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Apr 15, 2020 (posted Currently translating financial news for the national television station and translating sub-titles for European Parliament videos. Other jobs are general one mainly from overseas clients....more »
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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English to Maltese - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 EUR per word
Payment methods accepted
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Maltese: SIRENE MANUAL
Source text - English COMMISSION DECISION
adopting the SIRENE Manual and other implementing measures for the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II)
Having regard to the Treaty on European Union,
Having regard to Council Decision 2007/533/JHA of 12 June 2007 on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) , and in particular Articles 8(4), 9(1), 20(4), 22(a), 38(3), 51(4) and 52(7) thereof,
li tadotta l-Manwal SIRENE u miżuri implimentattivi oħra għas-Sistema ta Informazzjoni ta Schengen tat-tieni ġenerazzjoni (SIS II)
Wara li kkunsidrat it-Trattat dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea,
Wara li kkunsidrat id-Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill 2007/533/ĠAI tat-12 ta Ġunju 2007 dwar l-istabbiliment, it-tħaddim u l-użu tas-Sistema ta Informazzjoni ta Schengen tat-tieni ġenerazzjoni (SIS II) , u bmod partikolari l-Artikoli 8(4), 9(1), 20(4), 22(a), 38(3), 51(4) u 52(7) tagħha,
Translation education
Other - Lexicom Translation Company Malta
Years of experience: 33. Registered at Mar 2005.
I specialise in financial, economic, monetary, law, telecommunications, environment, communications, legislation subjects, website translations together with general press releases.
Other jobs include general topics, environment.
I am currently doing jobs for international translations companies on EU and EU-related documents and with various advertising and marketing agencies in Malta.
I also do proofreading jobs both in Maltese and in English including those of the European Court of Justice and publications by OPOCE.
I do also translation of sub-titles from English to Maltese.
Wrote a docu-book on Maltese History "Grajjiet Malta fl-Imgħoddi".
Translation of three books into Malta authored by Morris West, Baroncess Orczy and W Somerset Maughan.
Translation of EU documents and EU related documents and material for the website of the local Employment and Training Corporation (government agency). International translation agencies clients includes Transcripta and ITA (Malta), CPSL, Folio TS, Translavic, Deltalangue, Global, Linguaserve. Imprimerie National, Net Translators, Eurideas, Eurologos, Transgambling, Malta Qualifications Council, Translation Gate, Translateplus, Kolibri, Straker Translations.
I have translated website for the EU DG Environment; Employment and Training Corporation (Malta), Maltaeuropass (Malta Qualifications Council; The People's Pension (UK).
Translation of advertising material and Annual Reports of Bank of Valletta.
Pricing: 15 Euros per page of 300 words (1500 characters excluding spaces) for general translation and 18 Euros for specialised translation. Minimum fee: €10.
12 Euros per page for proofreading.
I am a member of the Ethics Commission of the Institute of Maltese Journalists won the Golden Award by the same Institute.
I won the Best Documentary Award in the Malta Television Awards for the document "Malta fl-Imgħoddi".
Keywords: communications, legislation, law, environment, EU, European Union, financial, trade, monetary, economic. See more.communications, legislation, law, environment, EU, European Union, financial, trade, monetary, economic, general, press releases, electronic, Maltese, Malta, chemical, websites, Religion, journalism, government, European Social Fund, ESF, REGIO, children's rights, biodiversity, brochures, leaflets, chemicals, regional policy, EFSA, EUROSIN, CAP, Common Agriculture Policy, Covenant of Mayors, Europass, football, UEFA, FIFA, Malti, subtitling' European Court of Justice, ECJ, proofreading, translation to Maltese.. See less.
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