Translation glossary: Law

Showing entries 1-50 of 137
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(declaração de) vencimento antecipado/ vigência antecipadaacceleration 
Portuguese to English
a critério dein the discretion of 
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a defesa do réuthe case for the defendant 
Portuguese to English
a qualquer títuloon any ground whatsoever 
Portuguese to English
a título de comodatoon gratuituous loan (for use) 
Portuguese to English
ação em pequenas causassmall claims case 
Portuguese to English   Law (general)
ação judicial coletivaclass action 
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ações contra falsificaçãoanti-counterfeiting measures 
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ações nominativasregistered shares 
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ações ordinárias(shares of) common stock 
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ações preferenciais(shares of) preferred stock 
Portuguese to English
abuso de confiança / quebra de decorobreach of trust 
Portuguese to English
acordo de representanteagent agreement 
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adequação do sistema de aplicação de leisadequacy of the enforcement system 
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alienação / alienardisposition / to dispose 
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alteração / alteraramendment / to amend 
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aprovaçãopassing / adoption 
Portuguese to English
assembléia / reunião extraordináriaspecial meeting 
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assembléia / reunião ordináriaannual meeting 
Portuguese to English
autuação previdenciáriasocial security fine 
Portuguese to English
aviso / notificação / edital de convocação / convocaçãonotice 
Portuguese to English
órgão aprovadorapproving body / agency 
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ônus e encargostaxes and charges 
Portuguese to English
base legallegal basis 
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cúmplice ativoaccessory before the fact 
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cúmplice posterioraccessory after the fact 
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certidão negativaprotest certificate 
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certificado de constituiçãocertificate of incorporation 
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ciente e de acordoacquainted with the agreement 
Portuguese to English
cláusulas comuns de contratocommon terms of agreement / cta 
Portuguese to English
com jurisdição sobre (local)with jurisdiction over (a place) 
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com o mesmo grau de cuidadowith the same degree of care 
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companhia / empresa aberta / de capital abertopublicly quoted / held / traded company / corporation 
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competência / poderesauthority 
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composição amigável / acordo em litígioaccommodation 
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comprometer-se aundertake to 
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conselho de administração / conselho diretorboard of directors 
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contrato de representação comercial / agenciamentoagency agreement 
Portuguese to English
contrato de uso restritorestricted-use contract 
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contrato guarda-chuvaframework agreement 
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contrato social / estatutoarticles of association / incorporation 
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Portuguese to English
crime inafiançávelnon-bailable offence 
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cumprimento dos requisitos legaiscompliance of the legal requirements 
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custo objetivotarget cost 
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custo por indenizaçãoindemnity cost 
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data de assinaturadate of signing 
Portuguese to English
de forma total ou parcialin whole or in part 
Portuguese to English
de um lado...e do outroby and between...and 
Portuguese to English
decreto de anistiaact of indemnity 
Portuguese to English
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