Glossary entry

Polish term or phrase:

w roku kalendarzowym, w którym ustał stosunek pracy

English translation:

in the calendar year in which the employment relationship ceased

Added to glossary by gubi
Nov 30, 2021 16:23
2 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Polish term

w roku kalendarzowym, w którym ustał stosunek pracy

Polish to English Law/Patents Management Świadectwo pracy
Liczba dni lub godzin zwolnienia wykorzystanego w roku kalendarzowym, w którym ustał stosunek pracy.
Change log

Dec 5, 2021 21:24: gubi Created KOG entry

Dec 5, 2021 21:52: gubi changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/1393615">gubi's</a> old entry - "w roku kalendarzowym, w którym ustał stosunek pracy"" to ""in the calendar year in which the employment relationship ceased""

Proposed translations

12 mins

In the calendar year in which the employment relationship ceased

A standard of Polish employment certificates!

In this case, 'ceased' encompasses all possible ways an employment relationship may end, i.e. expiration, termination with notice, termination without notice, termination with cause, etc.
Peer comment(s):

agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
38 mins
Thank you!
agree Darius Saczuk
4 hrs
Thank you!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Dziękuję wszystkim za pomoc. Wybieram tą odpowiedż z uwagi na niewielką ilość odpowiedzi (na ten moment 15 answers) autora."
9 mins

in the calendar year in which the employment (relationship) terminated

in the calendar year in which the employment (relationship) terminated

Note added at 12 mins (2021-11-30 16:36:34 GMT)

OR ... the employment relationship ended

Note added at 39 mins (2021-11-30 17:03:47 GMT)

Termination due to Expiration of Employment Period
Peer comment(s):

neutral Gregory Chapman : This may be a bit misleading, as an employment relationship can be 'terminated' or can 'expire', etc.
4 mins
Sorry I think expiry/expiration is a form of termination. Please see the examples above. Btw- a contract may terminate by its own terms or by operation of law, too. 'Terminate' covers all possible ways a contract may end or may be brought to an end.
agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
41 mins
Dziękuję Frank.
agree Jacek Rogala (X) : just patriotism and my experience here that you're very good at it :)
1 hr
Dziękuję, to miłe.
agree Darius Saczuk
17 hrs
Something went wrong...
22 hrs

in the calendar year in which the employment has ended

Copies of the ID must be kept by the employer for at least 5 calendar years after the calendar year in which the employment has ended. Therefore, if an employee ends his or her employment in 2020, the employer must keep the data at least until the end of 2025. -

The concept of actual cessation of business has been better defined in the draft bill. At the same time, the draft bill specifies cases in which it would be possible to apply for advances against outstanding claims from the employer. It also extends the list of claims that may be covered by the Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund – the draft bill permits claiming an equivalent not only for holiday leave due in the calendar year in which the employment has ended, but also for the immediately preceding year. It also extends reference periods from 9 months to 12 months, namely the periods that precede the employer’s insolvency, in which employment must cease for the employee to be able to seek satisfaction of his claims. This change will result in protection for more people.

Pojęcie faktycznego zaprzestania działalności zostało w projekcie ściślej zdefiniowane. Doprecyzowano przy tym przypadki, w których będzie można ubiegać się o wypłatę zaliczki na poczet niezaspokojonych przez pracodawcę roszczeń. Rozszerzeniu uległ także katalog należności, które podlegają zaspokojeniu ze środków Funduszu Gwarantowanych Świadczeń Pracowniczych – projekt dopuszcza ubieganie się o wypłatę ekwiwalentu nie tylko za urlop przysługujący za rok kalendarzowy, w którym ustał stosunek pracy, ale również za rok bezpośrednio go poprzedzający. Przewiduje się także wydłużenie z 9 do 12 miesięcy okresów referencyjnych, czyli okresów poprzedzających wystąpienie niewypłacalności pracodawcy, w których musi nastąpić ustanie stosunku pracy, aby pracownik mógł dochodzić zaspokojenia roszczeń. Zmiana ta spowoduje objęcie ochroną większej liczby osób.



775. Subsection (3) ensures that the amount in subsection (2) can be chargeable in a tax year after the year in which the employment has ended or has become excluded employment as defined in clause 63(4). -


The full amount was taken into account in calculating TE in respect of that employment for that tax year (i.e. the tax year in which the employment ended). -


The new rules are also likely to prevent long payouts because the IRS believes that severance pay should be completed by the end of the second taxable year following the year in which the employment ended. -
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