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University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
DPhil (Paediatric Molecular Genetics)
Title: Regulation of the Expression of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance (CFTR) Gene

University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Malaysia.
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Resource Biotechnology
(CGPA:3.81 out of 4)

Rhodes Scholarship
2002-2005. Awarded to person of excellent academic and all-round qualities for studying at Oxford University. One student from Malaysia elected each year (until 2006).

Dean's List. UNIMAS
Every semester (six), 1998-2001. Excellence award for academic achievement (GPA > 3.67).

Proficient in both written and spoken English, Mandarin and Malay languages.

Working language pair:
English from/into Malay
Mandarin (traditional and simplified) into English and Malay

Pharmaceutics, Biology, Biomedical, Biotechnology, General, Genetics, Health, Medical Technology, Microbiology and Bacteriology, Molecular Biology, Patent Translation, Pharmacology, Public Health Education and Promotion, Science.

for BBC Oxford Online (Dec 2004 - Apr 2005)
La Bohème


Cinderella on Ice

The Pirates of Penzance

Rambert at the New Theatre

Tutor in Microbiology, UNIMAS, Malaysia.
Sept 2001 - Aug 2002. Taught a Microbiology class of more than 100 undergraduates.

Research assistant, Faculty of Medicine, UNIMAS, Malaysia.
June - Aug 2001. Utilized molecular biology softwares (DNASTAR Lasergene) extensively.

Delegate to TEDGlobal 2005, Oxford, UK. A conference on the latest idea on Technology, Entertainment and Design. 12th-15th July 2005

Delegate to Transcription UK 2005, Biochemistry Society Annual Symposium on Gene Transcription. Imperial College, London. 13th-15th Apr 2005

Served as Department of Paediatrics' Representative on the Division of Clinical Medicines's Graduate Joint Consultative Committee, University of Oxford. 2005/2006

Honor Delegate to the 2004 International Achievement Summit, Chicago, Ill. A gathering of Today's World Leaders with the Outstanding Young Leaders of Tomorrow. 10th-13th June 2004

Leadership team of Postgraduate Group, St Aldate's Church, Oxford. Led a team of 10-20 postgraduates. Aug 2003 - Dec 2004

Financial Committee of Feeding 5000+, St Aldate's Church, Oxford. Movement to provide free meals to the public over a 4 day period to spread the gospel. 7th-10th May 2003

Rhodes Centenary Cookbook Committee. 2003

University Orchestra, UNIMAS, Malaysia. Clarinetist. Performed in Convocation Ceremonies 1998, 1999 and 2000. 1998-2001.

UNIMAS Christian Fellowship (UCF), UNIMAS, Malaysia.
Soprano in the Fellowship's Choir; Treasurer (2000/01); Treasurer cum Committee Member for Christmas Dinner 2000. 1998-2001

UNIMAS Swimming Club, UNIMAS, Malaysia. 1998-2001

Indoor Games Club, UNIMAS, Malaysia. Director of Chinese Chess. 1999/2000

Broackes-Carter, F.C., Williams, S. H., Wong, P. L., Mouchel, N., & Harris, A. 2003. Alternative Splicing of the Ovine CFTR Gene. Mammalian Genome 14(11):778-787.

Singh, B., Tan, G.H., Wong, P.L., Ravichandran, M., Doolan, D.L., Cox-Singh, J., & Hoffman, S.L. T-cell epitopes from Plasmodium falciparum exported protein-1 (Exp-1) are completely conserved in field isolates from Malaysia (abstract). Supplement to The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 65(3):268.

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