Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

(width) compensating shelving unit

Added to glossary by Christine Lam
Jan 17, 2006 00:54
19 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Furniture / Household Appliances
this is just a description of elements for the "Endlosbauweise" of a furniture manufacturer and one of the units is a "Ausgleichsregal". To me, it looks just like any other shelving unit, albeit a little bit skinnier, but I have no clue what to call it.
Anyone has an idea?
Proposed translations (English)
3 (width) compensating shelving unit


Christine Lam (asker) Jan 17, 2006:
"Ausgleich" probably refers to the fact that this unit is used to balance out the apprearance or the proper fit of the whole furniture design. The emphasis here is on designing a unit (using different modules such as shelving units, cabinets, wardrobes etc.) that fits perfectly in any type of room.

Proposed translations

48 mins

(width) compensating shelving unit

or possibly corner filler unit, I think its function may be to "fill out" the remaining bit of wall that the other furniture does not cover, however it will depend on the rest of the text, of course.
The leaflet in the (German) link below describes width compensation shelving of this kind.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "perfect, thanks Susan!"
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