Translation glossary: IT

Showing entries 1-12 of 12
Games and appJeux et applications 
English to French
Games and moreJeux et autre 
English to French
input captureprise d'entrée 
English to French
manutenzione preventiva all'hardwarehardware preventive maintenance 
Italian to English
Owner and installation manualguide d'utilisation et d'installation 
English to French
page sourcela pagina che contiene i codici sorgente 
French to Italian
spideredmis en réseau 
English to French
tabletop computerordinateur de table 
English to French
tick offuncheck / unmark 
Italian to English
to host a siteospitare 
English to Italian
user provisioningCréation des comptes utilisateurs 
English to French
videatafenetre de confirmation 
Italian to French
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