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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcription
Specializes in:
Medical (general)
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Human Resources
Forestry / Wood / Timber
Finance (general)
Business/Commerce (general)
Also works in:
Medical: Instruments
Medical: Health Care
Law (general)
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Advertising / Public Relations
Tourism & Travel
English to Romanian - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word Romanian to English - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word Spanish to Romanian - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word Romanian to Spanish - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word English to Spanish - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word
Blue Board entries made by this user
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Money order, Western Union, MoneyGram
Sample translations submitted: 5
English to Romanian: sEASONINING OF WOOD General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - English SEASONING OF WOOD
The sap-wood of a tree has a higher moisture content than the heart-wood, and when the timber is sawn into planks, the distribution of moisture in the planks varies accordingly. If left to dry out naturally, the moist parts will shrink more than their drier parts and the plank will warp.
Alburnul copacului are un conţinut mai mare de apă decât duramenul şi, atunci când bucata de lemn este transformată în scânduri, distribuţia umezelii în structura scândurilor variază la rândul ei. Dacă sunt lăsate să se usuce în mod natural, părţile cu mai multă umezeală se vor contracta mai mult decât cele uscate, iar scândurile se vor deforma.
Romanian to English: Miza cardinala General field: Other Detailed field: Economics
Source text - Romanian The Cardinal Stake
Preturile cataratoare au indepartat numeroase categorii sociale de fluxul real al pregatirii si performantei profesionale. Din aceasta cauza, mai ales, economia are o eficienta modesta. Munca este prea putin competitiva si inca prea putin stimulata sa fie competitiva.
Translation - English Miza cardinala
Quick rising prices have estranged a large series of social categories from the real flux of professional formation and performance. It is for this reason mainly that our economy is not so efficient. Work implies too little competitiveness and people are still too little motivated to be competitive.
Spanish to Romanian: Violencia de genero General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Spanish El concepto de violencia de género, a los efectos de la Ley Orgánica 1/2004 (en adelante, Ley Integral), comprende todo acto de violencia física y psicológica —incluidas las agresiones a la libertad sexual, las amenazas, las coacciones o la privación arbitraria de libertad—, que se ejerce sobre las mujeres por parte de quienes sean o hayan sido sus cónyuges o de quienes estén o hayan estado ligados a ellas por relaciones similares de afectividad, con o sin convivencia.
Translation - Romanian În spiritul Legii organice nr. 1/2004 (denumită de acum inainte Legea integrală), conceptul de violenţă domestică cuprinde orice act de violenţă fizică şi psihologică – inclusiv agresiunile asupra libertăţii sexuale, ameninţările, intimidările sau privarea arbitrară de libertate – care se exercită asupra femeilor de către cei care sunt sau le-au fost soţi sau de către cei care sunt sau au fost legaţi de ele prin relaţii similare de afectivitate, cu sau fără convieţuire.
Romanian to Spanish: Scrisoare General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Romanian Scrisoare
Dupa cea de-a 3-a doza (16 iulie): transpiratie foarte rece - dureros de rece, gheata - pe spate, mai ales pe ceafa si intre omoplati dar si pe brate, pe partea lor dorsala (pielea, evident, fiind la fel de rece), in timp ce pe toata partea anterioara a corpului, mai ales pe fata si pe torace, ma simteam fierbinte chiar in interior (de parca as fi avut febra) ca aburita, cu o transpiratie calda. Cu cat mi-era mai rece spatele cu atat mai fierbinte ma simteam in interior si pe fata.
Translation - Spanish Carta
Después de la tercera dosis (16 de julio): sudor muy frío – dolorosamente frío, como el hielo – sobre la espalda y especialmente sobre la cerviz y entre los omóplatos, pero también en los brazos, en la parte dorsal (evidentemente, la piel era igual de fría), mientras que sentía, en toda la parte anterior del cuerpo, especialmente en la cara y el tórax, mucho calor, hasta en el interior (de cómo si tuviera fiebre), como si fuera cubierta de vapores de sudor caliente. Más frío me daba en la espalda, más caliente me sentía en el interior y en la cara.
English to Spanish: Plautus General field: Other Detailed field: History
Source text - English Biography
Plautus was a Roman dramatist, born in Umbria, who settled in Rome and worked in a bakery before achieving success as a dramatist. He wrote at least 56 comedies, freely adapted from Greek originals, of which 20 survive.
Translation - Spanish Biografía
Plautus fue un dramaturgo romano, nacido en Umbría, que, antes de alcanzar al éxito como dramaturgo, se había establecido en Roma y había trabajado en una panadería. Escribió más de 56 comedias, adaptaciones libres según originales griegos. 20 de éstas siguen existiendo.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Limbi si Literaturi Straine
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Dec 2009.
English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) French to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice) Spanish to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) Romanian to Spanish (Romanian Ministry of Justice)
English to Spanish (Romanian Ministry of Justice) English to Spanish (University of Bucharest, Section of Translation, Interpretation and Terminology) English to Romanian (University of Bucharest, Section of Translation, Interpretation and Terminology) Romanian to English (University of Bucharest, Section of Translation, Interpretation and Terminology) Spanish to Romanian (University of Bucharest, Section of Translation, Interpretation and Terminology) Romanian to Spanish (University of Bucharest, Section of Translation, Interpretation and Terminology)
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio, Wordbee
I am a Romanian native translator with over 17 years of experience in translations (June, 2007 - present day) and over 9 years of experience in reviews (March, 2015 - present day). I am a BA of the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Translators/Interpreters, English - Spanish (2009) and a MFA and BFA of Bucharest National University of Arts (2004 and, respectively, 2002). I am a sworn translator for English and Spanish beginning October, 2009, a FR-RO translator certified by the Romanian Ministry of Culture (January, 2018) and, currently, I use my natural person authorization issued by the Trade Register Office of Romania (July, 2019). As a Freelance translator, I have translated especially from the following fields: medical, pharmaceutical, technical (medical and other devices software, rescue equipment, textile industry techniques and plants, art restoration techniques, constructions, etc.), motivational, artistic, literary, economic, didactic, touristic, food industry, wood industry, etc. I translated, as an employee (February, 5th, 2020 - July 1st, 2024) a relatively large number of pages from the technical field (engineering).
Keywords: correct translations
Ruxandra Stefana Munteanu