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Poll: Have you ever translated something that later you put into practice?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Jun 10, 2010

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you ever translated something that later you put into practice?".

This poll was originally submitted by Cristina Heraud-van Tol. View the poll results »

Local time: 22:56
Spanish to English
+ ...
Sort of Jun 10, 2010

I recently did a vet translation about dog and cat behaviour and it reminded me to use a couple of the training techniques with my own recently adopted dog; although I had been aware of these practices earlier, the reminder effect was handy.

I seem to remember trying a recipe out that I'd translated a couple of years ago too, but don't remember what it was...

Susanna Martoni
Susanna Martoni  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:56
Member (2009)
Spanish to Italian
+ ...
Wellness and women health Jun 10, 2010

Some years ago it happened to me to translate some very interesting texts about wellbeing and women health.
Well, I put into practice a couple (maybe even more) of very useful advises and sometimes I think of that texts even now. Very wise...

Richard Boulter
Richard Boulter  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:56
Spanish to English
+ ...
Sometimes Jun 10, 2010

I think the question is clearer if we rephrase to: 'Do you ever translate material that you can learn from? I translate legal and business documents often; I learn from the express or implied business practices and legal principles that they contain and apply them when circumstances warrant this. This is one example.

Angela Dickson (X)
Angela Dickson (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:56
French to English
+ ...
Operation report Jun 10, 2010

I translated an operation report, a week before I was due to go into hospital for the same operation. That didn't do anything to reduce my anxiety levels.

Local time: 22:56
Spanish to English
+ ...
Similar experience Jun 10, 2010

Angela Dickson wrote:
I translated an operation report, a week before I was due to go into hospital for the same operation.

I translated a text about liver transplant survival rates for a member of the team treating my own hepatic condition. Not the most cheery of jobs!

Dinny  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
Italian to Danish
+ ...
Poker :-) Jun 10, 2010

I've been translating so much poker stuff for the last couple of years that I am considering a change in career! Joke! But I think that I know more or less everything there is to know and to learn about poker by now, so when I sometimes play for fun on the internet I try to follow the advices from the pros and must say that it doesn't ALL depend on coincidence and luck.

Phillippa May Bennett
Phillippa May Bennett
Local time: 21:56
Portuguese to English
Contact lenses Jun 10, 2010

Not long ago I translated a huge project on contact lenses and as a contact lens wearer myself I found it fascinating - I wouldn't go as far to say that I put the information to use, but it certainly made me think the next time I put my lenses in!!

Barbara Wiebking
Barbara Wiebking  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:56
English to German
+ ...
Swiss cooking recipes Jun 10, 2010

I translated Swiss cooking recipes for a while and regularly tried some of them. Unfortunately, I had to translate about 10 of them before being able to buy the ingredients for one... but then again, you can't cook 10 meals a day!

Gianluca Marras
Gianluca Marras  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:56
English to Italian
unfortunately Yes Jun 10, 2010

I have translated several patents concerning anti-cancer drugs, well my father has used 4 of them.
I have also translated several new designs of drug delivery pens, my father has used them so I actually used his pen as a model.

I would have avoided the practical experience anyway.

Joanna Sobolewska-Kurpiel
Joanna Sobolewska-Kurpiel  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:56
English to Polish
+ ...
medical translations Jun 10, 2010

Yes, as a medical doctor quite often I happen to translate articles, guidelines etc. that I later put into my medical practice. Quite useful - I do not have to waste my leisure time on reading them

Marta Brambilla
Marta Brambilla  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:56
Member (2007)
German to Italian
+ ...
Yes, investments field. Jun 10, 2010

I'm working for a customer active in the investment field and I'm also learning to apply the techniques he teaches in the e-books I translated.
For the moment I'm still trading with paper money, that is no real money, but I'm confident!!!


Maria Drangel
Maria Drangel  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:56
English to Swedish
+ ...
other Jun 10, 2010

I recently translated a commercial text about an investment opportunity and less than one month later my husband came back with that brochure from the bank and we considered investing but ended up not.

Andrea Lorca
Andrea Lorca  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:56
Member (2004)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Brochure with earthquake advise Jun 10, 2010

A few months ago I had to translate a brochure with useful tips in case of earthquakes. Then on February the big earthquake that hit Chile made me remind of the tips I had translated such as close all utilities, stay away from broken windows, have a security toolbox with flashlight and radio...¡which I had thanks to the brochure!

DianeGM  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
Member (2006)
Dutch to English
+ ...
Yes Jun 10, 2010

Financial advice on investments, assets, etc. I haven't acted directly on the advice but it got me thinking and lead me to check certain products, do some research, ask my own accountant specific questions, etc., all of which I may well have done differently otherwise.

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Poll: Have you ever translated something that later you put into practice?

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