Working languages:
Spanish to English
Portuguese to English
English to Spanish

Daniel Singer
Health and Life Insurance Translations

United States
Local time: 01:36 EDT (GMT-4)

Native in: English (Variant: US) 
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Jun 26, 2020 (posted via  Working on special project to help with AI commands in Spanish. ...more, + 1 other entry »
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My Passion for Language and All Things International

I was born and raised just outside of Washington, D.C., the son of an Argentinean doctor and a Filipino mother.  

With the cultural and ethnic diversity that surrounded me, I took an interest in language from a very early age.  My interest guided me to undergraduate and graduate coursework in international studies/management; travel to 12 countries; and professional experience in four industries, most recently within the U.S. insurance/employee benefits industry.  

My Translation/Interpreting Experience

With 4 years’ freelance translator experience, outside of the industry,  for over 20 years my language experience has resulted in high levels of client retention; greater understanding within organizations of the nuances of international markets and foreign-language employee populations; and greater understanding among non-English speaking employees on U.S. laws governing insurance and eligibility for benefits. 

Some of the documents I translate include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Benefit Enrollment Forms and Guides

  • Brochures for health/medical insurance, life insurance

  • Required notices for health and welfare benefits

I am a fan of continuous learning and will work to find ways to be a better translator. Among the work I’m most proud of include benefits enrollment form and required notices for employee benefits, translated from English into Spanish.  

My Work Style

Before committing to a project, I’ll always make sure that it is something I can tackle within the given deadline.  If it’s something I’m unable to tackle, I will decline the project, or refer the project to a professional with experience specific to that subject area.  

I believe in solid relationships and will work diligently to ensure we have a solid relationship and you have the best experience possible.  Everything--from responding to emails to the final bill---are all part of the experience.  

My Interests

I am not your typical American/Estadounidense; I love all things international, including movies, TV, music, etc. (especially from Latin America) and real football (soccer) is my favorite sport.

Keywords: Native English speaker, Spanish to English, Portuguese to English, English to Spanish, Espanol al Inglés Castellano al Inglés, Português ao Inglês, posgrado, Health Insurance*Life Insurance*Disability Income Insurance*Long-Term Care Insurance*Employee Benefit Plan*Required Notices*Healthcare*Benefits Eligibility*Medical Claims*Dental Insurance*Vision Insurance*Insurance Policy*Health and Welfare*Insurance Carrier*Insurance Claims*Full-Time Employee*Part-Time Employee*Hourly Employee*Salaried Employee*Union Employee*Invoice*Delivery Date*Employee Onboarding*Seguro médico*Seguro de Vida*Seguro Dental*Plan de beneficios para empleados*Empleador*Empleado a tiempo completo*Empleado a tiempo parcial*Atención Médica*Poliza de Seguro*Prima de Seguro*Contrato Colectivo*Empleado Asalariado*Empleado por hora*Empleado de sindicato*Inscripción Abierta*Plan de salud y bienestar*Elegibilidad de empleado*Incorporación de empleado*Factura*Fecha de entrega*Seguro Médico*Assistência Médica *Prêmio do Seguro *Seguro de saúde*Seguro de vida*Seguro por invalidez *Seguro de cuidados de longo prazo*Plano de benefícios dos empregados*Elegibilidade para beneficios *comercio internacional*comércio internacional*convênios de comércio, convênios multilaterais, convênios bilaterais*tratados internacionales de comercio*library*biblioteca*negocios internacionais*negocios internacionales*manufacturing*medical*publishing. See more.Native English speaker, Spanish to English, Portuguese to English, English to Spanish, Espanol al Inglés Castellano al Inglés, Português ao Inglês, posgrado, Health Insurance*Life Insurance*Disability Income Insurance*Long-Term Care Insurance*Employee Benefit Plan*Required Notices*Healthcare*Benefits Eligibility*Medical Claims*Dental Insurance*Vision Insurance*Insurance Policy*Health and Welfare*Insurance Carrier*Insurance Claims*Full-Time Employee*Part-Time Employee*Hourly Employee*Salaried Employee*Union Employee*Invoice*Delivery Date*Employee Onboarding*Seguro médico*Seguro de Vida*Seguro Dental*Plan de beneficios para empleados*Empleador*Empleado a tiempo completo*Empleado a tiempo parcial*Atención Médica*Poliza de Seguro*Prima de Seguro*Contrato Colectivo*Empleado Asalariado*Empleado por hora*Empleado de sindicato*Inscripción Abierta*Plan de salud y bienestar*Elegibilidad de empleado*Incorporación de empleado*Factura*Fecha de entrega*Seguro Médico*Assistência Médica *Prêmio do Seguro *Seguro de saúde*Seguro de vida*Seguro por invalidez *Seguro de cuidados de longo prazo*Plano de benefícios dos empregados*Elegibilidade para beneficios *comercio internacional*comércio internacional*convênios de comércio, convênios multilaterais, convênios bilaterais*tratados internacionales de comercio*library*biblioteca*negocios internacionais*negocios internacionales*manufacturing*medical*publishing, casas editoriales*casas editoriais*media*international relations*international affairs*politics*mercadotecnia internacional*medicina*gastroenterología *pesquisa cientifica*investigación y desarrollo*biología*zoología*fútbol *traduções médicas*traducciones médicas*medicina general*medicina geral*fábrica*factory*delivery date*lead time*exportações*importações *importaciones*exportaciones*tariffs*duties*tarifas*tarefas, alfandega*aduana*Servicio al Cliente*Serviço ao Cliente. See less.

Profile last updated
Sep 22, 2021