Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
letter of bachelorhood
Polish translation:
zaświadczenie o stanie wolnym
- The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2021-05-21 04:54:16 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
May 17, 2021 15:45
3 yrs ago
20 viewers *
English term
letter of bachelorhood
English to Polish
Law (general)
Marriage Register - Nigeria
W nazwie dokumentu z Nigerii - pismo zaświadczające o tym, że dana osoba nie była wcześniej w związku małżeńskim, tylko jak to zgrabnie przełożyć na angielski?
Zaświadczenie o stanie kawalerskim?
Zaświadczenie o stanie kawalerskim?
Proposed translations
2 +3 | zaświadczenie o stanie wolnym | mike23 |
Panie przodem! | Jacek Rogala (X) |
Attestation Of Marital Status In Nigeria | geopiet |
Proposed translations
23 mins
zaświadczenie o stanie wolnym
zaświadczenie o stanie wolnym
Note added at 32 mins (2021-05-17 16:17:46 GMT)
--------------------------------------------------świadczenie "o stanie wolny...
Note added at 21 hrs (2021-05-18 13:28:26 GMT)
Z linku Geopieta wynika, że chodzi o osoby stanu wolnego, a nie kawalerów:
There is the certificate of bachelorhood and the certificate of spinsterhood, which applies to men and women respectively but serve the same purpose which is to indicate that a person is free to marry because he or she is not married, or his or her spouse is deceased or they have obtained a divorce decree where there was any previous marriage.
Note added at 32 mins (2021-05-17 16:17:46 GMT)
--------------------------------------------------świadczenie "o stanie wolny...
Note added at 21 hrs (2021-05-18 13:28:26 GMT)
Z linku Geopieta wynika, że chodzi o osoby stanu wolnego, a nie kawalerów:
There is the certificate of bachelorhood and the certificate of spinsterhood, which applies to men and women respectively but serve the same purpose which is to indicate that a person is free to marry because he or she is not married, or his or her spouse is deceased or they have obtained a divorce decree where there was any previous marriage.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
1 hr
Dziękuję Frank. Pozdrawiam.
agree |
: albo: poświadczenie stanu wolnego
3 hrs
Tak, dziękuję.
agree |
Aleksandra Kloc Raspini
4 hrs
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "dziękuję "
Reference comments
6 hrs
Panie przodem!
Example sentence:
<b>Bachelorette</b> is a term used in American English for a single, unmarried woman.
8 hrs
Attestation Of Marital Status In Nigeria
What is a single status certificate?
A single status certificate is in form of an affidavit that will usually state the name, address, age, date of birth, citizenship, occupation, that the person is single and has never gone through a marriage ceremony before; or that his former spouse is dead; or that he is divorced if a divorce has taken place, In some jurisdictions, this document may be known as a letter of freedom to marry, certificate of single status, certificate of no impediment, ‘Certificate de Coutume’, ‘Certificate of Nulla Osta’, “Single Status Statutory Declaration” or a “Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage” or a “Single Status Certificate” or “Free-to-marry statement”.
There is the certificate of bachelorhood and the certificate of spinsterhood, which applies to men and women respectively but serve the same purpose which is to indicate that a person is free to marry because he or she is not married, or his or her spouse is deceased or they have obtained a divorce decree where there was any previous marriage
A single status certificate is in form of an affidavit that will usually state the name, address, age, date of birth, citizenship, occupation, that the person is single and has never gone through a marriage ceremony before; or that his former spouse is dead; or that he is divorced if a divorce has taken place, In some jurisdictions, this document may be known as a letter of freedom to marry, certificate of single status, certificate of no impediment, ‘Certificate de Coutume’, ‘Certificate of Nulla Osta’, “Single Status Statutory Declaration” or a “Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage” or a “Single Status Certificate” or “Free-to-marry statement”.
There is the certificate of bachelorhood and the certificate of spinsterhood, which applies to men and women respectively but serve the same purpose which is to indicate that a person is free to marry because he or she is not married, or his or her spouse is deceased or they have obtained a divorce decree where there was any previous marriage
Peer comments on this reference comment:
agree |
: Czyli mowa o stanie wolnym, a nie kawalerskim: ...indicate that a person is free to marry because he or she is not married, or his or her spouse is deceased or they have obtained a divorce decree where there was any previous marriage
7 hrs
Problem, który poruszasz przypomina tłumaczenie wypowiedzi jednego z naszych prezydentów ;).
W każdym razie, choć niewiele znam się na tłumaczeniach, nie przetłumaczyłbym tutaj letter --> list i Ty na pewno też nie.
Sworn Affidavit of Bachelorhood from a Law Court/ Bachelorhood Certificate (if bachelor).
Nie wiem, czy "letter" zamiast "certificate" i "affidavit" robi różnicę - może warto sprawdzić. Tylko, czy to jeszcze wchodzi w zakres obowiązków tłumacza, czy już detektywa? ;-)
jakbyś miała, np - certificate - co jest bliższe - zaświadczeniu, niż - letter, to byłoby fajniej;
zaswiadczenie o stanie wolnym, a lepiej - o stanie cywilnym wolnym - trąci potocznym wyrażeniem, ale z pewnością jest bardzo dobrym oddaniem;
jeśli mógłbym coś zasugerować, to krótkie, uniwersalne wyartykułowanie w tłumaczeniu, że dana osoba może zawrzeć związek małżeński, ponieważ nie jest w innym związku małżeńskim, współmałżonek nie żyje lub uzyskano orzeczenie rozwodowe.
Z tego co sie gugluje, pojecie jest chyba stricte nigeryjskie, wiec imo powinno miec jak najrzetelniejsze oddanie, ale pozbawione brzmienia na gruncie innego kraju, choć pewnie bardzo blisko jakiegoś anglosaskiego rozwiązania.
W sumie, słowo - letter -- nie powinno być problemem, bo w takim - letter, mozna napisać, że - zaświadcza się
Wg polskich regulacji to jest:
Zaświadczenie o braku przeszkód do zawarcia małżeństwa
Zaświadczenie stwierdzające brak okoliczności wyłączających zawarcie małżeństwa