Jul 17, 2014 10:58
9 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

Gift fees

English to Polish Bus/Financial Law: Contract(s)
$$$$ gift fees are paid by our ****, and hope you pay the money him as soon as possible, does not affect the process between us.

czy chodzi o podatek od darowizn czy o cos na styl podatku od przedplaty?

tekst pochodzi z korespondencji po podpisaniu kontraktu, fragment jest pisany przez osobę nie będącą native speaker i jej poziom angielskiego może nie być doskonały


Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Jul 17, 2014:
In my answer, I emphasize the Chinese culture of gift-giving, especially in business relations. What is a gift and what is a bribe I leave to lawyers.
Jarosław Olszewski (asker) Jul 17, 2014:
No, it isn't, it's chinese.
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Jul 17, 2014:
Is this US law?

Proposed translations

6 hrs

opłaty od darowizny

opłaty od darowizny

Moge sie mylić. ale jednak nie pada słowo "tax" czy "duty", natomiast 'gift fee' występuje czasem w kontekście opłat (manipulacyjnych) z tytułu obsługi darowizny

Jeśli się uprzeć, to termin 'opłaty od darowizny' może obejmować także podatek od darowizny
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11 hrs

opłaty w postaci prezentów

I believe that in China (as in other countries) it is customary to gift something to service providers such as doctors, especially those working on fixed salary. It is a customary gratuity.

Gift Giving

Gift giving is a common Chinese custom that business visitors to China should prepare for and use to advantage. The advice of a Chinese friend or colleague is invaluable in doing this properly, but here are some simple guidelines:

Who: Typically, a single large group gift is presented to the chief person or leader of a Chinese organization. Gifts should be presented from the lead of the Canadian delegation to the lead of the Chinese delegation and vice versa.
What: Gifts should not be too expensive. The gifts you receive will often have strong local associations that are a matter of real meaning (local identity) and therefore pride to the giver. The best gifts to offer in return will be items that are unique to Canada: small paintings, carvings, or books (keep your host’s English capabilities in mind!) are appreciated and reasonable as gifts. The Chinese are fond of dark red, gold or blue, which are all appropriate colours for gift wrapping.
When: Gifts are usually given at the end of an introductory meeting or at a banquet. Delegations visiting China are normally expected to offer gifts to their hosts, and the opposite is true for Chinese travellers to Canada. In both cases, this should be factored into preparations for making a trip or receiving an incoming delegation in Canada.
How: Always give and receive gifts or anything of value with two hands. Note that it is common in China for the recipient to refuse the offer of a gift at first. The giver should persist, and the recipient will eventually accept.
What Not to Give: Gifts to avoid include clocks and scissors or other sharp items such as knives or letter openers. Avoid wrapping gifts in white or black, which are colours associated with funerals.
Useful Links and References



Podobne prezenty w Chinach podkreślają status. Robiąc prezent biznes-partnerowi nie wolno zapomnieć o jego małżonce.


Ważne jest, aby prezent nie był postrzegany, jako łapówka w biznesie,

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