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Source text - French Pataugas a tout d’une grande.
La Pataugas atitude gagne chaque jour du terrain. En effet, aujourd’hui, soit sept ans à peine après le relancement de la marque mythique créée en 1950 par René Elissabide, Sylvie Bondil, directrice générale et Philippe Morvan, directeur artistique de Pataugas (Groupe Vivarte) sont satisfaits. Pataugas fait partie du Top Ten des ventes de chaussures dans les boutiques multimarques, son chiffre d’affaires, 21500K€ en 2008 a été multiplié par 30 en sept ans. Une réussite hors normes.
Lorsque le groupe Vivarte leur confie la mission de faire revivre Pataugas, marque faisant partie du portefeuille de l’entreprise, tout reste à faire :
Le style « scout », la grosse semelle, fabriquée en pâte cuite au gaz (d’où son nom), rien n’a changé en un demi siècle. Seul le nom, interpelle, intemporel.
Le défi est de taille.
Mais le duo Bondil/Morvan est solide, la direction de Vivarte confiante.
Le talent de stratège commercial de la première, l’appétit créatif du second finissent par imposer la marque relookée. Aujourd’hui, Pataugas est devenue un must have, la « chaussure citadine décontractée ». Le parti pris esthétique simple, épuré, féminin de Pataugas plaît aprce qu’il s’adapte à la vie des femmes contemporaines tout simplement.
Son réseau ne cesse de s’étendre et quatre cent milles paires de chaussures ont été écoulées en France et à l’étranger l’an dernier. Vendues au sein de boutiques multimarques (1200 au total), dans les corners des Galeries Lafayette, du Printemps, et au sein de quatre points de vente en nom propre implantés dans les avenues les plus prestigieuses de Paris et de Province (Lyon, Aix-en-provence), les modèles Pataugas sont partout.
Fort de cette success story, et plus confiant que jamais dans le pouvoir de séduction de leur marque mythique, le tandem dont l’objectif est de réaliser 50% de son chiffre d’affaires à l’export, s’attaquera dès cette année à l’implantation de Pataugas à l’étranger. Première étape : le quartier de SoHo à New York, puis la Russie et le Moyen Orient. La Pataugas addiction ne fait que commencer !
Translation - English Pataugas is Playing in the Champions League
The Pataugas attitude is gaining ground. Today, barely seven years after the mythical brand created in 1950 by René Elissabide was launched, Sylvie Bondil, General Manager and Philippe Morvan, Stylist (Vivarte Group) are satisfied. Pataugas is now a member of the Top Ten in shoe sales in multi-brand shops, and its 2008 turnover of 21,500 K€ has been multiplied by 30 in seven years. An extraordinary success.
Everything still needed doing when the Vivarte Group entrusted them with the mission of getting Pataugas, a brand included in the Company’s portfolio, up and going again:
Nothing had changed in half a century: the famous thick sole used by Scouts, made out of a paste cooked over gas, hence the moniker. Pataugas could only count on its timeless name to draw attention.
What a challenge! But the Bondil/Morvan duo was experienced and Vivarte Management was confident.
Bondil’s sales strategy talent combined with Morvan’s creative appetite finally established the dusted off brand. Pataugas has now become a must have, the “relaxed city shoe.” Contemporary women like Pataugas shoes just because of their simple, pure, and aesthetically pleasing feminine look.
The network has never stopped growing with four hundred thousand pairs of shoes sold in France and abroad last year. Pataugas shoes can be found everywhere in over 1,200 multi-brand shoe shops, on the corners of Galleries Lafayette or Printemps Department Stores, or in four dedicated stores bearing the Pataugas name on the most famous boulevards of Paris and Province (Lyons, and Aix-en-Provence.)
Encouraged by this success story, and more confident than ever in the seduction power of their mythical brand, the tandem, whose objective is 50% export turnover, is going to begin sales of Pataugas in foreign countries. The Soho District in New York will be the first stage, and will be followed by Russia and the Middle East. Pataugas addiction has just begun!
French to English: Video Games 2009
Source text - French Burnout Paradise – The Ultimate Box :
A tous ceux qui n’ont pas encore touché à Burnout Paradise ou aux fans qui veulent prolonger l’expérience, je vous présente The Ultimate Box, le pack complet du jeu phare de Criterion Studios enfin disponible sur PC. En sus du jeu que tous les consoleux connaissent, vous trouverez l’update Cagney, ses trois modes de jeux en ligne et ses 70 challenges inédits, deux nouvelles voitures, des créations de fans et un système de classement amélioré. Le pack moto ajoutera deux motos au jeu original sans oublier les 70 défis freeburn. Et enfin, vous pourrez surtout profiter du Paradise Party, le mode multijoueur hors ligne, plein de défis et jouable jusqu’à huit. Le jeu de courses immanquable sur PC est donc enfin disponible, à ne rater sous aucun prétexte !
- The Ultimate Box, c’est Burnout Paradise, l’update Cagney, le pack Moto et le Paradise Party, sans compter toutes les optimisations in-game
- Après avoir fait un malheur sur consoles, Burnout Paradise roule enfin sur PC dans sa version la plus complète
- Paradise City, ville ouverte dans laquelle vous attendent des centaines de défis !
Chrono Trigger DS :
Bien des années avant Blue Dragon, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Akira Toriyama et Nobuo Uematsu avaient marqué l’histoire du jeu vidéo avec un RPG révolutionnaire et sensationnel, c’était Chrono Trigger. Près de quinze ans après, le jeu revient sur Nintendo DS, pour la première fois en Europe, pour le ravissement des anciens et nouveaux joueurs qui pourront découvrir ou redécouvrir ce monument du jeu de rôle. A travers les mailles d’une histoire enchevêtrée entre le passé et le présent, parcourez le monde à la rescousse d’une jeune fille. La nouvelle version spécialement développée pour la Nintendo DS intègre un nouveau donjon inédit, un mode sans fil et profite du double écran de la console et des possibilités tactiles. Ceux qui n’ont jamais joué à Chrono Trigger doivent de toute urgence se ruer dessus, les autres pourront replonger avec délice dans cette aventure épique remise au goût du jour, concocté par les génies japonais de la grande époque.
- Chrono Trigger revient 14 ans après ! Un remake en bonne et dûe forme sur Nintendo DS à découvrir ou redécouvrir de toute urgence !
- Une histoire magnifique à travers le monde et à travers le temps, un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer !
- Par la même équipe créative que Blue Dragon, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Akira Toriyama et Nobuo Uematsu !
Translation - English Burnout Paradise – The Ultimate Box:
For all of you who haven't yet tried Burnout Paradise or for fans who can't get enough of it, have a look at The Ultimate Box, the full pack of this flagship game by Criterion Studios finally available on your PC. Gamers will appreciate the Cagney update with its three on-line play modes and 70 new challenges, two new vehicles, fan input as well as an enhanced ranking system. The bikers pack adds two bikes to the original game, without forgetting the 70 freeburn challenges. And don't forget to take advantage of Paradise Party for off-line multi-players, full of challenges for up to eight gamers. This mythical race game is now finally available on PC, don't miss it for any reason!
- Find Burnout Paradise, the Cagney update, the biker's pack and Paradise Party in the Ultimate Box, full of in-game add-ons.
- After having been a huge success on consoles, Burnout Paradise is finally rocking on PCs in its most complete version.
- Paradise City is ready and waiting for you with hundreds of challenges!
Chrono Trigger DS:
Chrono Trigger first appeared as a revolutionary and sensational RPG years before Blue Dragon, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Akira Toriyama and Nobuo Uematsu left their mark on the history of video games. The game has finally come back on Nintendo DS almost fifteen years later, for the first time in Europe, and seasoned gamers or newbies can discover or rediscover this monumental role playing game. While unravelling bribes of the story threaded through the past and the present, travel the world to help rescue a kidnapped girl. The new version, specially designed for Nintendo DS, includes a new dungeon, a wireless mode and takes full advantage of the double screen and its tactile possibilities. If you have never played Chrono Trigger, get going now! All others can dive in again to this updated epic adventure story, written by Japanese geniuses of the Golden Age.
- 14 years later Chrono Trigger is back! Discover or rediscover this remake on your Nintendo DS!
- A magnificent story spanning time and worlds - don't miss it!
- Written by the same creative team as Blue Dragon, Hironobu, Sakaguchi, Akira Toriyama and Nobuo Uemastsu!
French to English: Padayon ! [Continue] Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - French De manière inattendue, j'ai découvert à Vatel ma passion pour le vin. L'œnologie m'a ouvert les yeux sur de nombreuses potentialités, m'a rendue curieuse de la découvrir et peut-être, d'en créer une entreprise. J'ai su depuis toujours que j'adorerais étudier le commerce et la gestion, mais je ne me doutais pas que je me passionnerais pour le vin. La façon dont les vins sont élaborés, tout ce qu’il faut faire pour les améliorer au fil des ans, c’est enthousiasmant !
Comment cela s’est-il produit ?
Au départ, nous avions tous besoin d'un petit coup de pouce pour découvrir notre passion et nos centres d’intérêt. Le tournant s’est produit lorsque mon professeur et mes amis m'ont encouragée à participer à un concours de jeunes sommeliers à l'université. J'ai été mise au défi, j‘ai dépassé mes limites et découvert que j'étais douée dans ce domaine. C’est la plus belle chose qui me soit arrivée : subir une grosse pression et donner le meilleur de moi-même. Du coup, je me vois devenir une femme d'affaires négociant principalement les vins et spiritueux, voyageant constamment pour élargir la diffusion de ses produits et la portée de ses relations.
Translation - English At Vatel I unexpectedly discovered my passion for wine. Oenology was a real eye-opener for me with its potential, it made me want to discover it more completely, and maybe found a company based on it. I always knew that I’d love studying commerce and administration, but had no idea that this passion would concern wine. The way that wine is made, everything it takes to improve it as time goes by, all of this is so exciting!
How did that happen?
At the beginning, everyone needs a helping hand to discover their passion and what they really like doing. For me the turning point was when my professor and friends encouraged me to take part in a competition of young wine stewards at the university. I was challenged, I did better than I’d imagined and found out that I was actually quite gifted in this field. This was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me: being under a lot of pressure and doing my best. So now I see myself becoming a businesswoman who mainly works with wine and spirits, constantly traveling to expand my market and the outreach of my products.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Wisconsin
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Feb 2009.
I was born, raised, and educated in the US where I have a Master's Degree in French.
I have been living in Normandy for about 30 years. During this time, I have not always been a translator - far from that! I worked for about 18 years with my husband in two family owned DIY and construction materials outlets. It was a great experience, running an "SARL" in France, learning everything from scratch - accounting up to the annual profit and loss sheet, sales, purchasing, finance, HR. And of course loads of technical documents to help us out with questions from our customers. I was able to certify this experience with the French BTS degree (Associate Degree) as an Administrative Assistant for SME's.
After we sold our outlets in 1999, I spent one year teaching English in primary schools - 6 different schools, 15 different classes, but this was definitely not my cup of tea!
When school finished, I looked for another job, and quickly found a job as an ESL trainer. This is great, and I would recommend it to anyone living in a foreign country, who has teaching experience and likes to meet people. I teach in different companies, but usually in a very small group or one-to-one which means going through production, looking through e-mails, writing presentation and reports, reading technical documents, and of course I learn as much as my students!
As I had done loads of technical translations on-site, I decided to branch out in 2005 as a freelance technical and commercial translator, and have since done both jobs part-time. They are very complementary, and my training helps me become a better translator, and my translations help me become a better trainer. I decided in 2010 to phase out my training activities and work in French to English technical and commercial translation full-time, in my company, 2BTraduction.
I am equipped at home with a PC and laptop running with Windows 10 and Office 2016, and use the CAT tool MemoQ pro.
My specializations are all general business communication documents: presentations, newspaper articles, web sites, letters to shareholders, etc. as well as anything that has to do with the hospitality and tourism management industries. I also do certified documents such as certificates, diplomas, etc. and write content for websites in English, respecting search engine optimization procedures.
I am a complete English language service provider in France, with translation, consecutive interpretation and ESL training for adults.
I am a member of the ATA as well as the association "Trans'missions Europe," - an association of European languages translators.
I regularly contribute to two French/English specialized blogs as a guest writer: "Le Mot Juste en Anglais" and "Traduction Anglais-Français" and would be happy to supply you with some samples of my work.