Translation glossary: Finances

Showing entries 1-50 of 51
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1/Claim (recoverable) debt, 2/L/CCréance 
English to French
Bail outPlan de sauvetage, renflouement 
English to French
Balance sheetBilan 
English to French
English to French
English to French
CapitalFonds (propres) ou capitaux 
English to French
Cash-strappeda cours de liquidite, fauche 
English to French
Chief executive of a groupPDG (president directeur general) 
English to French
Corporate governanceGouvernance d'entreprises 
English to French
Corporate social responsibilityResponsabilite sociale des entreprises 
English to French
English to French
Currency markets & Stock marketsMarche des devises & marche des valeurs (la Bourse) 
English to French
English to French
Economic situationConjoncture economique 
English to French
EquityFonds, capitaux 
English to French
English to French
FSA Financial Services AuthorityAMF Autorite des marches financiers 
English to French
Fundings roundsMarathons financiers 
English to French
GBP est.Valeur approximative en livres sterling 
English to French
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)PIB (produit intérieur brut) 
English to French
GDP (Gross domestic product)PIB (produit intérieur brut ) 
English to French
goodwillappelé écart d'acquisition ou plus familièrement goodwill ou survaleur 
English to French
Hedge fundsFonds alternatifs/Spéculatifs (ou Hedge fund) 
English to French
Junk bondsObligations pourries 
English to French
LifelineLigne de credit 
English to French
PackageForfait, plan de relance economique 
English to French
Paid in cashPaye en numeraire 
English to French
Preferred sharesActions preferentielles 
English to French
Private equityCapital risque ou investissement 
English to French
Profit sharingInteressement 
English to French
Profits warningAvertissement sur les resultats 
English to French
proportionnalité totale/partielleProportional method with full/partial coverage 
French to English
Public offeringIntroduction en bourse 
English to French
Rights issue proceedsrecettes derivant de l'emission d'actions 
English to French
Societe commerciale, entrepriseCorporation (US), company, firm (UK) 
French to English
Stimulus plan, packagePlan de relance, de stimulation 
English to French
Stocks, equities, sharesActions 
English to French
Stricken lenderpreteur touche par le crunch 
English to French
SubprimeHypotheque a risques, subprime 
English to French
TakeoverAcquisition ou prise de controle 
English to French
TallyAddition, compte 
English to French
To buck the trend/system to scale back its lossescourber la tendance, se rebiffer contre 
English to French
To hedgeEffectuer des opérations de couverture/des couvertures d’actifs 
English to French
To rally againstrallier, remonter 
English to French
To tumble (Stock markets)S'ecrouler 
English to French
Top notch credit ratingsNote elevee de credit 
English to French
Toxic assetsActifs toxiques/pourris 
English to French
English to French
Treasury Select CommitteeComite restraint du Tresor 
English to French
Venture capitalistsSpecialistes du capital risque 
English to French
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