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Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Portuguese: Music/ Música General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Source text - English For their third album, Bianca and Sierra Cassidy have started to abandon the dusty old tape recorders they used for their first recorded works in favour of uncharacteristically hi-fi electronic productions. The album begins almost unrecognisably as a Cocorosie record with 'Rainbowarriors', a brew of hip hop 'tronics that leads into 'Promise', in which Bianca lays down a half-rapped vocal - in fact, Bianca sounds markedly different on this record. Previous albums have provided ample evidence that her voice is far better than the Bjork imitation she churns out on 'Japan', for instance, which is rescued by some comically flamboyant operatics from her sister and a hilarious Muppet-style vocal arrangement at the choruses. 'Sunshine' sees a return to former glories, as Sierra intones a muffled lullaby over the sparest of electric piano motifs. Next up, 'Black Poppies' continues the welcome revival of their old sound, heralded by the use of those signature barnyard sound generator toys of old. The album's second half brings proceedings to a close on a real high with a run of excellent tracks, like the elegiac-sounding 'Houses' (with superb vocal and piano performances from Sierra) and the harp and laptop beats cocktail that is 'Raphael'. Though initially a bit of a shock to the system, in this latest freakshow carnival of a record Cocorosie have delivered a necessary progression from the sound that characterised their former glories, one which finds them in a weird aural dreamscape, the like of which you're unlikely to hear from anyone else. Highly recommended.
Translation - Portuguese Em seu terceiro disco, Bianca e Sierra Cassidy começam a substituir os empoeirados gravadores de fitas que usaram em seus primeiros trabalhos por produções eletrônicas em alta fidelidade, incomuns para a dupla até então. O disco começa quase irreconhecível com “Rainbowarriors” - uma mistura de batidas de hip hop que levam à “Promise”, na qual Bianca desenvolve um vocal puxado para o rap – de fato, sua voz soa bem diferente neste disco. Os trabalhos anteriores foram capazes de provar que seus vocais podem ser bem melhores do que a imitação de Bjork que ela demonstra em “Japan”, que só se salva pelas vozes mirabolantes em estilo de ópera cantadas por sua irmã, e um arranjo vocal hilário no refrão à la Muppet Babies. “Sunshine”, no entanto, relembra glórias antigas quando Sierra solta um acalanto abafado sobre uma melodia minimalista no piano. Logo em seguida, “Black Poppies” dá continuidade a este agradável retorno às raízes, anunciado pelo característico som de brinquedos antigos. A segunda metade do disco começa a levar a um gran finale com uma série de faixas excelentes, como a lamentosa “Houses” (que conta com performances soberbas de Sierra no piano e voz), e a mistura de harpa e eletrônica de “Raphael”. Apesar de difícil de digerir no começo, esta mistureba louca mostra que o Cocorosie embarcou numa evolução necessária de seu estilo anterior, evolução esta que resulta num estranho clima de sonho, do tipo que ninguém mais consegue criar. Altamente recomendado.
Portuguese to English: Synopsis General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - Portuguese SINOPSE
Aos quarenta anos, Miguel está no topo da carreira tendo alcançado o sucesso e a fortuna com que tanto sonhou. Miguel é um solteiro inveterado, que vive de relações ocasionais, sobretudo conquistas de uma noite. Mais do que uma opção consciente, esta maneira de estar na vida é um trauma. É que Miguel nunca conheceu os pais, tendo crescido num lar de acolhimento. A falta de referências paternais, e de afecto, fizeram com que nunca conseguisse estabelecer uma relação adulta e estável com as mulheres. Por isso, Miguel concentrou grande parte da sua energia nos estudos, porque via que essa era a única forma de sair da pobreza a que estava votado. Este esforço foi mais que recompensado. Com a ajuda de uma bolsa de estudo, conseguiu entrar em medicina e especializou-se em cirurgia plástica, estando neste momento a viver o melhor período da sua carreira.
Mas, de um dia para o outro, o seu mundo vai sofrer uma revolução. Um telefonema vai fazê-lo recordar uma fase da sua vida que tentou esquecer e que ocultou de todos com quem se relaciona. O seu melhor amigo dos tempos do internato, acabou de morrer num acidente de automóvel, juntamente com a mulher, mas deixou escrito que, no caso de um dia lhe acontecer alguma coisa, entregava a guarda dos seus três filhos - Simão de 12, Carlota de 8 e Gaspar 6 anos - ao seu grande amigo de infância, para que as crianças não tivessem que passar pelo mesmo que eles e crescer sem uma família.
Numa primeira fase, Miguel vai tentar escapar das responsabilidades, mas depois de conhecer os miúdos, e de passar um fim-de-semana alucinante com eles, percebe que não lhe resta outra alternativa senão levá-los para a sua casa. O que não imaginava é que a sua vida pudesse mudar tanto…
Nas duas semanas seguintes tudo lhe corre mal, esquece-se de ir buscar Carlota à escola, falta a uma cirurgia para ficar em casa a dar assistência a Simão que está com febre, e vê uma das suas conquista fugir-lhe das mãos porque Gaspar aparece no quarto com medo do escuro.
Ao fim deste tempo começa a pensar que não está à altura das suas novas funções, nem quer estar à altura, já que não foi dele a escolha de ser pai de três crianças. E aí, a ideia de entregá-los a um lar de acolhimento começa a ganhar forma. Mas, no dia do seu aniversário, dá-se uma reviravolta. As crianças são as únicas que se lembram que Miguel faz anos, preparando-lhe uma festa surpresa, e isso acaba por lhe despertar um sentido de família que nunca tinha vivido. A partir desse dia, e para que tudo passe a correr da melhor maneira, e possa dedicar-se ao seu trabalho de cirurgião e de conquistador, Miguel decide contratar uma Ama para tomar conta das crianças. As candidatas são mais que muitas, mas uma delas, Margarida, destaque-se pela simpática e desembaraço. Margarida faz-se passar por uma jovem universitária de fora de Lisboa que tem de trabalhar para pagar os estudos, mas na verdade é herdeira de uma grande fortuna que se quis afastar do ambiente opressor que reinava em sua casa.
No entanto, esta felicidade naquela casa tem os dias contados. É que a segurança social conseguiu encontrar os avós maternos e decide que as crianças devem ser entregues à família. Só que o avô, que já tem uma idade muito avançada e começa a apresentar sinais de demência e senilidade, não tem condições para as educar, enquanto a avó, que é apenas por afinidade, não vês com bons olhos a chegada daquelas crianças que nada lhe dizem. Para complicar ainda mais, vai para quinze anos que as relações estavam cortadas, tudo porque a mãe das crianças decidira casar com um homem de outra condição social, e ainda por cima criado num lar de acolhimento. Por casmurrice e orgulho, o avô nunca quis conhecer as crianças e agora é tarde demais para conseguir estabelecer uma relação de afectos, até porque a sua actual mulher tudo fará para boicotar esta aproximação.
Translation - English SYNOPSIS
At the age of 40, Miguel is at the top of his career, having achieved all the success and fortune he had always dreamt of. He is an incorrigible bachelor who jumps from one fling to another, and is especially keen on one night stands. This is not so much a conscious decision as it is the result of a traumatic past. The fact is Miguel grew up in an orphanage and never knew his parents. The lack of parental guidance and affection ended up making him unable to establish grown up and stable relationships with women. That is the reason why Miguel has focused most of his energy on studying. He saw education as the only way to escape the poverty he seemed doomed to. His efforts paid off. With a scholarship granted to him, he managed to study Medicine and specialise in plastic surgery. This is the best moment of his career so far.
But his world is going to turn upside down overnight. A phone call will remind him of a phase of his life that he struggled to forget and has been hiding from everyone he knows. His best friend from the orphanage and his wife just died in a car accident. His friend had left a statement saying he wanted his good friend Miguel to be the legal guardian of his children - Simão who is 12, Carlota who is 8 and Gaspar who is 6 years old. He did not want the kids to go through the same thing as he did, growing up without a family.
Miguel is going to try and get away with his responsibilities at first. But after meeting the kids and spending a crazy weekend with them he realises there is no other alternative but to take them home with him. He never expected his life to change this much...
During the following weeks everything goes wrong: he forgets to pick up Carlota from school, has to skip a surgery stay at home with Simão because he has a fever and sees one of his one night stands slip away as Gaspar shows up in his bedroom, afraid of the dark.
At this point he's thinking that he is not cut out to be a father, and doesn't even want to be, as it wasn't his choice to father three children after all. That's when he starts to seriously consider the possibility of giving them up to an orphanage. However, the whole scene turns around on his birthday. The children are the only ones to remember his birthday and throw him a surprise party. This makes a family feeling that he had never experienced before emerge in him. In order to make everything go smoothly, from this day onwards Miguel decides to hire a nanny to watch the children so he can continue to devote himself to the roles of surgeon and womaniser. There are plenty of nannies to choose from, but Margarida stands out for her niceness and candour. She pretends to be a young university student from the outskirts of Lisbon who comes to work to pay for her education, but in reality she is the heir of a huge fortune who just wanted to get away from the oppressive environment of her home.
However, the happiness in Miguel's home is short lived. The Department of Social Security has located the kid's maternal grandparents and decides that they should go live with them. The grandfather, however, is very old and already shows signs of dementia and senility, being clearly not fit to bring them up. The grandmother, on the other hand, is not genetically related to them and doesn't seem very happy with the idea of having to raise unexpected children that are not her own flesh and blood. If this wasn't complicated enough, it had been over 15 years they did not speak to their daughter, the children’s mother. That was all because she had decided to marry a man from a different social class, who had grown up in an orphanage. Stubborn and proud, the grandfather never wanted to meet the children and it's too late now to establish ties of affection, especially considering that his current wife will do anything to prevent them from getting closer.
Bachelor's degree - Anhembi Morumbi University (Laureate International Universities)
Years of experience: 13. Registered at May 2009. Became a member: Feb 2010.
English to Portuguese (Diptrans , verified) English to Portuguese (Certificate in Proficiency in English (CPE), verified) Portuguese to English (Certificate in Proficiency in English (CPE), verified) Portuguese (Anhembi Morumbi University - BA in Communications)
Across, Crowdin, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Smartling, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Latest book translation published: Services:
Interpreting: Business, Ad hoc, Consecutive
Audio Transcripts
Translation for Subtitling
Portuguese Proofreading
Language Assessment
Language Consulting
Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language
Localization: European to Brazilian Portuguese
Postgraduate IoLET Diptrans (Diploma in Translation - Distinction awarded)
Certificate of Proficiency in English by the University of Cambridge
Bachelor in Communications
Work experience in the areas of Communications, Publicity, Audiovisual, Finance, Linguistics, Business & Administration, Market research, Media and Journalism.
I have lived, worked and studied in the UK as well as in Brazil. I do this work because I truly enjoy it: each assignment is a challenge and an opportunity to learn new things. Research is very important, as I take pride in being meticulous and dynamic.
Due to my bilingual family environment (as well as splitting my time living between Brazil and the UK) my knowledge of both languages and their cultural relevance is accurate and up-to-date.
5.000 words/ day
Keywords to define my work:
The focus is on translating meaning rather than just words. It is essential that the texts read naturally in the target language, as it is to convey style and nuance. I work in a systematic and organised manner, performing macro and micro revisions as well as extensive research.
In order to ensure quality, when translating to English I work alongside a native British proofreader. We offer combined services at really competitive rates.