Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Claire Cox
Apr 21, 2006 12:34
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng explosion safety
Still on my technical regulations for flammable liquids...

This section is concerned with heating flammable liquids.

Während der Restentleerung darf von der Heizung keine Zündgefahr ausgehen. Dies ist beispielhaft
erfüllt, wenn
- die Heizung abgeschaltet wird,
- die Heizung so geregelt wird, dass weder 80 % der Zündtemperatur des Lagergutes noch die
Temperatur, die zur Bildung gefährlicher Mengen explosionsfähiger Atmosphäre infolge Zersetzung
(z.B. Crackung) des Lagergutes führt, überschritten wird oder
- die Bildung explosionsfähiger Atmosphäre durch Inertisierung oder Überfettung verhindert wird.

Has anyone come across Überfettung before?

Many thanks yet again.

Proposed translations

19 mins


also is used

The lack of oxygen will greatly reduce the risk of explosion. ... the system are: · Vapors will be inert or overrich prior to being treated or trans- ferred ...

his explosion is discussed in more detail later in this chapter. ... vapors are either inert (owing to the addition of nonreactive gas) or overrich (with ...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to everyone - I think John was on the right lines with excessive richness, but I'd rather avoid the pejorative sense of excessive, so I've gone for overrich in the end."
15 mins

excessive richness

i.e. an excess of the flammable liquid and insufficient air
Peer comment(s):

disagree Rapidrain (X) : excessive lubrication
1 day 22 hrs
No - it has nothing to do with lubrication. Why not read the explanation first?
disagree MEley : The above explanation is correct, but this has nothing at all to do with lubrication, it's "fett" in the sense of a rich fuel/air mixture; why not "turn it round" and say (something like) "exclusion of air" (or "exclusion of oxygen")
2 days 27 mins
I didn't say anything about lubrication - that was friend Rapidrain. I only talked about richness, as you say yourself!
Something went wrong...
30 mins


The wording suggests BOTH inertization (removing oxygen from the air) and Überfettung to prevent an explosive atmosphere, so Überfettung probably means oversaturation of the atmosphere with an inert gas. In another context, Überfettung could also refer to an override of the saturation limit of the flammable substance itself, but that wouldn't make sense here.
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1 day 23 hrs

excessive lubrication

During this process are moving parts present? Perhaps lubricating these moving parts excessively could be dangerous.
Peer comment(s):

disagree John Owen : It has nothing to do with lubrication!
5 hrs
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