Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

channel sharing arrangement

Added to glossary by Lydia Molea
Aug 3, 2007 14:05
17 yrs ago
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Telecom(munications) cable network operator contract
Nicht als Veränderung des vertragsgegenständlichen Programms gilt auch die zeitlich begrenzte Einspeisung aufgrund einer von der zuständigen Landesmedienanstalt angeordneten Partagierung.

Was es ist, ist klar, also Kanalaufteilung. Aber ich finde nichts Überzeugendes auf Engl. Danke im Voraus für die Hilfe!

Proposed translations

6 hrs

channel sharing arrangement’

I think ‘channel sharing arrangement’ conveys the concept of two or more television channels (Programme) sharing the one frequency channel on a cable TV network (e.g. a childrens’ channel in the afternoon followed by a sports channel in the evening).

My translation of the full sentence would be:

“Any limitation of the duration of the programme service feed resulting from any channel sharing arrangement as might be determined by the relevant Land-level media regulation authority (Landesmedienanstalt) does not constitute an alteration to the programme service which is the subject of this contract.”
Example sentence:

Under the channel sharing arrangement specified by the Media Authority of Northrhine-Westfalia, Nickelodeon may transmit in the afternoon on UHF Channel 26 on our cable network and Eurosport may transmit in the evening on the same channel.

Peer comment(s):

agree gangels (X)
18 hrs
Thanks Klaus
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you everybody for your input, it helped a lot! I think this fits best :-)"
22 mins

channel assignment

... off the top of my head ...
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41 mins

various options

From a bit of googling, the term is used to describe:

1. Concurrent sharing of a channel (i.e. two different signals on the same channel)

2. Sequential sharing of a channel ('time sharing') -- in the cable TV context, this means transmitting one programme (e.g. Eurosport) on a particular channel part of the time and one or more other programmes (such as mindless dubbed infomercials) part of the time.

In your case, given the 'zeitlich eingespeist' I'd be inclined to think of 'programme interruption' (if it's very short-term) or 'channel time sharing' if it's long-term.


Damit komme ich zum Regelungsinhalt der Mitteilung. Die Kommission legt einige Fälle der „klassischen Werbung“ aus:
• Trennung von Programm und Werbung / Schleichwerbung
• Nullstunde und „verschobene Stunde“
• Kalendertag und Programmtag
• Einzelspots versus Minispots
• Sportsendungen
• Partagierung eines Kanals durch Fernseh- und Teleshoppingsender
An Neuen Werbeformen nennt die Kommission
• Split-Screen
• Interaktive Werbung
• Virtuelle Werbung
• Telepromotions


They would also occasionally show workout programs, like Body by Jake. Some of Prime Networks affiliates were "time-share" stations. In other words, they shared time with other cable networks on some cable systems. For example, Home Sports Entertainment (now FSN Southwest) shared time with QVC network on some cable outlets. Ironically, QVC is now owned by Liberty Media, who owned Prime. However, during the Prime/QVC timeshare, QVC was owned by Comcast. Usually, QVC would air from about 3 a.m.-1 p.m. on a given day, and then Prime would take over with its feed and feature a brief sign-on and display its bright red HSE symbol in a large font. They would then give a program listing of the day's shows, which was usually superimposed over a decorative sports-related background, such as a basketball court. Some cable systems would scramble HSE when its feed took over because they treated it as a premium channel, such as Sports Time, which was on in the 1980s.
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1 hr


Taktgenerator für Zeitpartagierung 4K
clock generator for time switching 4K

Partagierung (von französisch: partage - "teilen") bezeichnet bei der satellitengestützten Funkübertragung die automatische Funkkanalaufteilung. Diese Methode bietet zum Beispiel beim Fernsehen die Möglichkeit, zwei Programme auf einem gemeinsamen Kanal zu übertragen.
Man unterscheidet unterschiedliche Varianten der Aufteilung von begrenzten Übertragungskapazitäten:
Partagierung in der Frequenz...
Partagierung in der Zeit...
Partagierung im Code...
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