Jun 25, 2017 12:33
7 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

shifting collections

English to Serbian Social Sciences History slabljenje liberalne buržoaske vlasti
The new political situation developed only by steps, and unevenly, depending of the domestic history of the various states. This makes a comparative survey of politics in the 1870s and 1880s difficult and almost pointless. It was sudden international emergence of mass labour and socialist movements in and after 1880s which seemed to place numerous governments and ruling classes in essentially similar predicaments, though we can see retrospectively that they were not the only mass movements which caused governmental headaches. Broadly speaking, in most of the European states of limited constitutions or restricted franchise, the mid-century political predominance of the liberal bourgeoisie broke down in the course of the 1870s, if not for other reasons, then as a by-product of the Great Depression: in Belgium in 1870, in Germany in1879, in Italy in the 1870s, in Britain 1874. Except for episodic returnes to power, they never dominated again. No equally clear political pattern emerged in Europe in the new period, though in the SAD the Republic Party, that had led the North to victory in the Civil War, usually continued to win the presidency untill 1913. Insofar as insoluble problems or basic challenges of revolution or secession could be kept out of parliamentary politics, statesmen could juggle parliamentary majorities with shifting collections of those who wished to threaten niether state nor the social order.

Ja tu frazu razumem kao "dovodeći na smenu"


Daryo Jul 1, 2017:
... They are making coalitions with whoever happens to be available and willing - i.e. with "those who wished to threaten neither state nor the social order"

there is damn good reason for using "collection" instead of "group" - because those who don't want to rock the boat are not some defined and organised group - they are about as much a "group" as random passengers in a bus, that just happen to be doing in the same direction.

There is a world of difference between putting your own pawns in the parliament and making alliances / coalitions with those who made for themselves their own way into the parliament IOW "dovodeći" won't fit.
Daryo Jul 1, 2017:
Objections? more than one It's your text, you will put whatever you want, but if you are asking - yes, I see grounds for objections.

državnici su mogli izmanipulisati parlamentarne većine dovodeći na smenu one koji nisu želeli da ugroze ni državu ni društveni poredak

I can't see where this idea of "izmanipulisati" came from - in politics "manipulisati" has pretty negative connotations and more importantly implies the existence of some power of influence - that's NOT what is said in the ST.

A magician juggling cards could at a stretch be translated by "manipulisati karte", but the "juggling" in this ST is the same as someone "juggling" between several tasks at the same time - the idea is more of keeping a balance that is difficult to maintain - a question of having skills at obtaining results in challenging situations.

The "juggling" in this ST is about the ability to find new allies when existing ones desert you.

"dovodeći na smenu"? no one is "bringing" this new allies - they found their way into the parliament on their own [we are NOT talking here of the the kind of parliament as the parliament of FNRJ]

what this statesmen are doing is making coalitions.

Proposed translations

4 hrs
English term (edited): shifting collection

скупина променљивог састава

shifting collections of those who wished to threaten neither state nor the social order.
скупина променљивог састава свих оних који нису имали никакве жеље да угрожавају ни државу ни друштвени поредак

these "collections" are ad hoc groups of disparate people who all had in common that they didn't wish "to rock the boat" had no desire to threaten neither state nor the social order.

but this collection was not always made of the same people - the composition of this "collection" was shifting, i.e. changing with time.

Note added at 4 hrs (2017-06-25 17:08:16 GMT)

скупине променљивог састава ..

Note added at 6 days (2017-07-01 23:10:40 GMT)

Insofar as insoluble problems or basic challenges of revolution or secession could be kept out of parliamentary politics, statesmen could juggle parliamentary majorities with shifting collections of those who wished to threaten neither state nor the social order.

У мери у којој је било могуће држати нерешиве проблеме или најосновније изазове револуција или отцепљења ван парламентарне политике, државници су били у стању да вешто очувају већину у парламентима уз подршку скупина променљивог састава свих оних који нису имали никакве жеље да угрожавају ни државу ни друштвени поредак.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "ipak je ovaj predlog najbolji, hvala"
7 hrs

grupacije koje su se smenjivale

... sa grupacijama koje su se smenjivale bez želje da ugroze niti državu niti društveni poredak

Note added at 5 days (2017-07-01 10:22:46 GMT)

agree :)
Note from asker:
Ostajem pri sledećem: ... državnici su mogli izmanipulisati parlamentarne većine dovodeći na smenu one koji nisu želeli da ugroze ni državu ni društveni poredak. Da li neko ima primedbu na ovo rešenje?
Peer comment(s):

agree Natasa Ikodinovic
1 day 10 hrs
agree Natasa Stankovic
4 days
disagree Daryo : you make it sound like an orderly succession of organised groups taking over from the previous group / the ST is about one lasting "collection" of unconnected / disparate groups; the composition of this collection keeps changing randomly (shifting)
5 days
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