This is a SDL Trados approved training session. Attendees will receive:
* 8 hour in person training session, conducted by a SDL Trados Certified trainer.
* approved training manuals,
* approved workbooks and sample files,
* access to SDL Trados Certification Exams (learn more about
SDL Trados Certification program here)
* demo version of SDL Trados Studio 2009.
Please note!
We cannot provide computers.
Please download the demo version, which will be placed in your account at and install it on your laptop prior to training.
Make sure you download SDL Trados 2007, SDL Trados 2009 and Multiterm 2009!
Save your Multiterm 2007 termbases on your HDD with friendly names, then uninstall Multiterm 2007.
Install Trados 2007 followed by SDL Trados 2009 and Multiterm.
Training fee also includes coffee breaks and lunch.
Learning Objectives:
This course is designed for existing users of SDL Trados 2007 and will teach delegates how to use the new features and functionality of SDL Trados Studio 2009. Delegates will also learn the most efficient ways to upgrade their existing SDL Trados 2007 resources, i.e. upgrading translation memories, termbases, and tag settings files to the new format.
This course is the first step in understanding how to leverage the full power of SDL Trados Studio 2009 to increase your productivity. The course also shows delegates how to handle scenarios that involve both users of SDL Trados Studio 2009 and user of SDL Trados 2007.
Target Audience:
Translators and Project Managers who are upgrading from SDL Trados 2007 to SDL Trados Studio 2009
SDL TRADOS Certification:
This course provides all of the knowledge attendees need to pass their SDL Trados Studio 2009 Level 1 exam (available September 2009).
The SDL TRADOS Certification program enables individual translators and project managers to validate their knowledge and expertise in the use of SDL Trados products. Achieving SDL TRADOS Certification demonstrates that you are fully prepared to work with the world’s leading translation technology.
Certification in SDL Trados Studio 2009 product can be achieved by taking the following web based exams:
-SDL Trados Studio 2009 Getting Started Level 1 exam
-SDL Trados Studio 2009 Intermediate Level 2 exam
-SDL Trados Studio 2009 Advanced Level 3 exam
The exam questions are based on the topics covered in the corresponding SDL Trados Studio 2009 course e.g. attendance on the SDL Trados Studio 2009 Getting Started course, followed by practical experience of the topics covered, will prepare attendees to take the SDL Trados Studio 2009 Level 1 exam.
Each exam consists of 40 questions and lasts 40 minutes. Attendees take their exams by logging into their SDL My Account and selecting the My Certification area, where their exams and corresponding training manuals can be found.
Attendees will be advised on completion of their exam whether they have passed or need to retake.
Further Development:
To further deepen their knowledge and increase productivity, we recommend attendance on the following courses:
-SDL Trados Studio 2009 Intermediate – Level 2 Certification, followed by SDL Trados Studio 2009 Advanced – Level 3 Certification
Attendees should also consider attending the SDL Trados MultiTerm 2009 course, which will teach them the key functionality of SDL Trados MultiTerm 2009. See upcoming online sessions listed
Training program:
Introduction to SDL Trados Studio 2009 and SDL MultiTerm 2009
* Overview of the SDL Trados Studio 2009 environment
* Overview of the SDL MultiTerm 2009 environment
* Major advantages of SDL Trados Studio 2009 over SDL Trados 2007
* Improved user interface
* All functionality integrated within the SDL Trados Studio 2009 application
* Real-time Preview
* Real-time QA checking
* Real-time spelling check (working without MS Office)
* Context matches
* Boosting productivity with AutoSuggest™
* Multiple TM support for Lookup and Concordance
* Concordance search in source and target language
* Enhanced, ergonomic editor, e.g. fewer tags in editor display, easier inserting of tags
* Project management and workflow functionality
* Fully open standards-based: XLIFF and TMX
Upgrading SDL Trados 2007 Translation Memories
* Wizard-based TM upgrade
* TM merging options
* Migrating TM fields
* Migrating custom segmentation rules and variables
* Compatibility options
TM Upgrades using bilingual files
* Upgrading TMs from TMX files
* Upgrading TMs from TTX files
* Differences / advantages of different upgrade approaches
Structured formats (XML)
* Basic information on processing XML files in SDL Trados Studio
* Upgrading *.ini and *.anl files for structured format support i.e. XML
AutoSuggest™ Dictionary generation
* What is an AutoSuggest™ Dictionary
* Creating an AutoSuggest™ Dictionary from a TM
Upgrading SDL MultiTerm Termbases
* Explaining major differences between SDL MultiTerm 2009 vs. SDL MultiTerm 2007
* Overview of major new features
* *.mdb vs. *.sdltb files
* Quick upgrade through re-opening and re-naming legacy termbases
* Upgrading termbases through re-creation and re-importing