Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 73 results
Vocabolario Botanico Friulano
Giulio Andrea Pirona |
Vocabolario delle specie vegetali e dei funghi che crescono nel territorio del Friuli, pubblicato nel 1862.
Country-specific names of tropical trees matched with their Latin names and Russian equivalents used by Russian Customs
Conhecimentos Técnicos - Aviões
Denis Bianchini |
A book with all the terms related to aeroplanes and descriptions in Portuguese.
Panlatin Biofuel Glossary
© Panlatin Terminology Network (Realiter) 2014 |
Biofuels have become a very timely topic owing to dwindling fossil fuel energy sources, volatile oil prices, and the ecological footprint of traditional energy sources. The Panlatin Terminology Network (Realiter) is therefore pleased to present the Panlatin Biofuel Glossary. This glossary was prepared by Realiter in conjunction with the Government ... View more
Spanish |
Online Medical dictionary - multilingual The Dictionary is built by You and reviewed by us. The red print throughout our dictionary is all contributed material from the public. The black print is reviewed by people familiar with medical terminology. If you want to contribute to any of the columns please click the icon.
Graphic arts and printing terms in Spanish (Spain)s
A Dictionary of Translation Technology is a comprehensive reference book that covers the major conceptsand terms in translation studies (TS) and computer translation (CAT and MT).
Glossary of Cultural Marketing
Fitzcarraldo Consulting |
Glossary of terminology for Arts Marketing
Ausführliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch
Karl Ernst Georges |
Aus den Quellen zusammengetragen und mit besonderer Bezugnahme auf Synonymik und Antiquitäten unter Berücksichtigung der besten Hilfsmittel ausgearbeitet. Unveränderter Nachdruck der achten verbesserten und vermehrten Auflage, von Heinrich Georges, 2 Bände, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1998 (Reprint der Ausgabe Hannover: Hahnsche ... View more
Arabic Military Dictionary
By Ernest Kay, Multi-lingual International Publishers |
Coverage includes the vocabulary used in armed conflict in the field or when serving in a peace-keeping force, supplying arms and equipment, and in the planning and teaching of military strategy.
Welcome to the Eyenetwatch Biometrics Glossary, this tool is aimed at keeping you up-to-date on the latest terms and technology in the Biometric Industry. It is regularly updated and we welcome input from users, manufacturers and the public on biometric terms they feel would be useful for others.
Définition des termes dans le domaine du papier avec illustrations
Music Dictionary Online's primary purpose is, in the case of non-English words and phrases, to offer translations and, more generally, and where appropriate, to offer explanations and comments about general (non-musical) and specialist (i.e. musical, etc.) terms that might be found in musical scores, books on music, web sites, CD notes, concert pro... View more
Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus
Merriam-Webster |
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary is based on the print version of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition. Pronunciation included. English/English - English/Spanish - Medical
Glossary of Specialty Printing & Imaging Technologies
Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) |
Since it was first introduced in 1973, the Glossary of Screen Printing and Related Technologies has served as an excellent industry terminology resource manual. It is the language by which we all communicate, without it universal understanding would be impossible.
This sixth edition incorporates many changes and developments that hav... View more
Catalog Printing Glossary and Terminology
Touch Media Design |
Brief Monolingual Printing Glossary with complete definitions
This dictionary is an online art education resource for artists, art teachers, and art students. One of its aims is to encourage art education in Australia. Where it is possible, the information relates to Australia, by making reference to Australian Artists and Australian Art History. The creator of this dictionary aims to grow this resource with... View more
LePrint Express-The Print Glossary
LePrint Express |
Digital printing glossary with commonly used printing terms.
Ordliste bank- og finansbegreber
Langå Sparkasse |
Glossary of finance terms
SERIGRAFÍA - SCREEN PRINTING – SERIGRAFIA – SÉRIGRAPHIE – SERIGRAFIA - SIEBDRUCK - SERIGRAFIE (KUNSTZEEFDRUK) El glosario contiene los principales vocablos sobre la impresión serigráfica. Los términos están vertidos a los siguientes idiomas: español, inglés, italiano, francés, portugués, alemán y holandés. Descarga un archivo Excel (Downloadable ... View more
Glossary of Printing & Graphic Terms
Printing Industry Exchange, LLC |
This glossary includes all the technical and business terms in the book, Getting it Printed, copyright © 1993 by Mark Beach. Used by permission of North Light Books, a division of F&W Publications, Inc. (800) 289-0963. In addition, it has many terms not used in the book but which are part of the graphic arts lexicon. Definitions are abbreviated fro... View more
Glossary of Printing terms
Garnett Dickinson Print |
A handy glossary on essential printing words with short and clear definitions of terms.
В дизайнерско-полиграфическом мире - свой язык. Не каждому заказчику дано найти общий язык с дизайнером, а дизайнеру - с препресчиком. Непонимание приводит к задержкам в работе, а в особо тяжелых случаях и к многотысячным убыткам. Пора начнать понимать друг друга. В нашем полиграфическом словаре 32016 терминов.
Linguistics Glossary
Barrett Translations |
With the wonderful exception of Lexicon of Linguistics, few resources for linguistics terms are available on the Internet, and printed dictionaries of terms are incomplete at best. Building this glossary is planned to be an ongoing project.
Glossary of Terms in Managed Health Care Definitions of commonly used terms in the medical provider, hospital and managed care industries. This dictionary is comprised of 26 individual pages, one for each letter of the alphabet. To find a certain word that starts with this letter of the alphabet, may we suggest that you please try the "find" or... View more
Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
CoOL / Matt T. Roberts and Don Etherington |
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology by CoOL (Conservation Online). It uses WAIS indexing to provide a 'Word' index. That is, every word in the dictionary, both terms and definitions, are indexed. Contains color plates and drawings by Margaret R. Brown.
A Glossary of Printing, Binding, Graphic Arts and Typographical Terms
French-English Food Dictionary
Provence Beyond |
The line-item content of our Beyond Food Dictionaries has been gathered from a varity of sources over the years, including printed Provencal dictionaries, printed French cookbooks, and word of mouth from our French neighbors and friends, and discussions in restaurants and cafés. Where descriptions are more than a simple translation, the descriptive... View more
English-French Food Dictionary
Provence Beyond |
The line-item content of our Beyond Food Dictionaries has been gathered from a varity of sources over the years, including printed Provencal dictionaries, printed French cookbooks, and word of mouth from our French neighbors and friends, and discussions in restaurants and cafés. Where descriptions are more than a simple translation, the descriptive... View more
A useful glossary enriched with cross links and graphic material; contains the definition of term, words and/or phrase commonly used in pulp and papermaking, printing, converting and paper trading.
Glossary of Stamp Collecting Terms
AskPhil - Collectors Club of Chicago |
With more than 30,000 listings, we believe the AskPhil Glossary to be the largest of its type anywhere ... whether on line or in print.
With visitors from more than 150 countries, AskPhil has the benefit of perhaps the broadest range of stamp collectors view our reference of any reference provider.
Albeit being a monolingual source, the g... View more
Dictionnaire Sérigraphie
Solutions globales pour la Sérigraphie et la Filtration (SEFAR) |
ex: watermark Filigrane waterproof ink Encre résistant à l'eau weave type armure web printing Impression en continu web tension Tension de la bande web width Largeur de la bande weft trame
Metal Building Glossary |
Glossary regarding civil-engineering/ construction especially the metal work.
Glossary of Pesticide Chemicals
FDA - June 2005 |
This glossary is intended to facilitate communication within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the subject of pesticide residues in foods and feeds. It serves as the source of names chosen for use in all agency documents and internal communications. Chemicals are listed, alphabetically by preferred name, in the body of the glossary. The pr... View more
GLOSSARY OF PHYTOSANITARY TERMS (trilingual English-French-Spanish)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) |
This reference standard is a listing of terms and definitions with specific meaning for phytosanitary systems worldwide. It has been developed to provide a harmonized internationally agreed vocabulary associated with the implementation of the International Plant Protection Convention and International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. Users w... View more
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
WB Saunders/Merck |
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary allows you to look up definitions for complex medical terms. Use this resource just as you would a printed dictionary. Terms are listed within ranges of words, just like a dictionary page. Click the range of words where your term would appear. For example, if you are looking for the word glucose, click the s... View more
szybki, wielojezyczny, korzysta ze slownikow specjalistycznych
Financial glossary EN > EN
Downloadable PDF file
Explanatory UFOlogy Dictionary
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
Free online dictionary. The Dictionary is the first attempt in the lexicography to optimize UFO terminology. It contains 853 articles. The heading of the article is printed in Bold, English and German equivalents - in Italic, words and word combination in the text of the articles are printed in Italic and underlined, in the articles there are refe... View more