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Serbian to English: Treatment of Helicobacter Pylori Infection by Administration of Lactobacillus Acidophilus (excerpt) General field: Medical
Source text - Serbian Materijal i metode
Probiotski proizvod. Za proizvodnju acidofilnog mleka pomoću specijalne kulture _Lactobacillusa acidophilus_ korišćeno je UHT sterilisano mleko iz mlekare u Novom Sadu. Ono je imalo 8,2% suve materije bez masti i 2,8% mlečne masti. Sveže mleko je standardizovano na sadržaj masti, homogenizovano, zatim sterilisano na 140˚ C u trajanju 3–4 sec. i onda upakovano pod sterilnim uslovama u kartonsku tetrapak ambalažu. Uzorci UHT mleka temperirani su na 38–39˚ C, inokulisani sa 0,5% čiste kulture _Lactobacillusa acidophilus_ i inkubirani na 37–38˚ C u trajanju 18 h. Posle završene inkubacije uzorci su ohladeni na oko 5˚ C i držani do upotrebe. Gotov proizvod, acidofilno mleko, imao je prijatnokiseo i osvežavajući ukus. Vrednost pH proizvoda iznosila je 4,2 posle jednog dana i 4,0 posle tri dana držanja na hladnom. Broj živih ćelija _Lactobacillusa acidophilus_ iznosio je posle jednog dana 1x10[^10] u 1 ml, a posle tri dana 4x10[^9] u 1 ml.
From: _Med Pregl_ 1998; LI (7-8): 343-345. Novi Sad: July-August. (Zoran MRĐA, et al.)
Translation - English Materials and Methods
Probiotic product. For the production of acidophilus milk containing special _Lactobacillus acidophilus_ cultures, UHT sterilized milk from a dairy in Novi Sad was used. This milk contained 8.2% solids-not-fat and 2.8% milk fat. Fresh milk was standardized by fat content, homogenized, sterilized at 140˚ C for 3–4 seconds, and then packaged in “Tetra Pak” [aluminum-coated paperboard] cartons in sterile conditions. Samples of UHT milk were tempered at 38–39˚ C, inoculated with a 0.5% pure culture of _Lactobacillus acidophilus_, and incubated at 37–38˚ C for 18 hours. After the incubation period, the samples were chilled to about 5˚ C and stored until use. The final product, acidophilus milk, had a pleasantly tart and refreshing taste. The pH value of the product was 4.2 after one day and 4.0 after three days of chilled storage. The number of live _Lactobacillus acidophilus_ cells totaled 1x10[^10] in 1 ml after one day and 4x10[^9] in 1 ml after three days.
From: _Med Pregl_ 1998; LI (7-8): 343-345. Novi Sad: July-August. (Zoran MRĐA, et al.)
Bosnian to English: Newspaper article about the TransLab Project for literary translators in Sarajevo Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Bosnian - Ako govorimo o društvenoj poziciji književnih prevodilaca, pažnji koja se posvećuje ovoj struci u smislu zaštite njihovih prava i interesa, neophodnom usavršavanju, onda možemo s pravom reći da je zanemarena. Rad književnih prevodilaca je potcijenjen; ugovori koji ih uopće ne štite i neoprostivo niski honorari ne ohrabruju ih da se bave ovom profesijom. I pored činjenice da u BiH ima veliki broj talentovanih i obrazovanih prevodilaca, opće je poznato da se oni ne mogu, osim u izuzetnim slučajevima, baviti isključivo književnim prevodima, zbog svih gore navedenih razloga, ali i zbog ograničene izdavačke produkcije (prevoda je malo, a izbor tekstova je najčešće proizvoljan). U većini slučajeva, oni se paralelno bave drugim vrstama prevođenja (tehničko-administrativnim, sudskim itd.), zbog čega su mogućnosti za potpunu posvećenost, sticanje iskustva, usavršavanje u sferi književnog prevođenja prirodno ograničene, navodi naša sagovornica.
(source: Oslobodjenje, February 12, 2018:
Translation - English "If we’re talking about the social standing of literary translators—the attention paid to these professionals in terms of safeguarding their rights and interests, essential training—then we can justifiably say that they are neglected. The work of literary translators is undervalued; the contracts that do not protect them and the unforgivably low fees do not encourage them to take up this profession. And despite there being a great many talented and educated translators in [Bosnia and Herzegovina], it is common knowledge that, barring exceptional circumstances, they cannot earn a living from literary translation alone, not only for the reasons just mentioned, but also because of limited publishing opportunities (few translations and the selection of texts is frequently arbitrary). In most cases, they must also work in other types of translation (technical, business, legal, etc.), and this puts a natural limit on their ability to dedicate themselves fully, to gain experience, to advance their training in the realm of literary translation."
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Brown University, Providence, RI
Years of experience: 26. Registered at Oct 2000.
ATA Certified, Croatian into English, ATA Certification number: 452964. (Certification credentials can be verified online at
Native English speaker (American English). Lived in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996-2002. Translating since 1998. Copyediting and proofreading since 1995.
Literature and literary nonfiction – Plays, short stories, memoir, essays, opinion pieces.
Film – Film and video subtitles and production materials, including scenarios, treatments, budgets, marketing.
Back translation – Informed consent, health assessment questionnaires, quality of life surveys, company HR documents, website content.
Culture and politics of Eastern Europe – Specifically post-WWII Yugoslavia and its successor countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia -- political analysis, event transcripts, news articles, media analysis, contemporary art and culture.
Commercial and nonprofit publications – Website and brochure content, press releases, newsletters, donor letters, situation reports, needs assessments, feasibility studies, grant proposals, funding requests, project documentation, case studies, white papers.
Other – News articles, op eds, blog and social media posts, personal correspondence, general text about a wide range of subjects.
Short story translations from Serbian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin have been published in the following literary journals: Asymptote, St. Petersburg Review, Lunch Ticket, Copper Nickel; translation of poetry and author interview published in Words without Borders.
Serbian and Croatian–English Medical Dictionary, containing over 52,000 terms, authored by Svetolik Paul Djordjević. First printing 2009. Editor and proofreader. For more information, see the Jordana Publishing website.
Subtitles for Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams (original title Grbavica), feature film by Jasmila Žbanić; and Loving Glances (original title Sjaj u očima), feature film by Srđan Karanović.
See my blog for links to lists of published works as well as writing and translation samples.