Translation glossary: RomGen

Showing entries 1-50 of 53
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"presărată"Touched with/by... 
Romanian to English
a saruta apăsatHis kiss was pressing 
Romanian to English
acoperământto cover up 
Romanian to English
actualitatea temeiThe topical issue of the theme / Topical theme 
English to Romanian
asezamant socialsocial housing complex / development 
Romanian to English
şcoala postlicealăFurther Education College / College of Further Education 
Romanian to English
îi făcuse de rușinea satuluiShe brought shame/embarrassment on her parents 
Romanian to English
în ce relaţii... and what our relationship was. 
Romanian to English
într-o măsură mai pronunţatăTo a greater exent (sau) greater degree 
Romanian to English
îs spuse din priviri (să le lase puțin singure)Her look told them to leave them/her alone for a while. 
Romanian to English
buclele acelea razlete de par,( ce nu voiau sa stea in rand cu celalte)Even her flyaway curls (that refused to fall into place like/with the others.) 
Romanian to English
caderi si ridicariups and downs /or/ high points and low points 
Romanian to English
cercul de desen din scoalaart/design club 
Romanian to English
circuit stiintificscientific lexicon 
Romanian to English
coada cocoşuluiAttica/rooster tail 
Romanian to English
comunacommune + gloss 
Romanian to English
cosmeticianBeauty therapist / Beautician 
Romanian to English
cu masa pusăwith the table laid 
Romanian to English
cu o atitudine supusa, dar cu o față de om distrus.with a submissive attitude, but with the look of a broken man. 
Romanian to English
Curriculum la decizia scoliiSchool based curriculum (school-based) 
Romanian to English
daca ar mai fi pierdut o sarcinaif Karla were to have miscarried 
Romanian to English
doritoriProspective applicants 
Romanian to English
Elemente de marketing turisticPrinciples of Tourism Marketing 
Romanian to English
excesele spre care ai tendinteexcept give in to your tendency to food cravings 
Romanian to English
țuguindu-și buzelePuckering (up) her lips 
Romanian to English
Fisa de insotireGuardianship card / Card for guardianship of Infant 
Romanian to English
English to Romanian
iar lacrimile să-l înnobilizeze...and could appear so beautifully ennobled by his tears. 
Romanian to English
le obtinuse prin nastereaInherited through... 
Romanian to English
make a meaninga crea un sens (existenţei) 
English to Romanian
n.r.editor's note 
Romanian to English
nefranjatnot frayed 
Romanian to English
o fată care s-a născut în Bisericăa girl (who was) brought up in the church / going to church 
Romanian to English
o incerca un sentiment de teamashe encountered a sense of anxiety (a feeling of fear) 
Romanian to English
Romanian to English
painisoare impletiteplaited roll (plaited bread roll) 
Romanian to English
pe lângă dulceața de câteva secunde a momentuluias well as the(that) sweetness of a few seconds in time 
Romanian to English
pierdere a interesului si increderiiTo lose interest and confidence (in) 
Romanian to English
să aprindeți candela sufletului vostruYour soul light's up (...will light up) 
Romanian to English
să mă mângâito comfort me 
Romanian to English
să nu se stricewill be / may be led astray from 
Romanian to English
scoala complemetaraFurther education college / College of further education 
Romanian to English
se asimileazăit is equivalent to 
Romanian to English
Sectorul Regim Permise Auto"The Romanian driving licence and car registration authority - Sectorul Regim Permise Auto - ..." 
Romanian to English
semidecomdatrooms are partly inter-connecting (SAU: interconnecting) 
Romanian to English
simtind nevoia sa se misteFeeling the need to stretch his legs 
Romanian to English
socoteala de acasă nu se potriveşte cu cea din targVarious 
Romanian to English
stagiu clinicClinical Internship / Placement 
Romanian to English
tesut la razboiHand loom woven bag 
Romanian to English
Romanian to English
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