Jun 22, 2019 01:03
5 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Spanish term

golpe de loteado

Spanish to English Other Medical: Pharmaceuticals PACKAGING
(El contexto es una orden de empaque de medicamentos)


Verificar en tantas *plaquetas* como se obtengan de un golpe de loteado:

- Que la información variable es correcta y legible.
- Que está en la posición correcta (consultar el Sistema de Gestión de diseño Materiales)
- Tener en cuenta las observaciones de la fase de la orden.
- Adjuntar a la hoja de comprobación de claves e impresiones las plaquetas anteriormente verificadas, firmando y fechando las muestras DOS PERSONAS (la segunda persona firmará en la fase de estuchado).



María Eugenia Wachtendorff (asker) Jun 23, 2019:
Hi Helena :) Batching process seems to be it. Thank you so much, dear!!!
"Plaqueta" is strip here. 6 comp/plaq = 6 tabs/strip
Helena Chavarria Jun 22, 2019:
Batch run?

Smaller batch runs of multiple products command greater versatility throughout the production line and everywhere in between.


Process conditions are also more consistent, and therefore product quality is more consistent. The batch-to-batch variability observed in traditional manufacturing processes is eliminated. In addition, continuous processes are much more homogeneous as the result of improved mixing, so the “hot spots” and variability observed during a single batch run are also largely avoided.


I've realised that 'plaqueta' means label or tag, not platelet!
Helena Chavarria Jun 22, 2019:
Could 'golpe' mean batching process? I'm thinking of 'golpe' as an isolated event: 'golpe de suerte', golpe de viento'.

Reference comments

9 hrs

perhaps batch stoke/shot too
stroke - movement - https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/stroke

compartimentar - 2. Dividir o agrupar algo en compartimientos estancos. - https://es.thefreedictionary.com/compartimentar
compartimentar vtr (dividir en compartimentos) - (UK) compartmentalise⇒ vtr

(UK) compartmentalise⇒ vtr - https://www.google.com/search?q=compartimentar;
draw apart - https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/draw apart
Compartmentalization of immune responses - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23747950
The concept of compartmentalized brain functions acting either in concert or in conflict - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-minds-compart...
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