Trados Keyboard commands on Mac?
Thread poster: Jennifer Byers
Jennifer Byers
Jennifer Byers  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:52
Portuguese to English
Apr 13, 2013

I've got Studio 2011 working pretty well on my Mac (with Parallels/boot camp), however I haven't figured out how to adapt the keyboard commands as there is no Ins key on Mac keyboard!
e.g. Copy Source to Target would be Ctrl+Ins on a PC - anyone know what it is on Mac?

Or do I have to set it up? If so, where and how? The ONLY one I've figured out is Ctrl+Enter for Confirm and Move to Next Unconfirmed Segment, but even that's not great as the Ctrl key is on the left side of the
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I've got Studio 2011 working pretty well on my Mac (with Parallels/boot camp), however I haven't figured out how to adapt the keyboard commands as there is no Ins key on Mac keyboard!
e.g. Copy Source to Target would be Ctrl+Ins on a PC - anyone know what it is on Mac?

Or do I have to set it up? If so, where and how? The ONLY one I've figured out is Ctrl+Enter for Confirm and Move to Next Unconfirmed Segment, but even that's not great as the Ctrl key is on the left side of the keyboard, so it's a 2-handed operation!

Any help much appreciated as I have a huge document full of tables/numbers and Copy Source to Target is going to be a big factor.

Many thanks.

Jacques DP
Jacques DP  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:52
English to French
Shortcuts in Parallels Apr 13, 2013

This issue has several sides to it, but one side you may want to consider is:
Alt-Left click on the "II" Parallels icon > Preferences > Shortcuts > Windows

There I have defined:
Alt-I (Mac) to produce Alt-Insert in Windows, and
Alt-Maj-I (Mac) to produce Alt-Maj-Insert.

PS: The exact menu items may be different as I am back-translating from the French localized UI

[Edited at 2013-04-13 07:56 GMT]

Jennifer Byers
Jennifer Byers  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:52
Portuguese to English
Got lost on the profiles Apr 13, 2013

Many thanks Jacques. I'm definitely getting closer! However, I get a bit lost when I get to the screen where you say Shortucts/ Windows. At the top of the box on the right there is a menu called Profiles where I have the options Windows, Mac, Linux etc. Should that be selected at Windows too?
Have tried inserting new commands but they're not working so far. Any further suggestions would be very welcome, if you have time. (I'm not very handy at computer management, even less so with Mac!)

Stephanie Busch
Stephanie Busch  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:52
English to German
+ ...
Customizing shortcuts within Studio Apr 13, 2013

Hi Jennifer,

I haven't tried Jacques' method yet, but regardless of whether you're using Parallels or Boot Camp, you can also customize Studio's keyboard shortcuts from within Studio itself:

I hope this helps!
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Hi Jennifer,

I haven't tried Jacques' method yet, but regardless of whether you're using Parallels or Boot Camp, you can also customize Studio's keyboard shortcuts from within Studio itself:

I hope this helps!

Jennifer Byers
Jennifer Byers  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:52
Portuguese to English
I think this works! Apr 13, 2013

Hi Stephanie,
Thanks for that! If I knew my way around Trados properly I would know this procedure! I got it to work with Alt+I, but oddly enough only on the left Alt button. When I tried to make the command: Right Alt+I it automatically inserted CTRL before the Alt - and I don't want to have to use 3 keys! Anyway, have made some progress and will work on those commands a bit more now that I know where to find them (doh!).

Thanks to you both for your help.

Tomoyuki Kono
Tomoyuki Kono  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 11:52
Member (2010)
English to Japanese
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fn + ctrl + return works for copy source to target Apr 14, 2013

After some Googling for the Mac equivalent of the Insert key, that's what I found. It works on my UK Mac keyboard. I use Parallels + SDL Studio 2009 without any modifications.

Jennifer Byers
Jennifer Byers  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:52
Portuguese to English
fn+ctrl+enter Apr 14, 2013

Thank you Tomoyuki Kono! I've already changed the keyboard command as per Stephanie's advice to left alt+I, which is ok, although still 2-handed!

Have you had any problems using the termbases on Mac? I find that every time I want to add terms to the termbase from the Editor, I get a pop-up asking me if I really want to run this program. Even when I click the "Don't ask me again" box, it keeps on happening. And it crashes quite a lot too. Very annoying and time-consuming!!

Tomoyuki Kono
Tomoyuki Kono  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 11:52
Member (2010)
English to Japanese
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Sorry, I don't use termbase Apr 21, 2013

Hi Jennifer.

Sorry for this belated reply; I've been away and all.

I'm afraid I can't help you as I don't use termbases. Besides, I installed Parallels only recently after I decided that using my Mac and PC (which I used for Trados and nothing else) side by side was too impractical for my increasingly mobile lifestyle. I'd been a Mac purist until then and couldn't stand the thought of contaminating my Mac with inferior Windoze. Anyway, your problem sounds as though it c
... See more
Hi Jennifer.

Sorry for this belated reply; I've been away and all.

I'm afraid I can't help you as I don't use termbases. Besides, I installed Parallels only recently after I decided that using my Mac and PC (which I used for Trados and nothing else) side by side was too impractical for my increasingly mobile lifestyle. I'd been a Mac purist until then and couldn't stand the thought of contaminating my Mac with inferior Windoze. Anyway, your problem sounds as though it could be an installation-related issue. I will try and install Multiterm myself and see what happens. I will let you know if I find anything relevant or useful.


Jennifer Byers wrote:
Have you had any problems using the termbases on Mac? I find that every time I want to add terms to the termbase from the Editor, I get a pop-up asking me if I really want to run this program. Even when I click the "Don't ask me again" box, it keeps on happening. And it crashes quite a lot too. Very annoying and time-consuming!!

Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 17:52
English to Indonesian
+ ...
Problems? No problems. Apr 21, 2013

Jennifer Byers wrote:
Have you had any problems using the termbases on Mac?

Nobody ever had. You are not running termbases on a Mac, you are running them under Windows on a VM. Now that's quite a difference.



Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 17:52
English to Indonesian
+ ...
Now that's my guy (or was) Apr 21, 2013

Tomoyuki Kono wrote:
I'd been a Mac purist until then and couldn't stand the thought of contaminating my Mac with inferior Windoze.

Why didn't you keep it that way?

Anyway, your problem sounds as though it could be an installation-related issue.

But not the installation of OS X. It may very well be a Windows installation-related issue, a Parallels installation-related issue, or a … Trados installation-related issue. What would I know? I'm a Mac purist. But it's not an OS X installation-related issue.



Jennifer Byers
Jennifer Byers  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:52
Portuguese to English
Termbase problem sorted Apr 21, 2013

Thanks Tomo, I think I have sorted it. It was a Java security issue and I had to go and change the settings in Java. I think there must have been a new update download or something, otherwise why would my security settings suddenly change?

Appreciate your input though - all the best.

Jennifer Byers
Jennifer Byers  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:52
Portuguese to English
"smart answer" Apr 21, 2013

Nobody ever had. You are not running termbases on a Mac, you are running them under Windows on a VM. Now that's quite a difference.

I think my meaning was pretty clear to most people who read the post so your smart answer isn't very helpful.

Tomoyuki Kono
Tomoyuki Kono  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 11:52
Member (2010)
English to Japanese
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'Termbase installation issues within Parallels' is what I meant. Apr 21, 2013

First of all, I'm glad to hear that Jennifer's problem has been resolved.

Tomoyuki Kono wrote:
I'd been a Mac purist until then and couldn't stand the thought of contaminating my Mac with inferior Windoze.

Hans wrote:
Why didn't you keep it that way?

About 30% of my workload requires the use of SDL Trados Studio. I reluctantly used to use a PC just to do those Trados jobs. However, as I mentioned, I am increasingly having to work in all kinds of environment and carrying two laptops with me (actually opening two laptops while on the go) is not really feasible any more. If I transferred my email client, dictionaries, etc. to the PC, I wouldn't have needed the Mac at least for those jobs but I didn't want to use the PC any more than necessary. So there you go.

There is an ongoing discussion in the Japanese section of the forum about CAT tools on Mac, where a lot of practical issues like this have been shared. I'm all for cross-platform software and some major distributions are indeed available on Mac as well but I personally dislike the look of Java-based applications, which are good news for platform compatibility but bad for text display features like kerning and antialiasing. My current set up (Windows running on VM) doesn't address those aesthetic needs of mine but at least I have been able to ditch the physical PC

Anyway, your problem sounds as though it could be an installation-related issue.

Hans wrote:
But not the installation of OS X. It may very well be a Windows installation-related issue, a Parallels installation-related issue, or a … Trados installation-related issue. What would I know? I'm a Mac purist. But it's not an OS X installation-related issue.

That's exactly what I meant, i.e. not anything to do with Mac OS X. Installation issues related to Multiterm within Parallels Desktop.


Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 17:52
English to Indonesian
+ ...
Java, rather than Windows Apr 21, 2013

Tomoyuki Kono wrote:
About 30% of my workload requires the use of SDL Trados Studio.

Far more here, unfortunately. But I can handle those files - both TTX and SDLXLIFF, and SDLTM - without problems in CafeTran. But yes, it's Java-based.




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Trados Keyboard commands on Mac?

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