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Eva Straus
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Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Sample translations

English to Slovenian: Postexposure prophylaxis in rabies
General field: Medical
Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English
Treatment after exposure is highly successful in preventing the disease if administered promptly, in general within 10 days of infection. Thoroughly washing the wound as soon as possible with soap and water for approximately five minutes is very effective in reducing the number of viral particles.

"If available, a virucidal antiseptic such as povidone-iodine, iodine tincture, aqueous iodine solution, or alcohol (ethanol) should be applied after washing. Exposed mucous membranes such as eyes, nose or mouth should be flushed well with water."

In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends patients receive one dose of human rabies immunoglobulin (HRIG) and four doses of rabies vaccine over a 14-day period. The immunoglobulin dose should not exceed 20 units per kilogram body weight. HRIG is expensive and constitutes the vast majority of the cost of postexposure treatment, ranging as high as several thousand dollars. As much as possible of this dose should be infiltrated around the bites, with the remainder being given by deep intramuscular injection at a site distant from the vaccination site.

The first dose of rabies vaccine is given as soon as possible after exposure, with additional doses on days three, seven and 14 after the first. Patients who have previously received pre-exposure vaccination do not receive the immunoglobulin, only the postexposure vaccinations on days 0 and 2.

Modern cell-based vaccines are similar to flu shots in terms of pain and side effects. The old nerve-tissue-based vaccinations that require multiple painful injections into the abdomen with a large needle are cheap, but are being phased out and replaced by affordable World Health Organization intradermal vaccination regimens.

Intramuscular vaccination should be given into the deltoid, not gluteal area, which has been associated with vaccination failure due to injection into fat rather than muscle. In infants, the lateral thigh is used as for routine childhood vaccinations.

Awakening to find a bat in the room, or finding a bat in the room of a previously unattended child or mentally disabled or intoxicated person, is regarded as an indication for postexposure prophylaxis (PEP). The recommendation for the precautionary use of PEP in occult bat encounters where no contact is recognized has been questioned in the medical literature, based on a cost-benefit analysis.

However, a 2002 study has supported the protocol of precautionary administering of PEP where a child or mentally compromised individual has been alone with a bat, especially in sleep areas, where a bite or exposure may occur without the victim being aware.

Begun with little or no delay, PEP is 100% effective against rabies. In the case in which there has been a significant delay in administering PEP, the treatment should be administered regardless, as it may still be effective.
Translation - Slovenian
Zdravljenje po izpostavljenosti virusu je zelo uspešno pri preprečevanju bolezni, če je pravočasno, pri čemer na splošno velja, da mora biti opravljeno v 10 dneh od okužbe. Približno petminutno temeljito umivanje rane z milom in vodo, takoj ko je možno, je zelo učinkovito pri zmanjševanju števila virusnih delcev.

"Če je na voljo, je treba po umivanju nanesti antiseptik z virucidnim delovanjem, kot je povidonjodid, jodova tinktura, vodna raztopina joda ali alkohol (etanol). Izpostavljene sluznice, na primer v očeh, nosu ali ustih, je treba dobro izprati z vodo."

Centri za nadzor in preprečevanje bolezni v ZDA priporočajo, da bolniki v 14-dnevnem obdobju prejmejo en odmerek humanega imunoglobulina proti steklini (HRIG) in štiri odmerke cepiva proti steklini. Odmerek imunoglobulina ne sme preseči 20 enot na kilogram telesne teže. HRIG je drag in predstavlja veliko večino stroška zdravljenja po izpostavljenosti, ki lahko doseže tudi več tisoč dolarjev. Ta odmerek je treba v največji možni meri vbrizgati okoli ugrizov, preostanek pa je treba dati z globoko intramuskularno injekcijo na mestu, oddaljenem od mesta cepljenja.

Prvi odmerek cepiva proti steklini je treba dati čim prej po izpostavljenosti virusu, dodatne odmerke pa na tretji, sedmi in 14. dan po prejemu prvega odmerka. Bolniki, ki so prejeli cepivo proti steklini že pred izpostavljenostjo virusu, po izpostavljenosti ne prejmejo imunoglobulina, ampak le cepivo na dan 0 in 2.

Sodobna cepiva na osnovi celic so z vidika bolečine in neželenih učinkov podobna cepivom proti gripi. Stara cepiva na osnovi živčnih tkiv, pri katerih je potrebnih mnogo bolečih injekcij v trebuh z veliko iglo, so sicer poceni, vendar se postopoma opuščajo in nadomeščajo s cenovno dostopnimi režimi intradermalnih cepljenj Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije.

Intramuskularno cepimo v deltoidno, ne v glutealno področje, saj je slednje povezano z neuspehom cepljenja zaradi injiciranja v maščobno namesto mišično tkivo. Pri otrocih se injicira v lateralni del stegna, enako kot pri rutinskih cepljenjih otrok.

Če se oseba prebudi v prostoru, v katerem je netopir, ali pa pride do odkritja netopirja v prostoru, v katerem je bil nenadzorovan otrok, duševno prizadeta oseba ali oseba pod vplivom psihoaktivnih snovi, je indicirana profilaksa po izpostavljenosti (PEP). V medicinski literaturi se na podlagi analize stroškov in koristi pojavljajo dvomi v zvezi s priporočilom za preventivno uporabo PEP ob srečanjih z gladkonosimi netopirji vrste Myotis occultis, kjer stik ni bil ugotovljen.

Vendar pa je študija iz leta 2002 podprla protokol preventivne uporabe PEP v primerih, ko je bil otrok ali duševno motena oseba sama z netopirjem, še posebej v spalnih prostorih, kjer bi lahko prišlo do ugriza, ne da bi se žrtev tega zavedala.

Če se PEP začne brez ali z le malo zamika, je 100-odstotno učinkovita pri preprečevanju stekline. Če je prišlo do znatne zamude pri uporabi PEP, je zdravljenje vseeno treba opraviti, saj je še vedno lahko učinkovito.
English to Slovenian: Porokeratosis of Mibelli (translation)
General field: Medical
Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English
Epidemiology. Porokeratosis of Mibelli is usually an acquired lesion, although occasional reports of autosomal dominant inheritance are found. Men are more often involved (2:1).

Etiology and Pathogenesis. Porokeratosis may represent a clonal expansion of a keratinocyte defect. Porokeratosis frequently seems to be associated with immunosuppression; it is more common in renal transplant patients, for example.

Clinical Findings. The lesions may appear at any age and are often multiple. The extremities are the favoured sites, although the trunk, face and even glans have been involved. The initial lesion is a small red papule with a central keratotic spine. The lesion spreads peripherally with a distinctive white “ditch” surrounding it. Set in the depression is a sheet of scale – the microscopic cornoid lamella. The central part of the lesion is often clinically atrophic. The periphery may have a wreathlike or circinate pattern. The lesions may reach a size of several centimetres, but usually are asymptomatic.
Translation - Slovenian
Epidemiologija: Mibellijeva porokeratoza je navadno pridobljena lezija, čeprav obstajajo poročila o avtosomnem dominantnem dedovanju. Pogosteje prizadene moške kot ženske (razmerje 2:1).

Etiologija in patogeneza: Porokeratoza lahko predstavlja klonalno rast nepravilnosti v keratinocitu. Pogosto se zdi, da je porokeratoza povezana z imunosupresijo; pogosteje se na primer pojavi po presaditvi ledvic.

Klinične ugotovitve: Lezije se lahko pojavijo pri kateri koli starosti in pogosto jih je več. Najpogosteje prizadene okončine, čeprav se lahko pojavi tudi na trupu, obrazu ali celo na glavici penisa (klitorisa). Začetna lezija je majhna rdeča papula s keratoznim središčem. Lezija se širi periferalno, obkroža pa jo značilen bel „jarek“. V vdrtem delu je luskasto področje – mikroskopski roženi trn. Osrednji del lezije je pogosto klinično atrofičen. V perifernem delu se lahko pojavi venčast ali obročast vzorec. Lezije lahko dosežejo velikost nekaj centimetrov, vendar so navadno asimptomatične.
Slovenian to English: Online counselling for adolescents (translation)
General field: Medical
Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Slovenian
Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo Celje v sodelovanju z zunanjimi ustanovami in strokovnjaki s področja zdravstva, šolstva, socialnega dela in psihologije že od leta 2000 razvija in izvaja mladinski program promocije zdravja To sem jaz. Najvitalnejši del program je dobro obiskana spletna svetovalnica na naslovu V njej je v šestih letih 32 strokovnjakov različnih specialnosti odgovorilo že na več kot 12.000 vprašanj mladih. Spletna svetovalnica je virtualna točka, na kateri mladostniki anonimno in brez zadržkov izpovejo tudi najtežje probleme in odkrito opisujejo življenjske situacije, kakršne v ambulantah razkrivajo redkokdaj.

Analiza spletnih pisem mladih prinaša zanimiva spoznanja o tem, kako mladi doživljajo sebe, svoje vrstnike, zdravje in bolezen. Analizo vprašanj, ki so jih najstniki poslali v spletno svetovalnico, bi lahko ustvarjalci programa uporabili kot izhodišče za načrtovanje boljše komunikacije z najstniki, za lažje obvladovanje psihosomatskih obolenj, za učinkovitejše delo v promociji zdravja in za zmanjševanje šolskega absentizma ter samopoškodovalnega vedenja.
Translation - English
Since 2000, the Institute of Public Health in Celje has been developing and carrying out the ‘This Is Me’ health promotion programme for adolescents, in cooperation with other institutions and experts on health care, education, social services and psychology. A popular online counselling service at forms the core of the programme. Over the past six years, 32 professionals from various fields have answered more than 12,000 questions asked by young people. The web counselling service is a virtual ‘safe place’ where adolescents can open up about the issues that trouble them the most and can talk freely about those situations in their lives that they seldom disclose when face to face with a doctor or nurse.

An analysis of web messages from the adolescents offers an interesting insight into how the young experience themselves, their peers, health and disease. The analysis of the questions teenagers submitted to the web counselling workshop can serve as a starting point for programme developers to plan measures leading to a better dialogue with teenagers, easier management of psychosomatic illnesses, a more efficient approach to health promotion and a reduction in school absenteeism and self harming behaviour.
Slovenian to English: Almighty in the Mirror: The Cheat (adaptation)
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Slovenian
Pomirjena se vrnem v pisarno in zaslišim tisti tako zelo zaželeni in pričakovani zvok: bip … Preberem sporočilo: »Greva v soboto na smučanje?«
To, to in še enkrat to. Morda je delovalo. Tako hitro? Sama sebi se nasmejim. Ni še vsega konec. Oh! In jaz sem zganjala tako paniko. Pa je bilo le štiri dni, odkar sva se zadnjič slišala. Sama sebi se zdim smešna in neumna. Koliko panike za prazen nič. Najraje bi nekoga objela. Pa saj ga bom. Njega! Celo soboto ga bom, sredi pobeljene odmaknjenosti od vsakdana, objemala in objemala.

Peljeva se proti raju, in čeprav nisem največja oboževalka zime ter vsega tistega, kar prinaša, se tega dneva neizmerno veselim. Predstavljam si ga kot pravljico v belem in prav nič me ni strah dejstva, da nisem najbolj vešča smučanja. Tudi sicer šport v meni budi neke čudne občutke. Čeprav sem dokaj uspešna pri vseh športnih panogah, ki se jih lotim, s svojim pristopom vselej sprožam salve smeha … Menda je moj nastop po umetniški plati precej nedodelan. Ne obvladujem ravno svojega telesa in ves čas imam občutek, da ga je preveč. No, ampak takih nas je veliko ... In njega očitno to ni motilo. Srčkano in nadvse romantično.
Do trenutka, ko mu je – sedela sva na sedežnici – zazvonil telefon. Bila je njegova mentorica s fakultete, kjer je delal magisterij. Mentorica, ki ga kliče v nedeljo … Zares super faks, me je prešinilo. A že v naslednjem trenutku je to misel pregnala druga. Planila je v mojo glavo, kot se pojavi avto izza ovinka in trešči vate. Močno, grdo in boleče. Takšna je bila tudi ta misel. Zabolelo me je celo telo. Najprej rahlo in potihoma, potem pa vse močneje in glasneje. Vse je postajalo tako zelo zgovorno, da ni bilo več poti nazaj. Naenkrat so se mi odvrteli vsi dogodki zadnjih dveh dni … morda zadnjega tedna … dveh … treh … bila je tiste vrste bolečina, ki je ne moreš več zanikati. Rešitev obstaja le, če jo priznaš. A rešitev ni blizu. Ne, ni tiste vrste bolečina, ko odideš k zdravniku in jo že ena sama tabletka ubije. Ta boli bolj in bolj. Ko si priznaš, boli le še močneje. Seveda, enostavno sem vedela, da je ona naslednja. Ni pomembno, da je starejša, ni pomembno, da se njen svet zdi tako daleč stran od mojega, najinega, njunega. Ona je prava. Vožnja s sedežnico je prinesla konec še ene zgodbe. Na sedežnici je sedel poleg mene in ujela sem ga, ko je bil z drugo. Morda res le v mislih, morda res le preko telefona, a bil je z njo. Kje so časi, ko še ni bilo mobitela? Takrat te moški vsaj ni mogel takole prevarati.

Nič nisem rekla. Verjetno bi se mu zdela še bolj neumna, če bi ga skušala prepričati v svoj prav. Dovolj žalosti je bilo. Stopila sem na smuči in oddrsela po belih strminah stran od konca. Stran od še enega umrlega upanja, od še enih nedosanjanih sanj … Nekoč mu bom povedala, da sem točno vedela. Nekoč mu bom povedala, da sem odšla od njega zato, da njemu ni bilo treba oditi od mene. Podarila sem mu krila, da z njimi poleti v drugo zgodbo, čeprav v njej ne bom odigrala niti ene vloge.

In ponovno se je izkazalo: ko te nekdo ne pokliče vsak dan, nekaj ni v redu. V to verjamem že leta in leta, a se vselej ujamem v zanko, da v začetku pač morda ni vse tako, kot si želimo. Da si morava dati čas, da ne smem zahtevati preveč, da ni pomembna pogostost, temveč kakovost … Ne! Če te moški ne pokliče vsak dan, potem beži.
Translation - English
I returned to my office, calm and at peace. Then the sound I was waiting for finally came: my phone gave out a little buzz.

The message was "wanna go skiing saturday" - yes, yes, yes and yes again. How on earth did this work so fast? I was laughing at myself. So I guess it isn’t over then, I still have my man! God I was being such a fool, all that panic for no reason. It had only been four stupid days since we last spoke. I couldn’t help but laugh at how silly and ridiculous I had been. So much ado over nothing. I wished I could hug someone right there and then and remembered I would get to embrace him soon enough. I would be holding him in my arms all Saturday and we would be far away from everything and he would be mine, just mine.

We were driving towards the gates of heaven. True, maybe I wasn’t really such a big fan of winter and all but I didn’t care and I was beside myself with happiness. I envisioned our skiing trip as a white fairy tale and I didn’t care I wasn’t particularly adept at skiing. It was the same as with all other sports. I had always been quite successful in every sport I cared to try but people always found my sporting approach hilarious. They joked the artistic aspect of my performance could use some brushing up. I've never felt quite in control of my body and I always felt my body insisted on being larger than I wanted it to be. But I also knew I wasn’t the only one with such insecurities. And most importantly, my prince didn't seem to mind. How cute and oh so romantic!

And then, suddenly, the cute and the romantic were gone. It happened on the chairlift. His phone rang. It was his professor. My prince was studying for his master’s degree and his professor was calling him on this lovely Saturday. What a dedicated professor, I thought. And then… that thought suddenly gave way to a different one. A thought that hit my mind just like a car you didn’t see coming hits your body. It hits you powerfully and without mercy. I started feeling pain all over my body. At first it hurt a little… I could be imagining the whole thing, maybe this didn’t just happen. Then it hurt more. And then some. The pain was getting so strong I could almost hear it. I knew there was no way back anymore. I couldn’t turn this back and make it right. The events of the last days were replaying inside my mind. Or could it be it was weeks and not days? The pain was there. Not the kind you can ignore. The only way to save yourself from it is to admit it’s there. And when you do it still doesn’t go away. There’s no pill you can take. It just hurts more and more.

I knew she was his next. The professor. It didn’t matter she was older than him, it didn’t matter her world was so remote from his and mine. She was the one. And so that cursed chairlift ride killed another of my love stories. I just caught my man with another woman. It was only a phone call. But I knew. He was sitting next to me but he was already with her.

Sometimes I miss the good old days when we didn’t carry our phones around with us all the time. At least then a man couldn’t cheat on you while you were there and she wasn’t.

I never said a word. If I did he would probably figure I was even stupider than he already took me for. I was in enough pain as it was and I really didn’t need any extra.
The chairlift finally stopped. I stood on the top of the hill and I just skied down the slope and away from him. Away from another dead hope, another broken dream. Someday I will tell him that I knew. I’ll tell him I left to spare him the bother of having to break off with me. I set him free so he could begin another story. A story in which I was to play no part.

What I had long known and tried to forget proved to be the truth again. It’s simple. If your new love doesn’t call you every day, something is wrong. I had believed that for years but I still kept finding ways to convince myself I was wrong, that it was only natural that not everything was perfect at first, that I should learn to be patient and give it time, that I shouldn’t demand too much, that it didn’t matter how often he called.
Guess what, it’s all lies. If a guy doesn’t call you every day he doesn’t want to be with you and that’s that.
Slovenian to English: Portrait of a painter (translation)
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Slovenian
Zaradi svoje drugačnosti se avtor nikoli ne ukloni hladnemu formalnemu prenašanju vizualne stvarnosti na slikovno podlago. Ravno obratno – od nje vselej znova beži. Ustvarja slike, ki niso pripovedne, pač pa povsem osvobojene vsakršne ilustrativnosti. Avtor si celo prizadeva, da bi ustrezale kategoriji »grde umetnosti« oziroma, da bi z njimi podrl okvire splošno sprejetih kriterijev, obstoječih likovnih norm in pravil. Kljub temu, da njegove risbe ne prinašajo zgodb, pa lahko v njih najdemo mnoge asociativne namige na vizualno stvarnost. Slikarjeva ustvarjalna svoboda se prenese tudi na gledalca in se spremeni v svobodo videnja in dojemanja. Zato naslovi slik niso pot do slike, niso sinteza njenega bistva in niso razkritje njenega sporočila. Z njimi si ne moremo naslikati podobe. So le avtorjeva komunikacija s še enim področjem njegovega delovanja – s poezijo.
Avtor pripovednost nadomešča z likovnim bogastvom: z linijami neštetih karakterjev: zdaj mehkimi, nato ostrimi, s širokopoteznimi in ozkimi potegljaji, s tankimi in debelimi, tekočimi in segmentiranimi, ravnimi in vzvalovanimi, napetimi in »mlahavimi«, močnimi in nežnimi, dolgimi in kratkimi, s sledmi različnih struktur in tekstur. Zdi se, da linije plujejo po zraku slikovne ploskve, v njem lebdijo in dinamično, sproščeno in sveže, pa tudi zanesljivo in odločno odplesavajo svojo »od zgoraj« vodeno koreografijo. Morda pa puščajo kaligrafsko sled enigmatičnih sporočil.
Linije so temeljni akter dogajanja, so bistvo in smisel slikovnega odra, so igra, ki kljub svojemu vitalnemu naboju, kljub poetičnemu zanosu in kaligrafski gibkosti, ohranja trdnost in eksaktnost.
Translation - English
Never fearing to be different, the artist refuses to bow down to the cold formality of transferring visual reality to the artistic medium. Quite the opposite, he runs from it over and over again. He creates paintings that are utterly free of any trace of illustration. He is in fact deliberately trying to create the so called ugly art, or better said, he is striving to break free from the commonly accepted criteria, the agreed norms and rules of visual art. Despites the fact that his drawings do not tell stories, the viewer can recognise numerous associative allusions to the world we see around us. The artist’s creative freedom extends to the observer and manifests itself as the freedom of seeing and perceiving. Therefore the title does not tell you the story or sum up the essence, nor does it reveal the message. The title will not paint the picture for you. It is the author’s mode of communication with another sphere of his expression – poetry.
The story telling dimension is instead replaced by a visual wealth, with lines of countless characters travelling from hardness to softness and back again, with wide and narrow swaths transitioning from thin to thick, from flowing to staggering; sometimes straight and sometimes curved, switching between taut and lax and hard and soft, characterised by traces of various structures and textures. The lines seem to exist in the air above the medium, floating there while performing their choreography as if directed from the above, in their dynamic yet relaxed and fresh interplay, while at the same time possessing a quality of steadfastness and determination, not unlike calligraphic echoes of enigmatic messages.
These lines are the carrier of the activity captured in the painting, they are both the essence and the message played out on the canvas stage; a performance with a powerful message, much like poetry caught in the stroke of a master calligrapher, yet firm and precise.

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