Member since Dec '10

Working languages:
English to Norwegian (Bokmal)
English to Norwegian
Norwegian to English
English to Thai
Norwegian (Bokmal) to English

Erik Wallace - Wallace Solutions
Quality translations - on time

Native in: Norwegian Native in Norwegian, English Native in English
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57 positive reviews
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Being born and raised in Norway by Scottish parents gave me the unique advantage of being multilingual from the very beginning, an advantage which later enabled me to learn Danish, Swedish, Spanish and Thai fluently as well.

I have been translating both into and from all of the following languages for more than a decade:


Do you need more information, or need a project translated into one of my combinations? Don't hesitate to contact me, I am ready to transform your text into a linguistic work of art.

I work with a team of fantastic professional linguists. Between us, we cover all the Scandinavian. Please click This link for more information.

I am also the proud owner of a Thai translation company. Our in-house staff would be happy to cover all of your translations needs for translations between Thai and English.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 50
PRO-level pts: 38

Top languages (PRO)
Norwegian to English22
English to Norwegian16
Top general fields (PRO)
Social Sciences4
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Tourism & Travel4
Mechanics / Mech Engineering4
Medical (general)4
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.4
Construction / Civil Engineering4
Food & Drink4
Pts in 3 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: Norwegian, English, Danish, Swedish, thai, dansk, svensk, norsk, efficient, disciplined. See more.Norwegian, English, Danish, Swedish, thai, dansk, svensk, norsk, efficient, disciplined, thorough, quality, freelance, team, language expert, translator, translation, experience, experienced, trados, wordfast, quality, Norwegian translator, English translator, English to Norwegian translator, translator, hardware, software, Trados, Wordfast, Word, Excel, PDF, oversetting, manuals, korrektur, edit, redigering, freelance, media, Trados workbench, Trados TagEditor, Trados sdlx, pc, computers, business, finance, medical, QA, oversettelse, proofread, tourism, specialist, across, xtm, smartling, Norwegian translator, English translator, English to Norwegian translator, linguistic, services, software, norwegian, english, pc, mac, computers, hardware, electronics, elektronikk, scandinavian, skandinavisk, desktop publishing, DTP, QA, localization, software localization, quality assurance, project, prosjekt, project management, proofreading, editing, Adobe, Photoshop, MS, Across, Office, Word, Wordfast, gadgets, electronics, phones, smartphones, PDAS, xml, xtml, html, data entry, instruction manuals, retail, commerce, ecommerce, website design, marketing, toys, video games, travel, programvare, oversetting, oversettelse, teksting, data, programvare, maskinvare, elektronikk, skandinavisk, media, markedsføring, redigering, Flash, reiseliv, travel and tourism, konsollspill, tekstredigering, videoredigering, språkvask. See less.

Profile last updated
Dec 9, 2024