Spanish term
" Por vibraciones de la perforadora, jumbo, scooptram, por la posición para amacizar (dejar zonas inestables en el techo del interior de mina)."
3 +1 | shoring | philgoddard |
4 | scaling | Thomas Walker |
Proposed translations
Hacer que algo quede firme, sólido, apretado o macizo: «Métele una calza a la tarima para que amacice bien
Many thanks for your imput. I couldn't decide between "shoring" and "scaling" so I finally went for Henry Hind's interpretation of "amacice" - "stabilization". |
Amacizar: acción de remover piedras flojas en taludes o áreas peligrosas.
Scaling, the taking down of loose material from the roof, face and rib in hard rock mining. This videotape will remind you of some of the safety procedures and common sense practices to use during scaling.
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