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The global TM I want...
Thread poster: Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Local time: 09:50
German to Spanish
+ ...
I knew it was a sensible topic, je, je.... Aug 30, 2008

([quote]Kevin Lossner wrote:

Felipe Gútiez wrote:
On the other hand, I think you used US English, isn´t? In the EU is used the UK English.

No, the EU TM does not even use proper UK English. There are plenty of people running around Europe claiming to use British English who are actually using some odd pidgin. Assuming that you think you are using UK English, the quote is a good example. It's fine for getting a point across in an informal setting like this, but that sort of English is utterly unacceptable for professional publications. We deal with EU "English" regularly for banking documents and a host of other things, and it is a horrible, bastard compromise in most cases. Often it reads like it was translated from Latvian into English by a native speaker of French. quote)

You are right about my English and, by the way it is possible that it was actually possible that a native speaker of French has translated Latvian into English. Things must work, sometimes there is no alternative.
But if you really like, I can tell you some funny stories about the EU.......

[Editado a las 2008-08-30 15:16]

Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Local time: 09:50
German to Spanish
+ ...
democratic quality control system á la KudoZ Aug 30, 2008

democratic quality control system of translation units

dqcstu (horrible acronym) puajjjj

Any better?

Marketing experts out there?

Kevin Lossner
Kevin Lossner  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:50
German to English
+ ...
Confusion Aug 30, 2008

>> I knew it was a sensible topic, je, je....

No, Felipe, it is not a "sensible" topic at all. A sensitive one perhaps... it's "little" things like this that give the idea of a "global" TM a value approaching zero.

Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Local time: 09:50
German to Spanish
+ ...
You are right, sensitive is correct, I give you 5 points and assume the correction, Aug 30, 2008

Kevin Lossner wrote:

>> I knew it was a sensible topic, je, je....

No, Felipe, it is not a "sensible" topic at all. A sensitive one perhaps... it's "little" things like this that give the idea of a "global" TM a value approaching zero.

Congratulations, we have started a new era of human translation, a free-internetbased-democratically-evaluated translation memory á la KudoZ. Wellcome on board, je

[Editado a las 2008-08-30 15:21]

Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Local time: 09:50
German to Spanish
+ ...
I have a dream... Aug 30, 2008

I dream of a world where bad originals and bad translations are just part of the past
I dream of a world where thousands and thousands of million of dollars in research are not used for two-times research because of lack of communication.
I dream of a world where energy comes from the sun, the wind, the water and the earth.

I have a dream...

Kevin Lossner
Kevin Lossner  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:50
German to English
+ ...
Dream on... Aug 30, 2008

Felipe Gútiez wrote:
I dream of a world where bad originals and bad translations are just part of the past

As the Americans say, "in your dreams".

I apologize if you took offense from my earlier remarks. They were not intended to offend, and I'm not trying to score any points off you by correcting your English. As I said before, your English is great for informal communication. (And it's far better than my few words of Spanish that are so awful they would get me knifed by a nun.) The point I wanted to make is that what I see in many of these TMs, including material from the EU, isn't much better and often worse. This is no basis for quality work. If swallowing garbage like that is part of "teamwork", then I'll stay signed up for the individual events or stick with teams that understand what quality is. You'll never get that swimming in a pool of EU mediocrity.

Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Local time: 09:50
German to Spanish
+ ...
Thank you Kevin, not offended at all :-) Aug 30, 2008

Kevin Lossner wrote:

Felipe Gútiez wrote:
I dream of a world where bad originals and bad translations are just part of the past

As the Americans say, "in your dreams".

I apologize if you took offense from my earlier remarks. They were not intended to offend, and I'm not trying to score any points off you by correcting your English. As I said before, your English is great for informal communication. (And it's far better than my few words of Spanish that are so awful they would get me knifed by a nun.) The point I wanted to make is that what I see in many of these TMs, including material from the EU, isn't much better and often worse. This is no basis for quality work. If swallowing garbage like that is part of "teamwork", then I'll stay signed up for the individual events or stick with teams that understand what quality is. You'll never get that swimming in a pool of EU mediocrity.

I wanted just to take this life example of (sensible/sensitive) to show how could this in practice work.

This is a possible way of doing things. Everything is possible. The sky is the limit.

X receives a fuzzy, X takes it, the translation unit receives automatically some kind of assesment for being taken by translator X. X has not time/does not like to assess the fuzzy.

X receives a fuzzy, X takes it, X gives an assesment from 1 to 5 to the fuzzy.

X receives a fuzzy, X takes part of it, the fuzzy receives automatically another assesment for having been taken partially by that person.

X receives a fuzzy posted by Z or Y, X corrects it, TU is shown as corrected once by X. If Z or Y are corrected more than 5 times, they lost right to upload TUs and are allowed to access the system just 2 hours a day during 1 week.

Y is a newby/non expert in the field translator, Y upload some TUs.

X receives a TU, X translates it but is not sure about doing it the best way, X send it to the global TM as problematic TU

Z is an stupid idiot, Z is trying to get the TM corrupted, Z send thousands of TU to the global TM of no or confusing use.

Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Felipe Gútiez Velasco
Local time: 09:50
German to Spanish
+ ...
Samuel, do you want to make a summary ot fhis thread? Aug 30, 2008


Anna Villegas
Anna Villegas
Local time: 02:50
English to Spanish
Nice dream, but... Aug 30, 2008

I have Contracts signed with all my clients, so, I cannot dream. Sorry!

Viktoria Gimbe
Viktoria Gimbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:50
English to French
+ ...
Careful now, Tadzio! Aug 30, 2008

Tadzio Carvallo wrote:

I have Contracts signed with all my clients, so, I cannot dream. Sorry!

You just breached your confidentiality agreement! I am sure the material covered by the agreement includes the agreement itself. At least, that's how I construed the snippet you pasted...

[Edited at 2008-08-30 19:37]

James O'Reilly
James O'Reilly
German to English
+ ...
Collaboratively Structureable Consensus Aug 30, 2008

1. If all the above applies, how does this come to be?

TM Marketplace:

Note the reference to the article "Translation Memories: The Discovery of Assets" published in

The FAQ section of TM Marketplace also provides more details about TM scrambling:
... See more
1. If all the above applies, how does this come to be?

TM Marketplace:

Note the reference to the article "Translation Memories: The Discovery of Assets" published in

The FAQ section of TM Marketplace also provides more details about TM scrambling:

2. In the context of Collaborative Translation...

How about introducing a win/win "Collaboratively Structureable Consensus" between Author
and Translator with regard to the market positioning of TMs... ? Meaning both would benefit
from any yields achieved.

[Edited at 2008-08-30 22:18]

Anna Villegas
Anna Villegas
Local time: 02:50
English to Spanish
:))) Aug 31, 2008

Viktoria Gimbe wrote:

You just breached your confidentiality agreement! I am sure the material covered by the agreement includes the agreement itself. At least, that's how I construed the snippet you pasted...

he he he... Nope. The confidentiality agreement does not include the Agreement. So far, I can't find that section/clause anywhere!

(Good joke, Viktoria!)

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:50
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Not a comparable situation Aug 31, 2008

Samuel Murray wrote:
Tomás Cano Binder wrote:
Personally before I bought/accessed such a memory, I'd want a signed, printed statement declaring that the owners of the text were asked and consent to have their materiales shared/sold this way.

Do you also require that your clients provide a signed, printed statement to certify that they have permission from the copyright holder of the source text to have it translated? I doubt it. Nor do you require the same from any publisher whom you buy a resource from. So why would you require it from a TM reseller system?

It's not the same situation Samuel. The materials I receive from my customers for translations were either written by them directly or by the companies they work for. It is not my responsibility ─or so I fathom─ to check that they have the right to translate the materials. I can safely assume my customers or their customers are the owners of the text.

In the case of a shared TM, whose contents will come from a hundred sources, will be split, reshaped, exported, imported, shared around for free for ages after one user pays the first 30 silver coins, and all mixed and blended together (after all these things have already happened with the memories of the people contributing to the shared TM), the only way I can know that I am respecting copyrights in good faith is a signed, written statement as explained.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:50
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
If your opponent praises you.... Aug 31, 2008

Felipe Gútiez wrote:
Hi, folks, I think translators from ProZ are among the most intelligents and open minds in the world. We could make great things together.....

If your opponent praises you.... beware.

By the way: Felipe, my question to you is still unanswered...

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:50
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
I would not be satisfied by that Aug 31, 2008

Tomás Cano Binder wrote:
...the only way I can know that I am respecting copyrights in good faith is a signed, written statement as explained.

Okay. But personally, I would not be satisfied with such a signed statement. It would be impossible to determine which strings are associated with which signed statement, and besides, some translators might end up signing the statement without thinking. I would not put much value on such a statement.

What I would value, is if I can see what process is followed by the global TM system to ensure that confidentiality is maintained and to ensure that permission is obtained. Any system with security measures based on good faith can be bypassed, but at least one should be able to judge the believeability of it.

I think it would be too much to ask (and an administrative nightmare) to get signed statements from all clients, but one can have a mechanism whereby translators and other content providers promise not to upload stuff that isn't licensed as required. Such a promise needn't be a signed statement -- it can be done using a double opt-in method via e-mail.

I agree, therefore, that there should be a reasonably clear and unambiguous method of ascertaining that permission was granted.

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