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Money matters Alessandro Widmer / Adecco staff impersonation / IG account Same guy contacted me One Alessandro Widmer, supposedly from Adecco but
with an @outlook address. He accepted my rate
immediately, same conditions as other people on
this thread, but with an option to be paid v
Valérie KARAM Sep 21, 2021
Wordfast support Can't download shtml from WF Anywhere Still no worky Yeah, it took all that time to get there: I
uploaded the renamed file, translated it,
downloaded it (ended up with a zip file!?) sent it
to my client's web designer. And yesterday, he<
Valérie KARAM Oct 19, 2016
Wordfast support Can't download shtml from WF Anywhere Thanks I'll try that and let you know, thank you! Valérie KARAM Oct 9, 2016
Wordfast support Can't download shtml from WF Anywhere Would renaming the file work after download? Because actually, I found a way to convert into
html to upload to WFA, my problem is the other
way, after translation and download as html, I
couldn't find a way to convert it back into sh
Valérie KARAM Oct 8, 2016
Wordfast support Can't download shtml from WF Anywhere Hello, I need to translate website content with
shtml pages. I couldn't upload shtml files in WFA
but found a way to convert them into html. The
problem is, after translating, I downloade
Valérie KARAM Oct 8, 2016
French Majuscule ou minuscule? Merci Petitavoine J'avais effectivement trouvé le post du Kudoz sur
la question, j'avais encore des doutes, mais
après avoir eu d'autres avis, il semble que tout
le monde soit d'accord. J'avoue ne jama
Valérie KARAM Mar 23, 2016
French Majuscule ou minuscule? 13 ans plus tard : même punition même motif Bonjour à tous, Je reviens sur ce fil avec des
questions du même ordre sur les majuscules :
Tout d'abord, j'ai comme signature d'un article
le prénom et le nom de l'auteur, suivis
Valérie KARAM Mar 11, 2016
French Windows 10 or not Windows 10? avis mitigé Je suis passée à windows 10 à partir de w8 sur
un laptop et w7 sur mon desktop. Je ne suis
spas très convaincue, dans les deux cas le
démarrage est (plus ?) lent, et j'ai un bug
Valérie KARAM Oct 26, 2015
Money matters best payment method apart from Paypal Skrill account type Thanks, Sheila, that's exactly what I wanted to
know. I can set up a personal account, as long as
it's just for one client, and occasional business.
And then time will tell if it needs to
Valérie KARAM Sep 9, 2015
Money matters best payment method apart from Paypal Skrill account type Hello, A potential outsourcer wants to use
Skrill as mean of payment, arguing it's cheaper
than Paypal and that receiving money is free of
charge. But looking at Skrill terms and
Valérie KARAM Aug 31, 2015

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