Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

prevenir a recurrir

English translation:

inform about right of appeal

Added to glossary by Manuel Aburto
May 10, 2020 03:36
4 yrs ago
33 viewers *
Spanish term

prevenir a recurrir

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Law: Taxation & Customs tax

Ambos términos aparecen enumerados en un indice.

Todos sus aportes son bienvenidos.
Obligación de prevenir a recurrir
Prevención de recurrir


Lester Tattersall May 10, 2020:
Thanks Michael!:) I was worried that no one else would be able to find it.
@Lester Impressive detective work there, Lester. ;-)

Yes, you are totally right.

The context refers to the obligation on the part of the Nicaraguan tax authority to advise the appellant of the latter's right to appeal a decision within 15 days of receiving a decision. They make mention of a case in which an appellant complained that the decision on their appeal for review was invalid due to the appellant not having been informed of their right to appeal the decision within 15 days of receipt thereof. The case was dismissed after it was confirmed that the notice of the decision in question did contain information concerning the appeals process and the deadline to appeal.

It also refers to Article 162(8) of the Nicaraguan Tax Code:

Requisitos de la Resolución

Artículo 162.- La Resolución de Determinación debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos:


8. Discriminación de los montos exigibles por tributos, multas y sanciones según los casos; la declaración expresa que la presente resolución es recurrible y la designación de la autoridad competentemente ante quien se puede recurrir; y


Prevenir a recurrir = inform about right of appeal
Lester Tattersall May 10, 2020:
Yes you're right, it's part of the source text, but it's 140 pages away.
If you can find the text (see my Answer), you'll see that 'prevenir' here means 'advertir' 'informar'. My Answer was a guess to start with, but now I've found the context the meaning is clear, imo.
@Manuel Is there a link to the document you can provide online or perhaps upload the document to Google Drive for us to look at?

Similarly to the other contributors here, I think it seems like they're talking about an obligation to refrain from appealing or suing; however, we can't be 100% sure, because the context we have to work with doesn't elaborate on the concept of obligación de prevención a recurrir.

Could you provide some more text where they refer to this concept in further detail or give us your understanding of what it entails?
Manuel Aburto (asker) May 10, 2020:
@ Lester:

You cannot say that it is not part of the context of the question.

I am translating some indexes and in some cases the author only mentions the legal term, in others he provides information about cases related to the term that were taken to court, so you cannot say that the text I am including is not part of the context of the source document.
Lester Tattersall May 10, 2020:
???? Additional context in the source document????!!! Yes, it may be - about 500 pages away.
This is not the context of the question asked. Why are you giving context that is not correct?
Manuel Aburto (asker) May 10, 2020:
Additional context in the source document:

2. Resolución administrativa No 56-2014 02:45:pm 15/06/2019

“Considerando VII. Que el artículo 12 CTr., expresa que“La Obligación Tributaria es la relación Jurídica que emana de la Ley y nace al producirse el hecho generador, conforme lo establecido en el Código…” y el Código Civil en su Artículo 1830 establece que “Obligación es la relación Jurídica que resulta de la ley o de dos o más voluntades concertadas por virtud de la cual puede una persona ser compelida por otra a dar alguna cosa, a prestar un servicio o no hacer algo”. La Ley de Equidad Fiscal Artículo 39, en relación a los Sujetos Obligados establece que“Están sujetos a las disposiciones de esta Ley las personas naturales o Jurídicas y las unidades económicas que realicen los actos o actividades indicados en la misma. Se incluyen en esta disposición el Estado y todos sus organismos nacionales, municipales y de las regiones autónomas, cuando éstos adquieran bienes y servicios, y cuando enajenen bienes y presten servicios distintos de los de autoridad o de derecho público”.
Context Can you give a bit more context? Are you able to share the page or document that it appears in?

Also, what do you think it means and why?

I think it's important to distinguish what is meant by prevención: prevention? Preemption?

And recurrir: Appeal? Invoke?

Proposed translations

4 hrs

inform about right of appeal

Obligation to provide information about right to appeal the ruling.
When they pass a judgment or ruling they always mention that it can be appealed, and how to do it.
I think it's perhaps about this. But without more context there's not much you can do.

Note added at 7 hrs (2020-05-10 10:38:44 GMT)

Alternatively, prevenir may be being used in the English sense of prevent, and recurrir as an anglicism for reoccur/recur. So it would be:

Preventing reoccurence (recurence)
Obligation to prevent recurrence (reoccurrence)

Note added at 13 hrs (2020-05-10 16:49:42 GMT)

Confidence level of "Inform of right to appeal" now increased to 5.

The Asker's context can be found at:

You have to click on the slide then go down to page 192, "Prevención de recurrir".
The context that the Asker has given (see Discussion) is actually on page 4, and has nothing to do with it
Peer comment(s):

agree Michael Grabczan-Grabowski : As per the discussion. It's most certainly this option. The full translation of the heading in the asker's text "Obligación de prevenir a recurrir" would be "Obligation to inform about right of appeal.'
10 hrs
agree AllegroTrans : I fail to understand why some translators insist on translating complex terms in the "wrong" directiion (not into their native language)
1 day 3 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
48 mins

prevent from/avoid going to court/taking legal measures

assuming this is legal but you don't provide sufficient context so......

Note added at 49 mins (2020-05-10 04:26:44 GMT)

"legal action" better

Note added at 51 mins (2020-05-10 04:27:57 GMT)

pero es una adivinanza
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

Obligation to refrain from appealing

As other colleagues have said, more context is required to give you a proper answer, but I add this option because in Argentina the verb "recurrir" is frequently used as a synonim to "appeal" (a court decision, an administrative measure, etc.). I hope it helps.

Note added at 2 hrs (2020-05-10 05:43:54 GMT)

sorry, *synonym
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10 hrs

recurrence prevention

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