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Comparing Wordscope and CaptionBrain

Which software is better? Here is a rundown of features and reviews to help you make your decision.

Name Wordscope CaptionBrain
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Product description Wordscope is an all-in-one CAT tool, working seamlessly on both Mac and PC, that combines multiple machine translation engines, over a dozen specialized terminology tools, and the robust assistance of ChatGPT.

It provides professional translators with advanced functionalities for translation, definition, rewriting, and much more.

- Neural machine translation to improve productivity
- ChatGPT to help translators look up a definition, explore a scientific concept, get more info on a topic, rephrase or ask a question
- Private translation memories to avoid translating the same sentences multiple times
- Terminology databases
- Public translation memories
- Quality control tools to check for grammar or spelling errors, inconsistencies, typos, etc.
- Synonym lists to improve style
- Various sharing options to split large projects between several translators

Try it for free: pro.wordscope.com.


ProZ.com Premium members can benefit from the yearly and monthly discounts on the Wordscope tool.

Contact [email protected] for more information.
CaptionBrain is a user-friendly AI tool for generating time-coded subtitle templates directly from videos based on clients’ guidelines. CaptionBrain is an AI-powered subtitling and translation software designed specifically for medical, corporate, and marketing content, although it can be used also for media streaming videos. It utilizes advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to generate accurate and professional subtitles and translations.

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