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Spanish to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.20 EUR per word / 30 - 50 EUR per hour English to Spanish - Rates: 0.08 - 0.20 EUR per word / 30 - 50 EUR per hour French to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.20 EUR per word / 30 - 50 EUR per hour French to Spanish - Rates: 0.08 - 0.20 EUR per word / 30 - 50 EUR per hour
French to English: Art and Academic sample General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - French Les attaques contre l’art moderne, c’est-à-dire l’art le plus représentatif du temps et le plus conditionné par l’époque, se font de plus en plus vives. Et le fait même que plusieurs revues autorisées aient songé à ouvrir des enquêtes sur un débat qui, somme toute, ne pourrait être qu’un épisode de la vieille querelle des anciens et des modernes, montre l’importance du conflit. (…) En effet, il ne s’agit pas seulement aujourd’hui de se contenter de compter les points qui sont à l’actif de l’avant-garde et du traditionalisme dans une phase critique de l’éternel balancement action-réaction, mais de résoudre toute une série de problèmes artistiques étroitement liés et que viennent compliquer des faits sociaux, techniques, psychologiques et économiques entièrement nouveaux. Sous sa forme la plus ample et la plus concrètement expressive, la question se pose ainsi : POUR OU CONTRE L’ORNEMENT ? ou mieux : ÉVOLUTION OU MORT DE L’ORNEMENT ? (…) Pour voir clair dans notre étude, nous ne pensons pouvoir mieux faire que de classer les griefs, reproches et accusations qu’a eu à subir, ces derniers temps, l’art moderne. Aussi nous toucherons aux quatre grands points du problème. Aux yeux de ses détracteurs, l’art moderne est d’inspiration étrangère ; esclave de la machine, il tue les métiers d’art et la tradition artisanale ; il crée le chômage et ruine l’expansion du goût français ; enfin en tant que style, il est d’une pauvreté qui confine à l’inexistence, par conséquent, il ne saurait procurer aucune satisfaction esthétique. (…) Ainsi donc, pour l’art moderne, l’alternative est simple : ou il nous vient effectivement de l’Étranger, et il ne tient qu’à nous de le franciser, ou bien il représente, si dépouillé soit-il, des qualités essentiellement françaises, et il continuera par sa propre vertu à maintenir notre prestige hors de nos frontières. (…) Nous pensons qu’il est aussi facile à un œil éduqué d’établir une distinction entre deux œuvres de la Renaissance, l’une italienne, l’autre française, que d’identifier des chaises en métal fabriquées à Stockholm, Vienne ou Paris. On peut être sûr que ce sont toujours les mêmes qui confondront. Ne craignons donc rien des copies éventuelles ou de la concurrence possible si nous savons mettre dans nos créations ce je ne sais quoi inimitable – même dans les lignes les plus simples – qui est à proprement parler l’esprit national.
Translation - English The onslaught against modern art, that is to say the most representative of the times and the most conditioned by the era, is becoming more and more vigorous. And the very fact that several authorized magazines would think of opening enquiries on a debate which, altogether, could never be but another episode of the old quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns, indicates the importance of the conflict. (...) Certainly today it is not just a matter of being satisfied with counting the points in favor of the avant-garde or traditionalism in a critical phase of the eternal action-reaction swing, but to resolve a whole series of tightly knit artistic problems, which complicate entirely new social, technical, psychological and economic circumstances. In its broadest and most concretely expressive way, the question could be formulated as follows: IN FAVOR OR AGAINST ORNAMENT? or even better: EVOLUTION OR DEATH OF THE ORNAMENT ? (...) In order to proceed clearly in our study, we think it is best to arrange the grievances, reproaches and accusations which modern art had to suffer in recent times. We will also address the four key points of the issue. In the eyes of its detractors, modern art comes from foreign inspiration ; slave to the machine, it kills the artistic professions and the artisan’s tradition ; it created unemployment and ruined the expansion of French taste ; finally in regard to style, it displays a poverty which borders on nonexistence, as a result, it would be unable to procure any esthetic satisfaction. (...) Thereby, for modern art, the alternative is simple: either it actually comes from abroad, and it is for us to ‘gallicize’ it, or it could well represent, as stripped as it may, essentially French qualities, and it will continue by its own virtue to maintain our prestige outside our borders. (...) We believe that it is just as easy for the educated eye to distinguish between two Renaissance works, one French and the other Italian, than to identify metal chairs made in Stockholm, Vienna or Paris. We can be sure that it will always be the same people who will confuse them. So let us not fear potential copies or possible competitors if we know how to put a certain inimitable I-don’t-know-what in our creations – even in the simplest of lines – which strictly speaking embodies our national spirit.
English to Spanish: General journalism sample General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - English As environmental and political leaders struggle to determine how to move forward from the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, a new report by an international coalition of top forest organizations warns that the failure to set legal standards and safeguards for a mechanism to transfer funds to forest-rich nations may trigger a sharp rise in speculation and corruption, placing unprecedented pressures on tropical forest lands and the communities that inhabit them.
The authors of The End of the Hinterland: Forests, Conflict and Climate Change cite numerous studies suggesting that in 2010 the potential for enormous profits will lead to increased competition over forest resources between powerful global governments and investors on the one hand, and local actors on the other, resulting in new and resurging violent conflict.
“Throwing heaps of money into a system without agreeing to any framework or standards has the potential to unleash a wave of speculation unlike anything we’ve ever seen in our lifetime,” said Andy White, Coordinator of XYZ and one of the lead authors of the report. “The result will be chaos on the carbon markets, as well as chaos in the field. It will be like the Wild, Wild West.”
Translation - Spanish Mientras los líderes ambientalistas y políticos se esfuerzan en determinar cómo avanzar después de la Conferencia de la ONU sobre el Cambio Climático en Copenhague, un nuevo informe elaborado por una coalición internacional de las mayores organizaciones forestales advierte que la incapacidad de establecer estándares y salvaguardas legales para el mecanismo de transferir fondos a naciones ricas en bosques puede gatillar un fuerte aumento en la especulación y la corrupción, poniendo una presión sin precedentes sobre los bosques tropicales y las comunidades que habitan en ellas.
Los autores de El Final de las Tierras Baldías: Bosques, Conflicto y Cambio Climático citan numerosos estudios que sugieren que, en 2010, el potencial de lucrar enormes cantidades conducirá a una alta competencia por recursos forestales entre poderosos gobiernos e inversionistas globales por un lado, y agentes locales por el otro, lo cual resultará en el resurgimiento de un nuevo conflicto violento.
“Arrojar un montón de dinero a un sistema sin ponerse de acuerdo sobre el marco o los estándares tiene el potencial de desatar una ola de especulación como nunca antes se ha visto en nuestras vidas”, dice Andy White, Coordinador de XYZ y uno de los autores principales del informe. “El resultado será caos en los mercados de carbono, además de caos en el campo. Será como el Viejo Oeste.”
English to Spanish: Economics sample General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Economics
Source text - English A word on definitions and on regional patterns. Inequality is, of course, a relative concept, and except where I specify otherwise I am referring to money inequality, that is, inequality of income, consumption, or wealth (the latter is everywhere more concentrated but less often measured). By poverty I refer to the condition of people who are poor in absolute terms, using the World Bank standard of US$2 a day (in 1985 dollars), and for extreme poverty, of US$1 day. Across countries there is at best a weak association between absolute poverty and inequality (Figure 1). I use the term equity, or social equity, as in an ‘equitable’ society, to refer to the idea of justice or fairness in the processes that lead to outcomes such as income, and in contrast to outcomes or income per se. A society with relatively high income inequality might be an equitable society if the observed inequality were the outcome of an entirely fair process—in which some worked harder or took more economic risks with resultant greater economic gains than others. Equity is sensibly thought of as equality of opportunity and is a more satisfactory concept from a normative point of view; but it is harder to measure. I argue that in developing countries high money
inequality is likely to be a sign of processes that are not equitable.
The assumption of textbook economics is that a tradeoff exists between augmenting growth and reducing inequality. Kuznets and others explore causality in one direction—positing that growth in the early stages of development might cause inequality. The assumption about the other direction of causality—that inequality would enhance growth—is grounded in two simple observations…
Translation - Spanish Unas pocas palabras sobre definiciones y patrones regionales. Desigualdad es, por supuesto, un concepto relativo, y excepto cuando especifique lo contrario, me refiero a desigualdad monetaria, es decir, desigualdad de ingresos, consumo o riqueza (en todas partes, este último es más concentrado pero menos frecuentemente medido). Cuando digo pobreza, me refiero a la condición de la gente que son pobres en términos absolutos, utilizando el estándar del Banco Mundial de US$2 por día (en dólares de 1985), y para la pobreza extrema, de US$1 por día. Entre los países, existe en el mejor de los casos una débil asociación entre pobreza absoluta y desigualdad (Figura 1). Utilizo el término equidad, o equidad social, como en una sociedad ‘equitativa’, para referirme a la idea de justicia o ecuanimidad en los procesos que conducen a resultados como el de los ingresos, y en contraste a resultados o ingresos per se. Una sociedad con una desigualdad de ingresos relativamente alta puede ser una sociedad equitativa si la desigualdad observada fuese el resultado de un proceso completamente justo—en el cual algunos trabajaron más duro o tomaron más riesgos económicos con más ganancias económicas resultantes que otros. Equidad se piensa de forma sensata como igualdad de oportunidad y es un concepto más satisfactorio desde un punto de vista normativo; pero es más difícil de medir. Sostengo que, en países en vías de desarrollo, una alta desigualdad monetaria es con toda probabilidad una señal de procesos que no son equitativos.
La suposición de los textos de economía es que existe una compensación entre el aumento del crecimiento y la reducción de la desigualdad. Kuznets y otros exploran la causalidad en una dirección—afirmando que el crecimiento en las fases iniciales de desarrollo puede causar desigualdad. La suposición sobre la otra dirección causal—que la desigualdad puede aumentar el crecimiento—está fundado en dos sencillas observaciones...
French to Spanish: Mountain Sports General field: Marketing Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - French Si plus de 97% des personnes ayant essayé le Ski~Mojo déclarent avoir été « bluffées et enthousiasmées » c’est que ce nouvel équipement décuple les performances et le plaisir ressenti par les skieurs.
Le surcroît d’endurance et de puissance permet un ski 100% sport et plaisir tout au long de la journée, sans sensation de cuisses qui brûlent ou de courbatures intenses le soir.
Les douleurs aux genoux, au dos et aux hanches disparaissent. Les amoureux de poudreuse profitent de journées encore plus sensationnelles, avec un maximum d’efficacité sur leurs planches jusqu’au soir. Sur piste, les trajectoires deviennent encore plus précises grâce à un mordant accru des skis sur les neiges dures.
Translation - Spanish Si más del 97% de las personas que probaron Ski-Mojo declaran haberse sentido “sorprendidas y emocionadas” es porque este nuevo equipo multiplica tanto el desempeño como el placer del esquiador.
El aumento en resistencia y potencia permite una experiencia 100% deportiva y divertida durante el día completo, sin terminar con los muslos que arden o ese intenso dolor muscular al caer la tarde.
Los dolores de rodillas, espalda o cadera desaparecen, mientras los amantes de la nieve polvo disfrutan de jornadas aún más increíbles, bajando la montaña con una máxima eficiencia hasta el anochecer. Los virajes en pistas se vuelven aún más precisos debido a los cantos afilados de los esquís sobre la nieve dura.
English to Spanish: Mountain Sports General field: Marketing Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - English “At FrictionLabs, we deliver The New Standard in Chalk. Designed to help you consistently perform at your limit, this is not the same old generic liquid chalk from China that you’re used to. Athletes demand a lot from themselves and they expect their gear to live up to that standard. We responsibly refine our chalk in Denver, Colorado, wiping out fillers and artificial drying agents to deliver better performance. Our chalk was designed for the extreme demands of rock climbers and has since become the choice product of National Champions and beginners in any sport that demands confident grip. #chalkmatters, and our goal is to help athletes finally find a chalk they can rely on to keep their hands drier and healthier, longer.”
Translation - Spanish “En FrictionLabs desarrollamos los Nuevos Estándares en Magnesia. Diseñada para que puedas rendir al máximo de forma constante, no es esa vieja magnesita líquida de China a la que estás acostumbrado(a). Los atletas se exigen muchísimo de sí mismos y esperan que su equipo cumpla con los mismos estándares. Refinamos con responsabilidad nuestra magnesia en la ciudad de Denver, Colorado, retirando las impurezas y los agentes de secado artificiales para ofrecerte un mayor rendimiento. Nuestra magnesia ha sido diseñada para cubrir las más altas exigencias de los escaladores de roca y, desde entonces, nos hemos convertido en el producto favorito tanto de campeones nacionales como de principiantes en todos los deportes que requieren seguridad en el agarre. #chalkmatters, y nuestro objetivo es ayudar a los atletas a terminar de una vez por todas con su búsqueda de una magnesia confiable que mantengan sus manos más secas y sanas por una mayor cantidad de tiempo.”
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Diego Portales University
Years of experience: 17. Registered at May 2010.
Spanish to English (International Baccalaureate Organization) English to Spanish (International Baccalaureate Organization) French to English (International Baccalaureate Organization) French to Spanish (International Baccalaureate Organization)
Indesign, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Subtitle Edit
I’m a native translator in both English and Spanish, as well as highly fluent French, with over 10 years of experience in a wide range of subjects, and I have several publications in national press and abroad. I have a BA in Creative Literature and a Baccalaureate in Social Sciences and Humanities as well. I'm an efficient and responsible professional that can deliver revised quality texts in the requested deadline. My main specializations are Literature, Art & Culture, Social Sciences, Marketing and Tourism, although I also have experience in other areas of expertise, such as Business, Audio Visual, Sports and Technical, among others.
Born in California, though Chilean native, I received most of my primary education in French institutions: French American International School (San Francisco), Lycée Franco-Méxicain (Mexico City) and Alliance Française (Santiago). In Chile, I continued my studies in the Universidad Diego Portales in the fields of Literature, Creative Writing, Social Sciences and Humanities, a period in which I began translating specific class material, as well as personal requests from professors and friends: from essays and studies on Literature and Art to short stories and poetry. In 2007, one of these essays, "El Vidrio de Duchamp", was published by Los Libros del Pez Espiral. Afterwards, through direct experience working in the Tourism and Marketing industries, I began to offer translation services for certain clients in these markets, as well as for governmental institutions, NGOs and independent researchers in subjects such as History, Sociology, Economy, Politics, Human Rights, Journalism and Architecture, among others. Over the years, I've had many literary, academic and journalistic translations published in different magazines, book formats and on digital platforms, for audiences located in Europe and America, both North and South.
For more details, please view any of my CVs, available in English, Spanish and French.