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French to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.12 USD per word / 35 - 40 USD per hour Portuguese to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.12 USD per word / 35 - 40 USD per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.12 USD per word / 35 - 40 USD per hour Italian to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.12 USD per word / 35 - 40 USD per hour Catalan to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.12 USD per word / 35 - 40 USD per hour
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French to English: From Artificial Intelligence to Ambient Intelligence. General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - French Le débat entre les normes et les standards de facto
Si l’on doit opter pour des normes officielles ou des standards de facto, le monde des TIC est marqué moins par des normes, que par les standards. Le standard PC (matériel et logiciel) est une réussite de l’industrie, conduite par le couple Intel-Microsoft qui a réussi à faire vaciller le géant de l’informatique que fut IBM. Il existe donc deux approches différentes : celle de la normalisation résulte d’une approche stratégique des besoins. Elle fixe des objectifs, définit des programmes de travail, recherche et mobilise des experts. À l’opposé, l’approche de standards de facto consiste à consigner ou à orienter les solutions techniques que l’expérience a permis de dégager. C’est plutôt ce que cherchent à faire les différents forums ou groupements industriels. Les deux attitudes antinomiques, l’une animée par la production de normes et l’autre par l’émergence de standards, subsistent de nos jours, dans l’évolution des canons de l’informatique :
• Une vision rationnelle où les normes réfléchies sont décidées après un long travail consensuel d’experts indépendants. La maturation « objective » prescrit une conception robuste et laïque, une description agnostique des formes (protocoles, architecture de réseau, algorithmes de compression, de cryptographie, services de base, styles d’interfaces homme-machine) ou une ingénierie de lignes de produits stables (routeur, pare-feu, serveur de clés, identité biométrique). Ce sont par exemple les normes de compression d’images vidéo MPEG2, les normes de l’intimité numérique P3P sur le Web, l’interface interopérable XML de base de données, la suite protocolaire TCP/IP et le DNS sur Internet, la nouvelle 3G LTE (Long Term Evolution).
• Une vision spontanée, dynamique, volontariste, voire brouillonne, où les standards s’imposent, à l’initiative d’un groupe d’entreprises (Bluetooth essentiellement créé par Ericsson et Nokia), de quelques personnes appartenant à une seule entreprise (le protocole MPLS chez Cisco, le langage Java chez Sun, les architectures pair-à-pair de Napster), au gré des forces du marché et des usages (applications Web2 comme SecondLife, applications de téléchargement comme BitTorrent). L’opportunité d’un service innovant mais propriétaire (système d’exploitation Windows, base de données Oracle, collecticiel SAP), l’adéquation aux besoins d’un nouveau produit (les architectures de micro-ordinateur d’Intel), l’adhérence aux souhaits des utilisateurs (téléphone portable comme l’iPhone), finissent par l’emporter et décider d’un standard de facto, s’affranchissant de longues délibérations d’experts.
Translation - English The debate between conventional and de facto standards
If one must choose between official norms and de facto standards, the ICT world is characterised less by the former, and more by the latter. The PC standard (in hardware and software) is an industry success story, led by the Intel-Microsoft pairing, which succeeded in overthrowing the IT giant that was IBM. There are thus two distinct approaches: that of convention-creation results from a strategic approach to needs. It states goals, defines work programmes, then finds and mobilises experts. In contrast, the de facto standards approach consists in enlisting or implementing those technical solutions that experience uncovers in the wild. This is really what the various forums and industrial groups aim to do. Therefore there are two opposing attitudes, one advanced by the adoption of norms and the other by the emergence of standards, which co-exist today in the evolution of the canons of IT:
• A rational vision in which considered norms are agreed after lengthy consideration by consensus-seeking, independent experts. “Objective” maturation demands a robust lay conception, an agnostic description of forms (protocols, network architectures, compression and cryptography algorithms, base services, man-machine interface styles) or the engineering of eminently stable product lines (routers, firewalls, encryption key servers, biometric ID). We have seen, for instance, the widespread adoption of the MPEG-2 image compression standard, PGP encryption on the web, the interoperable XML interface for databases, the TCP/IP and DNS protocol suite on the Internet, and the new 3G LTE in mobile telephony.
• A spontaneous, dynamic, voluntary jumble of work through which standards impose themselves via the initiative of corporate groups (e.g. Bluetooth, essentially a creation of Nokia and Ericsson), of a few persons belonging to a single company (Micro-protocol Label Switching was developed by Cisco, Java by Sun, Peer-to-Peer architectures by Napster), or according to market forces and commercial usage (Web 2.0 applications like Second Life, download applications like BitTorrent). What wins in these cases is the opportunistic implementation of innovative yet proprietary services (e.g. the Windows OS, Oracle databases, SAP groupware), along with new products that simply meet existing needs (e.g. Intel’s x86 microprocessor architecture), or an ability to respond to users’ wishes (mobile devices like the iPhone), all of which constitute de facto standards, and have avoided any long deliberations by experts.
French to English: An Art History by Elie Faure General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - French Velasquez, après cinquante ans, ne peignait plus jamais une chose définie. Il errait autour des objets avec l’air et le crépuscule, il surprenait dans l’ombre et la transparence des fonds les palpitations colorées dont il faisait le centre invisible de sa symphonie silencieuse. Il ne saisissait plus dans le monde que les échanges mystérieux, qui font pénétrer les uns dans les autres les formes et les tons, par un progrès secret et continu dont aucun heurt, aucun sursaut ne dénonce ou n’interrompt la marche. L’espace règne [...] C’est comme une onde aérienne qui glisse sur les surfaces, s’imprègne de leurs émanations visibles pour les définir et les modeler, et emporter partout ailleurs comme un parfum, comme un écho d’elles qu’elle disperse sur toute l’étendue environnante en poussière impondérable...
Translation - English Velasquez, after fifty years, no longer painted anything with definition. He wandered among objects, through the air and the dusk, capturing in the shadows and the transparencies of backgrounds the many-hued palpitations which he made central to his silent symphony. He no longer grasped anything in the world but those mysterious exchanges that make shapes and tones penetrate one another, through a secret and continuous motion in which no collision, no abruptness, interrupts the flow. Space itself reigns supreme […] It is like an airy wave that strides upon surfaces, impregnating itself with their visible emanations in order to define and model them, then spreading everywhere else like a perfume, like an echo dispersed throughout the surrounding spaces as an intangible powder…
French to English: Solubility of vitamins in aqueous media General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - French La concentration du tensioactif :
A 50 ml de la solution MAD 1.1, inhomogène, sont ajouté 0.25g de solutol (1 équivalent) pour
tenter de solubiliser les restes de vitamine A en suspension. Le mélange agité à température
ambiante pendant 24 heures ne donne pas d'amélioration significative. 0.25g de tensioactif supplémentaire sont ajoutés et l'ensemble est agité % d'heure. La solution reste trouble et inhomogène.
L'opération est réitérée avec 0.25 g supplémentaires sans amélioration notable. 0.75g de solutol sont alors ajoutés, le mélange est vigoureusement agité manuellement pendant 1/4 d'heure puis agité à l'aide d'un barreau aimanté pendant 24 heures. Les ajouts successifs correspondent à 8 fois la dose initialement prévue. Le mélange paraît plus translucide avec moins
d'agglomérats. L'ajout de 1,75 gramme supplémentaire de solutol suivi d'une agitation durant la
nuit conduit à une solution plus claire mais qui reste légèrement trouble. Après 5 jours, la solution
est homogène et translucide. Nécessite une filtration.
Conclusion : l'ajout d'un large excès de solutol ( > 10 fois la proportion initiale) permet de rendre la solution plus homogène en solubilisant davantage de vitamine
mais ne conduit à une solution translucide qu'après plusieurs jours. L'augmentation des proportions de solutol a pour avantage d'éviter les pertes de produit lors de la filtration qui reste nécessaire.
Translation - English The concentration of the tensioactive:
To 50 ml of the MAD1.1 solution, which is not homogeneous, is added 0.25g of solutol (1 equivalent) to attempt to dissolve the rest of the vitamin A in suspension. The mixture does not improve significantly after stirring at room temperature for 24 hours.
Next 0.25 g of additional tensioactive is added without notable improvement in solubility.
The operation is reiterated with 0.25 g again without notable improvement.
Then 0.75 g of solutol is added, and the mixture is vigorously manually shaken for 15 minutes then stirred with a magnetic stir-bar for 24 hours. The successive additions correspond to 8 times the dose initially foreseen. The mixture appears more translucent with less agglomerates. The addition of 1.75 g of further solutol followed by stirring overnight leads to a clearer solution but which remains slightly clouded. After 5 days, the solution is homogenous and translucent. Requires filtration.
* Conclusion: The addition of a large excess of solutol (> 10x the initial proportion) allows the solution to be made more homogenous and dissolves more vitamin but does not lead to a translucent solution until several days of treatment are completed. The increase in the proportions of solutol has the advantage of avoiding the loss of product upon filtration which remains necessary.
Portuguese to English: The Lusiads by Camoes General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Portuguese 19
Já no largo Oceano navegavam,
As inquietas ondas apartando;
Os ventos brandamente respiravam,
Das naus as velas côncavas inchando;
Da branca escuma os mares se mostravam
Cobertos, onde as proas vão cortando
As marítimas águas consagradas,
Que do gado de Próteo são cortadas
Quando os Deuses no Olimpo luminoso,
Onde o governo está da humana gente,
Se ajuntam em concílio glorioso
Sobre as cousas futuras do Oriente.
Pisando o cristalino Céu formoso,
Vêm pela Via-Láctea juntamente,
Convocados da parte do Tonante,
Pelo neto gentil do velho Atlante.
Deixam dos sete Céus o regimento,
Que do poder mais alto lhe foi dado,
Alto poder, que só co'o pensamento
Governa o Céu, a Terra, e o Mar irado.
Ali se acharam juntos num momento
Os que habitam o Arcturo congelado,
E os que o Austro tem, e as partes onde
A Aurora nasce, e o claro Sol se esconde.
Estava o Padre ali sublime e dino,
Que vibra os feros raios de Vulcano,
Num assento de estrelas cristalino,
Com gesto alto, severo e soberano.
Do rosto respirava um ar divino,
Que divino tornara um corpo humano;
Com uma coroa e ceptro rutilante,
De outra pedra mais clara que diamante.
Em luzentes assentos, marchetados
De ouro e de perlas, mais abaixo estavam
Os outros Deuses todos assentados,
Como a razão e a ordem concertavam:
Precedem os antíguos mais honrados;
Mais abaixo os menores se assentavam;
Quando Júpiter alto, assim dizendo,
C'um tom de voz começa, grave e horrendo:
"Eternos moradores do luzente
Estelífero pólo, e claro assento,
Se do grande valor da forte gente
De Luso não perdeis o pensamento,
Deveis de ter sabido claramente,
Como é dos fados grandes certo intento,
Que por ela se esqueçam os humanos
De Assírios, Persas, Gregos e Romanos.
"Já lhe foi (bem o vistes) concedido
C'um poder tão singelo e tão pequeno,
Tomar ao Mouro forte e guarnecido
Toda a terra, que rega o Tejo ameno:
Pois contra o Castelhano tão temido,
Sempre alcançou favor do Céu sereno.
Assim que sempre, enfim, com fama e glória,
Teve os troféus pendentes da vitória.
"Deixo, Deuses, atrás a fama antiga,
Que coa gente de Rómulo alcançaram,
Quando com Viriato, na inimiga
Guerra romana tanto se afamaram;
Também deixo a memória, que os obriga
A grande nome, quando alevantaram
Um por seu capitão, que peregrino
Fingiu na cerva espírito divino.
"Agora vedes bem que, cometendo
O duvidoso mar num lenho leve,
Por vias nunca usadas, não temendo
De Áf rico e Noto a força, a mais se atreve:
Que havendo tanto já que as partes vendo
Onde o dia é comprido e onde breve,
Inclinam seu propósito e porfia
A ver os berços onde nasce o dia.
"Prometido lhe está do Fado eterno,
Cuja alta Lei não pode ser quebrada,
Que tenham longos tempos o governo
Do mar, que vê do Sol a roxa entrada.
Nas águas têm passado o duro inverno;
A gente vem perdida e trabalhada;
Já parece bem feito que lhe seja
Mostrada a nova terra, que deseja.
"E porque, como vistes, têm passados
Na viagem tão ásperos perigos,
Tantos climas e céus experimentados,
Tanto furor de ventos inimigos,
Que sejam, determino, agasalhados
Nesta costa africana, como amigos.
E tendo guarnecida a lassa frota,
Tornarão a seguir sua longa rota."
Estas palavras Júpiter dizia,
Quando os Deuses por ordem respondendo,
Na sentença um do outro diferia,
Razões diversas dando e recebendo.
O padre Baco ali não consentia
No que Júpiter disse, conhecendo
Que esquecerão seus feitos no Oriente,
Se lá passar a Lusitana gente.
Ouvido tinha aos Fados que viria
Uma gente fortíssima de Espanha
Pelo mar alto, a qual sujeitaria
Da índia tudo quanto Dóris banha,
E com novas vitórias venceria
A fama antiga, ou sua, ou fosse estranha.
Altamente lhe dói perder a glória,
De que Nisa celebra inda a memória.
Vê que já teve o Indo sojugado,
E nunca lhe tirou Fortuna, ou caso,
Por vencedor da Índia ser cantado
De quantos bebem a água de Parnaso.
Teme agora que seja sepultado
Seu tão célebre nome em negro vaso
D'água do esquecimento, se lá chegam
Os fortes Portugueses, que navegam.
Sustentava contra ele Vénus bela,
Afeiçoada à gente Lusitana,
Por quantas qualidades via nela
Da antiga tão amada sua Romana;
Nos fortes corações, na grande estrela,
Que mostraram na terra Tingitana,
E na língua, na qual quando imagina,
Com pouca corrupção crê que é a Latina.
Estas causas moviam Citereia,
E mais, porque das Parcas claro entende
Que há de ser celebrada a clara Deia,
Onde a gente belígera se estende.
Assim que, um pela infâmia, que arreceia,
E o outro pelas honras, que pretende,
Debatem, e na porfia permanecem;
A qualquer seus amigos favorecem.
Qual Austro fero, ou Bóreas na espessura
De silvestre arvoredo abastecida,
Rompendo os ramos vão da mata escura,
Com ímpeto e braveza desmedida;
Brama toda a montanha, o som murmura,
Rompem-se as folhas, ferve a serra erguida:
Tal andava o tumulto levantado,
Entre os Deuses, no Olimpo consagrado.
Mas Marte, que da Deusa sustentava
Entre todos as partes em porfia,
Ou porque o amor antigo o obrigava,
Ou porque a gente forte o merecia,
De entre os Deuses em pé se levantava:
Merencório no gesto parecia;
O forte escudo ao colo pendurado
Deitando para trás, medonho e irado,
A viseira do elmo de diamante
Alevantando um pouco, mui seguro,
Por dar seu parecer, se pôs diante
De Júpiter, armado, forte e duro:
E dando uma pancada penetrante,
Com o conto do bastão no sólio puro,
O Céu tremeu, e Apolo, de torvado,
Um pouco a luz perdeu, como enfiado.
E disse assim: "Ó Padre, a cujo império
Tudo aquilo obedece, que criaste,
Se esta gente, que busca outro hemisfério,
Cuja valia, e obras tanto amaste,
Não queres que padeçam vitupério,
Como há já tanto tempo que ordenaste,
Não onças mais, pois és juiz direito,
Razões de quem parece que é suspeito.
"Que, se aqui a razão se não mostrasse
Vencida do temor demasiado,
Bem fora que aqui Baco os sustentasse,
Pois que de Luso vem, seu tão privado;
Mas esta tenção sua agora passe,
Porque enfim vem de estâmago danado;
Que nunca tirará alheia inveja
O bem, que outrem merece, e o Céu deseja.
"E tu, Padre de grande fortaleza,
Da determinação, que tens tomada,
Não tornes por detrás, pois é fraqueza
Desistir-se da cousa começada.
Mercúrio, pois excede em ligeireza
Ao vento leve, e à seta bem talhada,
Lhe vá mostrar a terra, onde se informe
Da índia, e onde a gente se reforme."
Como isto disse, o Padre poderoso,
A cabeça inclinando, consentiu
No que disse Mavorte valeroso,
E néctar sobre todos esparziu.
Pelo caminho Lácteo glorioso
Logo cada um dos Deuses se partiu,
Fazendo seus reais acatamentos,
Para os determinados aposentos.
Enquanto isto se passa na formosa
Casa etérea do Olimpo onipotente,
Cortava o mar a gente belicosa,
Já lá da banda do Austro e do Oriente,
Entre a costa Etiópica e a famosa
Ilha de São Lourenço; e o Sol ardente
Queimava então os Deuses, que Tifeu
Com o temor grande em peixes converteu.
Tão brandamente os ventos os levavam,
Como quem o céu tinha por amigo:
Sereno o ar, e os tempos se mostravam
Sem nuvens, sem receio de perigo.
O promontório Prasso já passavam,
Na costa de Etiópia, nome antigo,
Quando o mar descobrindo lhe mostrava
Novas ilhas, que em torno cerca e lava.
Translation - English 19
Now, they set sail on the ocean’s gales,
The violent waters churning below;
Harsh winds exhale blades of steel in their sails,
The hulls of their ships the seas twist and throw,
Severing the waves in white foaming trails
As Vasco da Gama’s seafarers go;
These maritime waters consecrated,
That Proteus’ race once navigated.
Then the gods at Olympus’ mighty peak,
Where the lords do dwell of all humankind,
Made a senate to hear the Father speak
The fate of these men who the East would find.
Crossing the heavens in a godlike streak,
Through the grand Milky Way the angels wind,
Summoned by the Emperor of the Sky,
To see which laws to our men shall apply.
Lighting then the firmament’s seven spheres,
Which that Highest of Powers has given;
A Lord of lords whom every being fears,
Earth and Universe by His will driven,
To make a choice with all of Heaven’s peers
On Gama’s sort, if sins are forgiven;
Fortune, Fate and Luck will tell together
If he meets smooth seas, or heavy weather.
Here comes the Father, noble and sublime,
Whose power quakes the Earth in Vulcan’s brand,
In stellar heights to His throne does He climb,
A grand gesture, He signals with His hand.
From His mouth He exhales an air divine,
Whose body though divine resembles man;
Bearing a scepter and resplendent crown,
He sits in godly brightness shining down.
In chairs ethereal decorated
With gold and pearls, a little lower they,
The lesser gods sat and concentrated
Their Elysian reason on that day:
First would speak the seniors highest-rated,
While below the juniors wait as they may;
So Jupiter above now takes the floor,
Starting in a grave and dreadful roar:
“O Eternal dwellers of heaven’s light,
Kings of astral poles and fiery ascents,
These mortal men have valiance and might:
In Portugal have we taken notice thence;
It now must be decided what is right
What fate shall await them, and what makes sense,
If this newest power should we increase
Beyond Assyria, Persia, Rome or Greece.
“Already have we allowed their nation,
Whose power seemed so modest, and so slight,
To fell the Moors’ strongest generation,
To drive them from the Tagus south in flight:
Also against Spain with our protection,
We favoured Lusitania in that fight.
And thus we ever in the end have named
Portugal victor, as we here proclaimed.
“Recall, fellow gods, in this tradition,
Even against Caesar did they succeed,
Viriatus defied occupation,
And from Rome were the Lusitani freed;
I remind you too, with much affection
Of that man’s name, when there rises a need:
One of their admirals now sets sail,
For whom we decide what this shall entail.
“Today you may see his men committing
With lightest hearts to the dangerous sea,
A course never crossed, fearless yet witting,
Of Neptune undaunted, his courage free,
Having cruised where he could without quitting,
In all latitudes to every degree;
And today he intends to be the one
To sail to the Land of the Rising Sun.
“Promised it is by everlasting Fate,
Whose laws even here must not be broken,
That government of the sea, of long date
Falls to us, for thus we have spoken.
The waters have now shown their wintry hate;
The men you see are lost and need token
Of our mercy, and so it seems to me
That such landfall they seek should they now see.
“And because, as we all know, they have been
On this voyage in such galling dangers,
So many waves of storms have they now seen,
And in the wind such violent changes,
That they should find that peaceful coast of green,
Welcomed by friendly African strangers.
For now their hardy efforts will bear fruit,
And then continue on their dangerous route.”
As soon as Jupiter expressed this thought,
The gods in order made then their replies,
Some views different to what the Great One sought,
All with their reasons, both prudent and wise.
Old father Bacchus believed they should not
Take the path sought by Jupiter’s allies,
Lest all be lost in Eastern creation,
If reached by this potent Western nation.
The Fates were heard from in turn, having seen
In Spain as well a strong people at hand
Moving on the high seas, equally keen
To cross the oceans to India’s land,
And with new victories to please their Queen,
To vanquish the new worlds and thus command
An empire on all continents some day,
In glory for their royals to survey.
Yet the Indus, as all the Gods agreed,
Had known subjugation’s sorrow before,
Never having had good Fortune concede
Victory as with other lands of yore.
Fate now feared for this old man, and did plead
That India might history ignore,
In times to come, if Heaven should decree
The strong Portuguese to arrive by sea.
Against these fears did fair Venus raise,
(Fond as she was of da Gama’s fair land,)
Such virtues she saw and so gave them praise,
So like the Rome she had once found so grand;
Their strong hearts she liked, and their decent ways,
Her brightest star over Lisbon did stand,
And their language she felt, with little change,
Sounded like Latin in timbre and range.
This was advanced by that Goddess most fair,
And more, as from the summit was it heard
That Fortune and Fate did also declare
The sort sought by Venus they too preferred.
Some were for Portugal’s victory there,
And others against our men said their word,
Debating thus they remained in session,
Until all opinions found expression.
Against Venus, Boreas showed his rage
Shouting to the dense forests where he reigned,
Breaking the branches of their oaken cage,
With impetuous boldness his voice strained;
He raised his voice high and roared from the stage,
The sound spread earthward and down the leaves rained:
Such was the tenor of this fatal fight,
Pitting god against god in Heaven’s sight.
But Mars, coming to the Goddess’s aid,
Among the various sides in dispute,
Perhaps owing to their love of long date,
Or to greet our soldiers with his salute,
Among all the Gods he rose to his feet:
Seeming saddened, the War God did refute
The arguments which the others had raised,
Against Portugal’s glory, which he praised.
So the visor of his diamond helm
Raised itself a little, in reverence,
Turning to the throne that stood over them,
To Jupiter, Mars fully armed, looked thence:
With a powerful blow of his mace in his hand,
Quaking Olympus, that all earth could sense,
And even was seen in the sky’s white light,
That Apollo’s sun dimmed ever so slight.
He said: “Father, whose empire we revere,
Who made the Cosmos and all creation,
Of these men seeking the new hemisphere,
Whose success has earned your admiration,
You surely do not wish to argue here,
Some time having passed since your reflection,
A just and noble right it is of Yours,
To dictate the outcome of all man’s wars.
“Thus if Reason be not followed today,
Vanquished it is then by excess of fear,
And in vain has Bacchus aided their foray,
These men who from Lisbon southward now steer;
Such weakness must indeed be done away,
In truth have some today been too severe;
So let none leave thus with a heavy heart,
Or if so, make peace before we depart.
“And you, our Father of such awesome might,
Remain determined, as you have always been,
Fall not to wand’ring thoughts, and steer aright,
For to start and then falter is a sin.
Mercury now strides on a ray of light,
As we do speak, to show the path wherein
These Portuguese heroes can find their way,
And pilot their fleet to unknown Cathay.”
As he said these words his father the Lord
Nodded His head and thus gave His consent
For those whom mighty Mars wished to reward,
And had nectar served to close the event.
Then the Milky Way the gods made toward,
To each corner of the Cosmos they went,
Making each his royal preparation
To aid the Portuguese exploration.
While this occurred in that stately mansion,
Heavenly home of Olympian grace,
The warlike men were crossing the ocean,
Having circled Africa’s sunny face,
Now off from the hopeful Cape in motion
Toward Saint Lawrence Island did they race,
As the ardent sun bronzed even Neptune
Who cooled with the fish beneath the monsoon.
So gently the winds were flowing that day,
The heavenly spheres in friendship did yield;
The air serene, and the weather’s display:
A sky without clouds, a peaceful blue field.
And Now passed beyond that African bay,
A fair way from thence, by the waves concealed,
In the empty seas, to the East they found
New islands the seamen circled around.
French to English: Photovoltaic Technology General field: Science Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - French En savoir plus sur l’énergie photovoltaïque
L’effet photovoltaïque a été découvert par Antoine Becquerel en 1839. Il est le produit du choc des photons de la lumière sur un matériau semi-conducteur qui transmet leur énergie aux électrons qui génèrent une tension électrique.
Les cellules photovoltaïques produisent du courant continu à partir du rayonnement solaire, qui peut être utilisé pour alimenter un appareil ou recharger une batterie. De nombreuses calculatrices de poche utilisent l'énergie photovoltaïque.
Quand l'énergie nécessaire dépasse la quantité fournie par une seule cellule, les cellules sont regroupées pour former un module photovoltaïque, parfois désigné de manière ambigüe sous le terme de panneau solaire. De tels modules ont été dans un premier temps utilisés pour alimenter des satellites en orbite, puis des équipements électriques dans des sites isolés ou sur des bateaux ou véhicules. Une baisse des coûts de production a ensuite élargi le champ d'application de l'énergie photovoltaïque à la production d'électricité sur les réseaux électriques.
Les différentes technologies de modules photovoltaïques
Il existe trois technologies différentes de fabrication des modules solaires photovoltaïques :
Les modules solaires monocristallins
Ils possèdent un meilleur rendement au m², et sont essentiellement utilisés lorsque les espaces sont restreints. Le coût plus onéreux qu'une autre installation de même puissance, contrarie le développement de cette technologie.
Les modules solaires polycristallins
Actuellement c'est le meilleur rapport qualité/prix et les plus utilisés. Ils ont un bon rendement et une bonne durée de vie (plus de 35 ans), et en plus ils peuvent être fabriqués à partir de déchets de l'électronique.
Les modules solaires amorphes
Ces modules auront un bon avenir car ils peuvent être souples et ont une meilleure production par faible lumière. Le silicium amorphe possède un rendement divisé par deux par rapport à celui du cristallin, ce qui nécessite plus de surface pour la même puissance installée. Toutefois, le prix au m² installé est plus faible que pour des panneaux solaires composés de cellules.
Avantages des panneaux photovoltaïques
La durée de vie des panneaux au silicium cristallin peut dépasser les vingt-cinq ans.
En fonctionnement, un panneau photovoltaïque ne génère pas d’impact sur
l’environnement (ni mouvement, ni bruit)
En fin de vie, tous ses éléments peuvent être recyclés
Translation - English A little more information on photovoltaic energy
The photovoltaic effect was discovered by Antoine Becquerel in 1839. It is the result of the impact of photons of light upon a semi-conductor material, which transmits the photons’ energy to electrons, knocking them free and thus generating an electrical current.
Photovoltaic cells can produce a continuous current from the sun’s rays, which can be useful in powering devices or recharging batteries. Many pocket calculators, for instance, are powered with photovoltaic energy.
When energy requirements go beyond the amount delivered by a single cell, the cells are grouped into photovoltaic modules, often generically termed solar panels. These modules were first used to power satellites in orbit, and later to provide electrical power to isolated sites, boats and vehicles. A reduction in production costs then enlarged the field of application of photovoltaic energy to include the production of power for electrical grids.
The different technologies in photovoltaic modules
There are currently three different manufacturing methods for the production of photovoltaic solar panels:
Monocrystalline Solar Panels
These produce the most power per unit area, and are most often used where space is limited. However, higher manufacture and installation costs are limiting their growth.
Polycrystalline Solar Panels
Currently these deliver the best quality/price ratio, and are thus the most widely deployed. They have good generating efficiency, last a long time (over 35 years), and can even be made from recycled electronic waste.
Amorphous Solar Panels
These modules will have a bright future, as they can be made in flexible mats, and produce more power in low-light conditions. The amorphous silicium they use has about half the power delivery efficiency of crystalline panels, which means they require more surface area for the same power levels. However, the price per unit area installed is significantly lower than solar panels made of polycrystalline cells.
Advantages of photovoltaic panels
The life-span of panels using crystalline silicium often goes beyond 25 years.
After installation, a photovoltaic panel has no environmental impact
No moving parts, no noise
At the end of their life-cycle, all parts can be recycled.
Spanish to English: Analytical Validation of ASA Reagent General field: Science Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Spanish Página: 2/12 Página con anexos: 2/25
Título: 3.03 ÁCIDO ACETILSALICÍLICO No. de código: 3.03-09
Vigente desde
16 JUN 2009 Próxima revisión:
16 MAR 2012 Fecha de vencimiento
16 JUN 2012 Sustituye a: 3.03-08
Este procedimiento aplica para el análisis de la materia prima Ácido Acetilsalicilico.
Las materias primas recibidas deben ser muestreadas de acuerdo al nivel de inspección, marcado en
la Instrucción de Trabajo B.06.21.01-vigente "Muestreo y Remuestreo de Materias Primas,
Materiales de Empaque y Graneles", tomándose la cantidad y tamaños de muestras necesarias para
los análisis fisicoquímicos, microbiológico y muestras de retención. Los resultados se deben registrar
en la ficha de análisis correspondiente. Cuando sea requerido análisis microbiológico (según la
Instrucción de Trabajo D.06.25.01-vigente "Ensayo Microbiológico para: Materia Prima, Empaque
Primario y Producto Terminado"), se debe llevar a cabo de acuerdo a la norma interna del
Departamento de Microbiologia de Cervantes Saavedra edición vigente AM-Mi 106
Identificación de Microorganismos en Materias Primas y Productos Farmacéuticos.
Nombre Químico Ácido 2-acetoxibenzoico
Fórmula condensada C9H8O4
Peso molecular 180.16
Fórmula Desarrollada
Bayer HeathCare Bayer de México S.A. de C.V.
Consumer Care Planta Lerma Consumer Care
Página: 3/12 Página con anexos: 3/25
Título: 3.03 ÁCIDO ACETILSALICÍLICO No. de código: 3.03-09
Vigente desde
16 JUN 2009 Próxima revisión:
16 MAR 2012 Fecha de vencimiento
16 JUN 2012 Sustituye a: 3.03-08
1. Aspecto Juzgar el aspecto sobre un fondo blanco y bajo luz diurna.
2. Análisis por Espectroscopia de Infrarrojo Cercano (NIR)
2.1. Ensayo Realizar el análisis por espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano,
2.2. Humedad según la IT D.06.14.39-vigente "Instalación, Operación y
2.3. Residuo de IgniciónMantenimiento del NIR FOSS SYSTEM"
NOTA: La realización de estas pruebas por el sistema NIR exenta la
realización del resto de las pruebas comprendidas como
"Método Alterno", las cuales serán realizadas cada 50 lotes
en su totalidad incluyendo las pruebas que se realizan por
NIR o cuando por alguna razón el NIR se encuentre fuera de
2.4. Tamaño de Pesar 50 g de muestra y colocarlos sobre la malla de menor
partícula numeración de acuerdo a lo requerido por la especificación,
ajustar las mallas por numeración ascendente y el colector,
(el colector y las mallas deberán tararse previamente).
Permitir un tiempo de vibración de 10 minutos en el equipo
Ro-Tap (operar de acuerdo a la Instrucción de Trabajo
D.06.10.23-vigente "Determinación del Tamaño de Partícula
en el equipo Ro -Tap Modelo R-30050").
Pesar las mallas y colector. Calcular el % retenido en cada
malla, o el % acumulativo según sea requerido.
Translation - English Page: 2/12 Page with annexes: 2/25
Title: 3.03 ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID Code No. 3.03-09
With effect from
16 JUN 2009 Next revision:
16 MAR 2012 Date of expiration
16 JUN 2012 Replaces: 3.03-08
This procedure applies to the analysis of the raw material Acetylsalicylic Acid.
Raw materials received must be tested in accordance with their inspection level, described in the
work instruction B.06.21.01-current, “Testing and Re-testing of Raw Materials, Packaged
Materials and Granules,” taking the quantity and size of samples as necessary for physico-chemical,
microbiological analyses, and retention tests. The results must be recorded on the corresponding analysis sheet. When required microbiological analysis also (according to the Work Instruction D.06.25.01-current, “Microbiological Testing for: Raw Materials, Packaged Reagents and Finished Products), which must be conducted in accordance with the internal standards of the Department of Microbiology at Cervantes Saavedra University in Mexico, AM-Mi 106: Identification of Microorganisms in Raw Materials and Pharmaceutical Products.
Chemical Name 2-acetobenzoic acid
Condensed Formula C9H8O4
Molecular Weight 180.16
Developed Formula
Bayer HealthCare Bayer Mexico Inc.
Consumer Care Lerma Consumer Care Center
Page: 3/12 Page with annexes: 3/25
Title: 3.03 ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID Code No. 3.03-09
With effect from
16 JUN 2009 Next revision:
16 MAR 2012 Date of expiration
16 JUN 2012 Replaces: 3.03-08
1. Appearance Appearance judged on white background under daylight.
2. Analysis by Near Infrared Spectrophotometer (NIR)
2.1. Test Analysis by means of near infrared spectrophotometer,
2.2. Humidity according to IT D.06.14.39-current, “Installation, Operation and
2.3. Ignition Residue Maintenance of FOSS NIR SYSTEM."
NB: These analyses by means of the NIR system privilege the
conducting of the rest of the included testing as an
“Alternate Method,” which will be done every 50 batches in
its totality including the tests made by means of NIR or
when for any reason the NIR happens not to be in use.
2.4. Size of the Weight 50g of the sample and place it on the lowest-numbered
particles mesh in accordance with that required by the specifications,
arrange the meshes by ascending number and by collector, (the
collector and the meshes will have been previously tared).
Allow a time of vibration of 10 minutes for the apparatus
Ro-Tap (operate according to Instructions in:
D.06.10.23-current: “Determination of Particle size with the
Ro-Tap Model R-30050 apparatus”).
Weigh the meshes and collector. Calculate the % held in each
mesh, or the cumulative % as needed.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Toronto
Years of experience: 24. Registered at May 2009.
French to English (B.A. French Translation, PhD French) Portuguese to English (Romance Phil. U of Toronto) Spanish to English (Romance Phil. U of Toronto) Italian to English (Romance Phil. U of Toronto) Catalan to English (Romance Phil. U of Toronto)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Pagemaker, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
A British/Canadian science translator, editor and academic -- I use MemoQ 6.2, and Trados 8; European educated, with a Ph.D. in French (semiotics and applied linguistics), and a completed Bachelor of Science programme in Chemistry (Toronto). Former foreign exchange student at France's Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris - Ulm) and specialist in both British and American English: science, medicine, chemistry, biology, art, literature, philosophy, and in particular, an expert in IT -- Operating Systems, Programming Models, Hardware, Networking, Cloud Computing, Virtualization. My primary email: [email protected] ; secondary email: [email protected]
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