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English to Bosnian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 20 - 25 USD per hour English to Serbo-Croat - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 25 - 30 USD per hour English to Serbian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 USD per word / 25 - 30 USD per hour
English to Bosnian: Sample 1 General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English Customer’s Responsibilities.
Use of Premium Services. Customer may access and use the Premium Services specified on the Order Form solely for the purpose of recruiting Customer’s employees and consultants and not for any other purpose. Customer will not allow the Premium Services to be used as a service bureau for third parties (i.e. Customer will not provide or sell access to the Premium Services to third parties). Customer will not use the Premium Services to spam or otherwise harass or bother WordRise Members. Customer will utilize the Premium Services only for lawful purposes and comply with all laws, orders, codes and regulations, including all privacy laws, in Customer’s use of the Premium Services.
Translation - Bosnian Odgovornosti Korisnika.
Korištenje Premium Usluga. Korisnik može pristupati i koristiti Premium Usluge kako je navedeno u Narudžbenici isključivo u svrhu angažovanja uposlenika i konsultanata Korisnika i ni u kakve druge svrhe. Korisnik neće dozvoliti da se Premium Usluge koriste kao baza za usluge trećim licima (npr. Korisnik neće trećim licima pružati ili prodavati pristup Premium Usluga). Korisnik neće koristiti Premium Usluge za spamovanje ili bilo kakvo drugo uznemiravanje ili ometanje Članova agencije WordRise. Korisnik će Premium Usluge iskoristiti samo u zakonite svrhe i poštovat će sve zakone, uredbe, pravilnike i propise, uključujući sve zakone o privatnosti, prilikom korištenja Premium Usluga.
English to Bosnian: Sample 2 General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English This investigational product is currently being tested in various countries for a variety of symptoms and is already approved for prescription use in Canada for the relief of pain in people with advanced cancer and also for multiple sclerosis pain. These approvals have been granted on a conditional basis, subject to [undisclosed] Pharmaceuticals providing further positive clinical trial data. The medicine has also been approved for prescription use in the UK, Canada & Spain for the relief of spasticity (muscle overactivity) in multiple sclerosis. So far over 2000 individuals have received [undisclosed] in clinical trials. Thirteen studies have also been completed in healthy volunteers. The [undisclosed] Committee has given approval for this particular study to commence, and the [undisclosed] Agency has approved the use of this investigational product in this study.
Translation - Bosnian Ovaj ispitivani proizvod se trenutno testira u više zemalja i na različitim simptomima i već je odobren u Kanadi za izdavanje na recept za ublažavanje bolova kod ljudi sa uznapredovanim rakom kao i za bolove kod multipla skleroze. Ta odobrenja su data uslovno, u zavisnosti od toga da li će [undisclosed] Pharmaceuticals i dalje pružati pozitivne podatke kliničkog ispitivanja. Lijek je također odobren za izdavanje na recept u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, Kanadi i Španiji, za ublažavanje spasticiteta (pretjerane mišićne reakcije) kod multipla skleroze. Do sada je, tokom kliničkih ispitivanja, preko 2000 osoba primilo [skriveno]. Također je završeno i trinaest ispitivanja na zdravim volonterima. [skriveno] komitet je odobrio početak tog ispitivanja, a [skriveno] agencija je odobrila upotrebu tog ispitivanog proizvoda u ovom ispitivanju.
English to Bosnian: Sample 3 General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Engineering (general)
Source text - English Mounting the Control Assembly
• The housing consists of a two part plastic moulding held together by four screws.
• Remove the screws.
• Carefully lift the lid and unplug the ribbon cable from the power PCB assembly situated in the bottom of the case.
• A drilling template is provided to enable the controller assembly to be securely fixed to a solid surface.
• It is recommended that the controller is installed no less than 1.5m above the floor level.
• The lid with display and connecting ribbon cable can be rotated through 180° therefore allowing the controller to be positioned with the cable entry to the bottom or the top depending on the cable routing.
• Do not mount the controller on an excessively warm or cold surface or where it could be affected by direct sunlight or other heat/cool sources.
• The mounting surface should be non-conducting or earth bonded and should prevent access to the rear of the control.
Note: The recommended minimum mounting height only applies when the internal sensor is used.
Translation - Bosnian Postavljanje Regulatornog Sklopa
• Kućište se sastoji od dvodijelnog plastičnog kalupa spojenog pomoću četiri vijka.
• Uklonite vijke
• Pažljivo podignite poklopac i isključite trakasti kabl iz naponskog sklopa štampane ploče smještenog na dnu kućišta
• Priložen je šablon za bušenje da se omogući sigurno pričvršćenje regulatornog sklopa za čvrstu površinu.
• Preporučuje se da se regulator postavi najmanje 1,5m iznad poda.
• Poklopac sa ekranom i trakasti kabl za povezivanje se mogu zakretati za 180° i tako omogućuju da se regulator postavi sa ulazom kabla prema dnu ili vrhu, u zavisnosti od usmjerenja kabla.
• Ne postavljajte regulator na izrazito toplu ili hladnu površinu ili na mjesto gdje bi mogao biti izložen direktnoj sunčevoj svjetlosti ili nekim drugim izvorima toplote/hladnoće.
• Površina za postavljanje bi trebala biti neprovodna ili uzemljena i trebala bi spriječiti pristup sa zadnje strane regulatora.
Napomena: Predložena minimalna visina za postavljanje se primjenjuje samo kada se koristi interni senzor.
English to Bosnian: Sample 4 General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - English We Always Deliver the Best Customer Service
Customers are always at the heart of our business, and we make it our mission to provide visitors to our stores with an enjoyable and gratifying shopping experience. In doing so, we strive to maintain the highest possible standards of customer service and sustained professionalism. We continue to devote a great deal of effort, resources and time to providing top notch customer service training. Our ultimate objective is to ensure our frontline team is capable of offering exceptional service and underlining our commitment to total customer satisfaction every time.
6-Star Service
Our associates provide a memorable shopping experience to our customers. Leveraging systematic six-step procedures, we train each team member with professional service etiquette, to ensure shoppers’ total satisfaction – from initial greeting to understanding visitors’ needs and recommending products to match.
Translation - Bosnian Uvijek pružamo najbolju uslugu kupcima
Kupci su uvijek u središtu našeg poslovanja, i naša je zadaća da kupcima u našim radnjama pružimo ugodnu kupovinu u kojoj će uživati. Na taj način težimo održanju najviših mogućih standarda korisničkih usluga i kontinuiranog profesionalizma. Neprestano ulažemo velike napore, resurse i vrijeme da pružimo vrhunsku obuku u oblasti korisničkih usluga. Naš krajnji cilj je osigurati da naš neposredni tim pruži izuzetnu uslugu i da svaki put naglasi našu posvećenost potpunom zadovoljstvu kupca.
Usluga sa 6 zvjezdica
Naši saradnici pružaju našim kupcima nezaboravno iskustvo kupovine. Maksimalnim iskorištavanjem sistematske procedure u šest koraka, svakog člana tima obučavamo pravilima profesionalnog usluživanja, da bi smo osigurali potpuno zadovoljstvo kupaca - od pozdravljanja na početku do razumijevanja potreba kupaca i preporuke odgovarajućih proizvoda.
English to Bosnian: Sample 5 General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - English The latest SYNC system update includes all of the improvements from previous updates, plus additional benefits, such as:
- Display on the homescreen for HD, Sirius (if equipped), and FM radio sources
- Simplified graphics and improved usability
- Enhanced voice destination entry for SD Card Navigation (if equipped)
- Improved Navigation vehicle positioning (if equipped)
- Rear view camera guidelines set to ON by default (if equipped)
- Updated SYNC/device compatibility information
The installation of this update will take up to 30 minutes to complete. Be sure to keep your engine running, not in accessory mode, throughout the entire installation process. Turning off your vehicle during the update installation will disrupt the process. Although your vehicle must be in park when you begin the installation process, you may drive your vehicle while the update is downloading to your SYNC system.
Translation - Bosnian Najnovije ažuriranje SYNC sistema obuhvata sva poboljšanja iz prethodnih ažuriranja uz dodatne prednosti kao što su:
- Prikaz na glavnom ekranu za HD, Sirius (ako postoji) i FM radio izvore
- Pojednostavljeni grafički izgled i poboljšanu upotrebljivost
- Poboljšan glasovni unos odredišta za navigaciju sa SD karticom (ako postoji)
- Poboljšano pozicioniranje vozila navigacijom (ako postoji)
- Smjernice stražnje kamere su fabrički uključene (ako postoje)
- Ažurirane informacije o kompatibilnosti između SYNC-a i uređaja
Za instalaciju ovog ažuriranja će trebati oko 30 minuta. Neka tokom čitavog procesa instalacije motor obavezno bude uključen,a ne u poziciji za davanje kontakta. Gašenjem vozila tokom ažuriranja će se prekinuti proces. Iako ručica mora biti u položaju za pakrkiranje kada počnete instalaciju, možete voziti dok SYNC sistem preuizma ažuriranje.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Jul 2010. Became a member: Apr 2014.
English to Bosnian (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy) English to Serbo-Croat (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy) English to Serbian (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy)
Across, Google Translator Toolkit, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Memsource Editor, Subtitle Workshop, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast