Translation glossary: Construction

Showing entries 1-13 of 13
aciers resulfurésresulphurized steels 
French to English
compteurs de première prisemain / subscriber meters 
French to English
CPANormal Portland Cement 
French to English
enrocherto strategically place boulders to block access 
French to English
entre nusclear span 
French to English
galerie pare blocsrock-shed structure / gallery 
French to English
purgerobtain clearance 
French to English
recoupablecan be cut to suit required dimensions 
French to English
Relevés solinsraised flashing(s) 
French to English
serrure à crochethook or catch lock 
French to English
serrure à poussoirpush lock 
French to English
société coopérative d’intérêt collectif d’Hlmpublic housing cooperative 
French to English
variurekey pattern 
French to English
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