Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:

on the counterclaim

Added to glossary by Wendy Cummings
Aug 18, 2011 11:20
13 yrs ago
18 viewers *
French term


French to English Law/Patents Law (general) appeal courts
I'll try to summarise the situation as clearly as possible, but apologies if its a bit convoluted:

1.La société P estimant avoir été victime d'une rupture abusive et brutale des relations commerciales, a assigné la societe E en réparation de son préjudice.
2. Par jugement le tribunal de commerce a
a. Condamné E à payer à la société P la somme de 305.000 euros, à titre de dommages et intérêts pour rupture de
relations commerciales établies;
b. Reçu E dans des demandes reconventionnelles et l'en déboute;
c. Condamné E à payer à la société P la somme de 20.000 euros au titre de l'article 700.

So P sued E, but E made a counter-claim. P won and E lost. Then E lodged an appeal in which it asks the court to:

débouter P de l'ensemble de ses demandes, fins et conclusions, reconventionnellement, la condamner au paiement d'une indemnité de 17.000 euros à titre de dommages et intérêts pour procédure abusive et vexatoire.

I'm struggling to work out how "reconventionnellement" fits in with this situation. P was the original claimant, and it was E that made the counterclaim. So does it mean "dismiss P from all claims AS E REQUESTED IN ITS COUNTER-CLAIM" - but that doesn't make much sense because surely a counter-claim isn't for asking for the other party's claims to be dismissed. Did P make these "demandes etc." in response to E's counter-claim?

Please ask for more context if required.

Proposed translations (English)
3 -1 on its counterclaim
4 +1 through counterclaim
4 on the counterclaim

Proposed translations

18 mins

on its counterclaim
Demande reconventionnelle. ,,Demande introduite au cours d'un procès par le défendeur contre le demandeur, par simples conclusions, et tendant à obtenir la reconnaissance d'un droit qui atténuera ou même exclura la demande principale

Note added at 22 mins (2011-08-18 11:42:12 GMT)

Sorry, I did not read the full question. The counterclaim is the request to have P "[condamné] au paiement d'une indemnité de 17.000 euros à titre de dommages et intérêts pour procédure abusive et vexatoire".

Note added at 42 mins (2011-08-18 12:02:56 GMT)

Yes, ideally we would have 'et' before 'reconventionnellement' but we did not write the text...
Note from asker:
Please read my question fully - I know that a reconvention is a counter-claim, but I need confirmation of its meaning in this specific context. Your answer is "on its counterclaim" - whose counterclaim?
In response to your note: I see, so the "reconventionnellement" relates to the 2nd half of the sentence and not the first? That does make a bit more sense
Peer comment(s):

disagree AllegroTrans : this is ambiguous
4 hrs
Thank you, AllegroTrans!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected on the basis that the comments helped me understand the meaning, and from there I produced my own solution."
20 mins

through counterclaim
Français, reconventionnellement (through counterclaim, reconventional). Additional references: Français, France, Algeria, reconventional. ... › KudoZ home › French to English › Law/Patents - Cached
26 Aug 2002 – (KudoZ) French to English translation of reconventionnellement: through counterclaim [Law/Patents].
Note from asker:
Please read my question fully - I know that a reconvention is a counter-claim, but I need confirmation of its meaning in this specific context - whose counterclaim?
Peer comment(s):

agree Jean-Louis S.
1 min
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4 hrs

on the counterclaim

débouter P de l'ensemble de ses demandes, fins et conclusions, reconventionnellement, la condamner au paiement d'une indemnité de 17.000 euros à titre de dommages et intérêts pour procédure abusive et vexatoire.

to strike out all of the claims and pleadings of P, and on the counterclaim to enter judgment against it (P) for the payment of 17,000 euros for damages for abuse of process
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