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English to Slovak: No sickness here, by Kenneth Copeland General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Religion
Source text - English
No sickness here
“ It’s flu season.” Every year about this time, that’s what we’re told. We hear it in ads touting pills to ease the symptoms; in the news as reporters cite statistics to prove great numbers are coming down with it; and at work how this person or that person is out with the flu. “I know just how they feel,” someone will say, “I get the flu every season.” And much of the time, most of those within earshot will nod and agree because they don’t know any better.
They don’t have any idea they open the door to sickness with their own words. They don’t realize the Bible says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit [of it]” (Proverbs 18:21). If they did, when the subject of the flu came up they’d change their conversation. They’d say, “I believe I’ll pass up the flu this year. In fact, I’m never going to take it again.”
Such a statement would sound like a denial of reality to most folks. But I’m here to tell you, I started making that confession more than 40 years ago and I haven’t had the flu since. I’ve stayed free of it not by living in denial, but by living in faith. Oh, we’ve had opportunities, including the symptoms. But we stood firmly on God’s Word and passed those opportunities by.
There’s a big difference between faith and denial. Denial ignores natural facts and chooses to believe something else even though there is no foundation for it.
Faith, on the other hand, has good reason for what it believes. Faith doesn’t ignore the facts; it overrides them with a higher reality—truth!
In natural terms, imagine, for example, you were in a country where the water was impure. If you were to drink that water and just hope by some fluke of nature you would escape the digestive repercussions, you would be in denial. You would have no basis for believing you’d be protected.
If, however, you had a proven purification system to make the water safe, you could drink it with confidence.
You wouldn’t have to deny the dangers of it. You could simply put your trust in the power of the purification system to overcome those dangers. You could say with boldness, “I will not get sick from this water.”
Faith in God’s Word works the same way. It doesn’t deny the dangers of this fallen world. It doesn’t ignore the existence of natural realities. True, Bible-based faith overcomes those realities with the truth of the Word.
That’s why we, as believers, can say things like, “I’m not going to take the flu,” without being in denial. It’s not just wishful thinking. We have a firm foundation for our confidence. We are putting our trust in the Word of God which declares every form of sickness, lack and oppression is part of the curse. We don’t have to ignore the reality of that curse, we can simply believe the more powerful reality presented in Galatians 3:13-14: “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse…being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”
The last two words of that verse tell us faith is what delivers us from the deadly conditions of this sin-cursed world. It enables us to receive God’s promise, and connects us to THE BLESSING.
Translation - Slovak Pre chorobu tu nie je miesto.
„Je chrípkové obdobie.“ Každý rok, asi v tomto čase, nám hovoria presne toto. Počúvame to v reklamách, ktoré propagujú tabletky na zmiernenie symptómov, v správach, kde reportéri citujú štatistiky, aby dokázali, že na ňu ochorie veľký počet ľudí a aj v práci, kde sa dozvedáme, ako tento alebo tamten chýba kvôli chrípke. „Viem presne, ako sa cítia,“ povie niekto, „keď je chrípkové obdobie, vždy ochoriem.“ A je takmer pravidlom, že väčšina tých, ktorí to počujú, prikývne na súhlas, pretože nevedia o ničom lepšom.
Vôbec ich nenapadne, že otvárajú dvere chorobe svojimi vlastnými slovami. Neuvedomujú si, že v biblii sa hovorí, „Smrť i život sú v moci jazyka a kto ho miluje, okúsi jeho ovocie“ (Príslovia 18:21). Ak by si to uvedomovali, zmenili by predmet svojej konverzácie vždy, keď príde reč na chrípku. Povedali by, „Verím, že tento rok sa chrípke vyhnem. Vlastne, už ju nikdy viac nedostanem.“
Pre väčšinu ľudí by takéto tvrdenie znelo ako popieranie skutočnosti. Ale dnes vám chcem povedať, že som začal toto vyznanie robiť pred viac ako 40 rokmi, a odvtedy som chrípku nemal. Zostal som od nej slobodný nie preto, že by som žil v popieraní skutočnosti, ale preto, že žijem vo viere. A veru, mali sme príležitosti, ba aj symptómy. Ale pevne sme stáli na Božom slove a tieto príležitosti nás obišli.
Medzi vierou a popieraním skutočnosti je veľký rozdiel. Popieranie neberie do úvahy prirodzené skutočnosti a rozhoduje sa veriť niečomu inému, dokonca aj vtedy, keď pre to neexistuje nijaký základ.
Na druhej strane, viera, má dobrý dôvod na to, aby verila. Viera neignoruje skutočnosti; ale preváži ich vyššou realitou – pravdou!
Predstavte si, napríklad, ak by sme to mali vysvetliť v prirodzených pojmoch, že by ste boli v krajine, kde je špinavá voda. Ak by ste sa rozhodli tú vodu piť a jednoducho dúfali, že nejakou šťastnou náhodou sa vyhnete tráviacim problémom, žili by ste v popieraní skutočnosti. Nemali by ste žiadny základ pre vieru, že budete ochránení.
Avšak, ak by ste mali preverený čistiaci systém, vďaka ktorému by bolo pitie tejto vody bezpečné, mohli by ste ju piť s dôverou. Nemuseli by ste popierať to, že je nebezpečná. Jednoducho by ste mohli vložiť svoju vieru do schopností čistiaceho systému, že tieto nebezpečenstvá prekoná. Mohli by ste smelo povedať, „Z tejto vody neochoriem.“
Viera v Božie slovo funguje tým istým spôsobom. Nepopiera nebezpečenstvá tohto padlého sveta. Berie do úvahy existenciu prirodzených skutočností. Skutočná viera založená na biblii, víťazí nad týmito skutočnosťami pravdou Božieho slova.
To je dôvod, prečo my, veriaci, môžeme hovoriť veci ako, „Chrípku nedostanem,“ bez toho, že by sme popierali skutočnosť. Nie je to iba zbožné prianie. Pre našu dôveru máme pevný základ. Vkladáme našu dôveru v Božie slovo, ktoré prehlasuje, že každá forma nemoci, nedostatku a útlaku je časťou prekliatia. Nemusíme ignorovať realitu toho prekliatia, môžeme jednoducho veriť v mocnejšiu realitu, poskytnutú v liste Galaťanom 3:13-14: „Kristus nás vykúpil spod prekliatia zákona tým, že sa sám stal prekliatím za nás. Lebo je napísané, prekliaty každý, kto visí na dreve, aby v Ježišovi Kristovi prešlo na pohanov požehnanie Abrahámovo, aby sme skrze vieru prijali zasľúbenie Ducha.“ Slovné spojenie „skrze vieru“ nám hovorí, že je to viera, čo nás vyslobodzuje zo smrtiacich podmienok tohto sveta, ktorý je prekliaty kvôli hriechu. Umožňuje nám prijať Božie zasľúbenie a pripája nás k POŽEHNANIU.
Years of experience: 18. Registered at May 2009.
English to Slovak (General state exam of English, verified)
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SDLX, Trados Studio
CV available upon request
Hello, my name is Marek Solovic and I am from the town Martin in Slovakia. I graduated with a bachelor's degree, specialized in the area of Electronic parts and systems in Brno, Czech Republic in 1997. In 2003 I successfully passed a General State Exam of English language in Slovakia, which is a more difficult exam than the 1-st degree of Cambridge English exam, that is widely known. In 2003 I took a part time job at a local company in Martin as a translator of manuals and technical documentation. In 2006 I started a firm named Bc Marek Solovic and I occupy myself with translation of manuals for consumer electronics (e.g., Bang & Olufsen), software (I participated the project of localization of Windows Vista and Office 2007 thank to Moravia Worldwide company) and web pages localization. I worked on 130 projects altogether since 2006.