Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term or phrase:
pour les besoins exclusifs de la Compagnie
English translation:
exclusively for the Company\'s needs
French term
pour les besoins exclusifs de la Compagnie
"Lorsqu'un employé est choisi suite à un affichage de tâche et qu'il ne peut débuter dans la nouvelle tâche ***pour les besoins exclusifs de la Compagnie***, il est considéré comme ayant été rétrogradé de cette nouvelle tâche pour les fins d'application des dispositions prévues au paragraphe XX ("Vacance permanente"), s'il n'a pas travaillé dans la nouvelle tâche pourvu qu'entre-temps il n'ait pas été promu ou rappelé à une autre tâche."
A literal transaltion of "pour les besoins exclusifs de la Compagnie" strikes me as odd. I wonder whether this means "is unable to begin the new job on a full-time basis". Thx.
5 | exclusively for the Company's needs | Daryo |
3 -1 | exclusively on the company's terms | Andrew Bramhall |
Document found on line | Marco Solinas |
Mar 23, 2019 11:24: Rob Grayson changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"
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Proposed translations
exclusively for the Company's needs
This being "UNE CONVENTION COLLECTIVE" i.e. a kind of document that must have been checked and rechecked by all parties involved, any kind of typo or nonsense is extremely unlikely.
A reasonable hypothesis would be that the point of this clause is to prevent the employer from sending the employee to work for another Company (while still being on their payroll). Whatever is the rationale of this clause, the intended meaning is unambiguous.
neutral |
Andrew Bramhall
: literal doesn't fit here;
12 hrs
It obviously makes sense for those who negotiated this "Convention collective" // you know their business better than them?
exclusively on the company's terms
Note added at 1 hr (2019-03-17 23:15:04 GMT)
You're right that the literal translation makes little sense here;
disagree |
: this makes even less sense: WHERE is the distinctive element (the significant difference from other situations)???? An employee is ALWAYS supposed to act "on company's terms" - that being the very nature of "employment".
10 hrs
Whatever; whoever works exclusively for a company always does so on their terms, not their own;
Reference comments
Document found on line
The paragraph you are working on appears at page 10. The phrase in question appears again (twice) at page 16. The context of the two latter cases suggest that "pour les besoins exclusifs de la compagnie" means something like "for reasons due exclusively to the company". This meaning is less obvious in the case you are dealing with (page 10 of the online version.
Thanks. This is the very document that I am translating. |
agree |
: definitely helps to have a wider context.
10 hrs
"un employé est choisi suite à un affichage de tâche" => it's about internal redeployment of an existing employee
it's a continuation of existing employment while being affected to a new/different position, to different tasks.
If you want to know why they felt the need to specify "pour les besoins exclusifs de la Compagnie" (and would be the "opposite" to that) you can always check with Le Syndicat des Métallos - Local 6254, but the meaning is unambiguous.
OTOH, I would definitely agree that when translating, you should always keep in mind that the text must make sense - for the intended audience. So if anything sounds strange to you, check with the authors.