Powwow Report for Ireland - Dublin (Dec 9 2011)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Paul Larkin (X)
Valentina Balšić
Sarah Swift
Michał Dziewoński
Diarmuid Kennan
Susanne Kennan
Ada Oliveras
Asta Arminen (X)
Flavio Frulio (X)
Markus Trucksaess
Yvonne Gallagher

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Dec 14 '11  rachel_mcn: thanks, Ellie
Nice to meet everyone. Thanks again, Ellie, for all the organisation.
Dec 14 '11  Markus Trucksaess: Great to finally meet some Dublin translators in person!
thanks Ellie for organising it, I am definitely up for the next one.
Dec 14 '11  DLyons: Thanks Ellie!
Good to meet you all and apologies for rushing away. Next time I\'ll organize a late-night pass in advance.
Dec 14 '11  Michał Dziewoński: It was great to meet everyone I got to talk to
...and those who I didn\'t to get to talk to - you\'re up next time ;-)

Thanks to Elvira The Organiser!
Dec 14 '11  Asta Arminen (X): Thanks, Ellie!
Had a lovely time! Looking forward to the next one ;)
Dec 13 '11  carrick16: Browniz request just submitted!
I\'ve just submitted the request to get our browniz points!

Thanks for the great night last Friday!

Can those who took pictures upload them or pass them on to me so I can take care of uploading them?
Dec 12 '11  Yvonne Gallagher: Thanks Ellie for organising this!
Great to meet everyone. Looking forward to seeing pics!
Dec 12 '11  Yvonne Gallagher: Thanks Ellie for organising this!
Great to meet everyone. Looking forward to seeing pics!