MDB file
Thread poster: Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:54
English to French
+ ...
Oct 18, 2007


I am rather new at CAT tools.

How do I open the MDB file in SDLEdit ?
(Browsing does not show the doc)


Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
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Moving the topic... Oct 18, 2007 SDL Trados Support - please use this forum to post topics related to SDLX and/or Trados.

Please note the information given when posting a new topic in this forum:

There is a dedicated support forum for each of the main CAT tools
Use the relevant forum if applicable:

SDL Trados Support
Déjà Vu Support
Wordfast Support
Transit Support

Thanks for bearing this in mind in the future.

Best regards,

Stefan Gentz
Stefan Gentz
Local time: 20:54
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MDB - Microsoft DataBase? Oct 18, 2007

MDB could be a Microsoft (Access) DataBase.
This Database format cannot be process with TRADOS. Additional engineering steps are necessary, e.g. it could be possible to copy & paste the table(s) from Access to Excel, translate the excel sheet in TagEditor and copy back to Access after translation.
It is also possible to export tables to xml with Access, translate the xml in TagEditor and import the translated xml back into the MDB.
The second option is more
... See more
MDB could be a Microsoft (Access) DataBase.
This Database format cannot be process with TRADOS. Additional engineering steps are necessary, e.g. it could be possible to copy & paste the table(s) from Access to Excel, translate the excel sheet in TagEditor and copy back to Access after translation.
It is also possible to export tables to xml with Access, translate the xml in TagEditor and import the translated xml back into the MDB.
The second option is more secure and professional but requires more knowledge and engineering efforts.

Kind regards,
Stefan Gentz

Claudia Digel
Claudia Digel  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
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That's the TM Oct 19, 2007

Hi Ode,

The mdb file is the Translation Memory.

To open it from within SDL Edit click Translation Memory > Open... and select the mdb file.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:54
English to French
+ ...
As I thought Oct 19, 2007

Claudia Digel wrote:

Hi Ode,

The mdb file is the Translation Memory.

To open it from within SDL Edit click Translation Memory > Open... and select the mdb file.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Thank you Claudia. That is what I had done, but it did not work the first time I I panicked...
It worked the second time I tried.
But thanks for your confirmation.

Odette Grille (X)
Odette Grille (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:54
English to French
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CAT tools Oct 19, 2007

Ralf Lemster wrote: SDL Trados Support - please use this forum to post topics related to SDLX and/or Trados.

Please note the information given when posting a new topic in this forum:

There is a dedicated support forum for each of the main CAT tools
Use the relevant forum if applicable:

SDL Trados Support
Déjà Vu Support
Wordfast Support
Transit Support

Thanks for bearing this in mind in the future.

Best regards,

I tried Ralf. That is why I posted under solving CAT tools problems.
SDLX is not quite like Trados, I found out taking the Trados training which I thought would be an SDL X training. That is why I did not choose the Trados forum.
But thank you for reposting it. I'll remember.

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
English to German
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Convergence Oct 19, 2007

Hi Ode,

I tried Ralf. That is why I posted under solving CAT tools problems.
SDLX is not quite like Trados, I found out taking the Trados training which I thought would be an SDL X training. That is why I did not choose the Trados forum.

There is no longer an isolated Trados forum - the SDL Trados Support forum is designed to cater for SDLX and Trados tools. This reflects the convergence of the SDL and Trados 'worlds', and is also designed to facilitate coverage by SDL Trados support staff.

Best regards,

tectranslate ITS GmbH
tectranslate ITS GmbH
Local time: 20:54
+ ...
Maybe a rename would be in order? Oct 19, 2007

Ralf Lemster wrote:

There is no longer an isolated Trados forum - the SDL Trados Support forum is designed to cater for SDLX and Trados tools. This reflects the convergence of the SDL and Trados 'worlds', and is also designed to facilitate coverage by SDL Trados support staff.

Best regards,

In that case, wouldn't it make sense to rename the forum to something like "SDLX & Trados Support"?


Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
English to German
+ ...
Going off topic... Oct 19, 2007

Hi Benjamin,
We're going off-topic here, so if you feel more discussion is needed, please post a new topic.

In that case, wouldn't it make sense to rename the forum to something like "SDLX & Trados Support"?

We deliberately chose "SDL Trados", as this is the overall name used for the product suite. I agree that the sub-title of the forum needs changing, though.

Best regards,

PS Forum sub-title edited.

[Edited at 2007-10-19 12:40]


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MDB file

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