic to English
فاتِرdull ; listless ; slack ; stagnant 
Arabic to English
فاتِرhypothermal ; lukewarm ; tepid 
Arabic to English
فاجَأcome or descend suddenly or unexpectedly upon ; come unexpectedly upon ; dumbfound ; flabbergast ; shock ; strike dumb ; stun ; thunderstrike 
Arabic to English
فاجَأcome suddenly or unexpectedly upon ; descend suddenly or unexpectedly upon ; overtake ; surprise ; take aback ; take by surprise ; take unawares 
Arabic to English
فاجِرadulterer ; fornicator 
Arabic to English
فاجِرbawdy ; debauched ; debauchee ; dissipated ; dissolute ; immoral ; indecent ; lascivious ; lecher ; lecherous ; lewd ; libertine ; licentious ; obscene ; profligate ; rake 
Arabic to English
فاجِرَةadulteress ; harlot ; prostitute ; whore 
Arabic to English
فاجِعafflictive ; agonizing ; calamitous ; catastrophic ; disastrous ; distressing ; grievous ; heartbreaking ; heartrending ; painful ; tormenting ; tragic 
Arabic to English
فاجِعَةcataclysm ; drama ; scourge ; woe 
Arabic to English
فاجِعَةcalamity ; catastrophe ; disaster ; tragedy 
Arabic to English
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