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English to Chinese: How Will China Weather the Financial Storm? 金融风暴来袭,中国将何以安度难关? General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English When the global financial storm began to gather a year ago, China appeared to be a nation that was well supplied with raincoats. The economy was growing at double-digit rates, Chinese banks had little overseas exposure to the credit crisis, and the country's $1.9 trillion in hard-currency reserves stood as a vast emergency fund that could be drawn upon in the event of trouble. Just two months ago, while giant Wall Street and European banks were crumbling, China was relishing its role as host of the Olympic Games as the world paid tribute to its years of remarkable, seemingly unstoppable economic progress.
The raincoats, it turns out, have holes in them. With the chances for a global recession increasing, it's becoming clear that not even the world's fastest-growing major economy can avoid a pronounced slowdown. Any remaining hopes to the contrary were dashed recently when China's National Bureau of Statistics released the country's latest economic data: in the third quarter, GDP growth had slipped to 9%, the slowest quarterly pace since 2003. Meanwhile, estimates for 2009 growth are being slashed to as low as 8%, which would be a dramatic deceleration from last year's 12% rate and would rank as China's worst results since 1999.
It's pretty clear why China is hitting the skids. The country's economic transformation over the past 25 years has led a great wave of globalization during which the mainland's once small and isolated economy became much bigger and deeply integrated into global commerce — making it more exposed to the business cycles of its big trading partners like the U.S. "The huge elephant in the China shop is the slowing global economy," says Merrill Lynch Asia economist T.J. Bond, who cites an obvious reason: China's manufacturing sector, which accounts for 43% of China's GDP, depends heavily upon sales to the West. Some 40% of China's exports go to the U.S. and Europe, and with potentially deep recessions setting in there, economists are slashing the country's trade projections. Bond estimates that China's export growth rate will fall to 10% in 2009 from 21% this year. For the revved-up mainland, that's a frightening plunge.
Translation - Chinese 一年前,全球金融风暴初露端倪时,中国好似准备好了多件“雨衣”。当时,中国经济正以两位数的速度增长;海外信贷危机对中国银行的影响甚微;此外,中国1.9万亿美元的硬通货储备可作为超大额紧急备用金,一旦中国经济陷入困境,即可启用。就在两个月前,当华尔街金融巨鳄们和欧洲银行风雨飘摇之际,中国正沉醉在08年奥运会主办国的风光无限之中,享受着全世界对其多年来造就的,看似势不可挡的经济神话的追捧和称颂。
中国经济为何下滑?原因显而易见:中国过去25年的经济转轨引领着国际化浪潮,使中国大陆这个曾经孤立的小经济体迅速崛起,并投入到全球经济高度一体化进程 ---- 使其像美国那样受主要贸易伙伴的经济周期影响。美林证券亚洲经济学家T. J. Bond 认为,“不断放缓的全球经济就像瓷器店里的大象。”他引述了一组很说明问题的数据:占中国GDP 43%的制造业很大程度上依赖于向西方国家出口,中国40%的出口产品销往美国和欧洲国家。而眼看着欧美国家正酝酿着大萧条,经济学家对中国的贸易预期也大打折扣。Bond 预计09年中国出口增幅将从08年的21%降至10%,而这种骤然下滑对于重新崛起的中国大陆而言将十分可怕。
Chinese to English: SAP Trainning Proposal / SAP 培训提案 General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: SAP
Source text - Chinese 1.企业管理层。此类培训对象需充分理解ERP及SAP的宏观理念,从而支持并推进ERP工程在企业内部的安排及实施(SAP一级课程)。
Translation - English 1.Corporate management: These trainees need to fully understand the overall concept of ERP and SAP so as to support and promote arrangements for and implementation of ERP project in the enterprise (SAP Level A Course).
2.Key users: These trainees need to understand the overall concept of SAP, and also fully understand the functions of specific SAP modules in relation to the operations of ND Paper, thus enabling them the ability to define the corporate project blueprint together with the external project implementer during the process of project planning (SAP Level B Course).
3.Backbone technical talents: These trainees are required to familiarize themselves with the functions of a specific SAP module based on trainings received during SAP Level A & B Courses, thus enabling them to work collaboratively with the external project implementer and lay a solid foundation for independently providing long-term follow-up support for project implementation in the enterprise (SAP Level A, B & C Courses and SAP Academy Training).
Chinese to English: Auto Industry 汽车产业 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - Chinese 评价我国汽车产业国际竞争力水平,需要选择一个标准并以此衡量竞争力水平。由于国外汽车产业的数据基础薄弱,我们无法拿我国汽车产业国际竞争力的每项指标计算结果与美国、日本、德国等汽车产业发达国家的对应指标进行逐一比较,而是选择每项指标对应的全球汽车行业最大值作为参照标准进行比较,而全球汽车行业相应指标的最大值也通常来自于美国、日本、德国等汽车产业发达国家。从总的结果来看,若发达国家汽车产业的国际竞争力最大值为100分,则我国汽车产业国际竞争力的分值为47.63分,尚不及发达国家汽车产业国际竞争力最大值的一半,表明我国汽车产业国际竞争力与发达国家的水平相比还有很大差距。
Translation - English Certain criteria are needed for the assessment on the international competitiveness of China’s auto industry. Owing to inadequate data of overseas auto industry, it is almost impossible to make a comparison between each indicator of the international competitiveness of China’s auto industry and that of the U.S.A, Japan, Germany and other countries with a highly developed auto industry. Hence, the maximum values of all indicators of the global automotive industry, with the aforementioned countries as primary contributors, are selected as the evaluation criteria. From the overall perspective, the international competitiveness of China’s auto industry stands at 47.63 points as compared to the assumed maximum value of 100 points of developed countries with auto giants. This score, shy of half of the comparison indicator, indicates that China still lags far behind developed countries in terms of the international competitiveness of the auto industry.
Major disparities can be concluded through a comparison of Grade 1 Index, with the competitiveness of China’s auto industry in industry environment, industry organization, innovation and international performance at 59.13, 43.50, 38.68 and 10.01 respectively (See Fig. 30). According to the comparison results, China has closed the gap with developed countries in auto industry environment, but lags farthest behind in terms of its international performance. This, on the one hand, shows that the domestic industry environment has greatly improved after years of development, thus laying a solid foundation for enhancing the industry’s competitiveness in the domestic auto market; on the other hand, it reveals the fact that the national boundary hasn’t been broken and the industry still lacks a competitive edge in the international marketplace.
English to Chinese: Psychoanalysis and culture 精神分析与文化 General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English In Totem and Taboo (1913) Freud studied the resemblances between the mental life of savages and neurotics. Among other ideas, he explained that like neurotic, primitive peoples feel ambivalent about most people in their lives, but will not admit this consciously to themselves. They will not admit that as much as they love their mother, or their father, there are things about them they hate. The suppressed parte of this ambivalence (the hate parts) are projected onto others. In the case of natives, the hateful aspects are projected onto the totem, so they can think: I do not want my mother to die, the totem wanted her to die. This ambivalence can also include the relationship of citizens to their ruler or figures of authority. Another important idea of this book is about animism. The animistic mode of thinking is governed by what Freud called the omnipotence of thoughts, a projection of inner mental life onto the external world. This imaginary construction of reality can be seen not only in primitive people but also in neurotic and mainly delusional or psychotic disorders. As we will see this can also be found in religions, as well as in situations in which a social group or nation consider another group or nation as enemy, without any objective evidence.
Translation - Chinese 在《图腾与禁忌》(1913)中,弗洛伊德研究了原始人和神经病患者思维模式的相似之处。弗洛伊德在书中阐述的一个观点就是原始人(就如同神经病患者一样)对其生活中的大多数人充满矛盾情绪,但又不会自觉地自我承认这一点。他们不会承认尽管爱着自己的父母,但父母身上仍然有其怨恨之处。这种矛盾心理中被压抑的部分(怨恨的部分)则被投射到他人/事物身上。土著人就把这种怨恨情绪投射到图腾上,因此他们就可以这样认为:不是我想让母亲死,而是图腾想让她死。这种矛盾也可以体现在公民和统治者/权威人物之间的关系上。书中的另一个重要思想是关于万物有灵论。这种思维模式受弗洛伊德所称的“思想万能论”的主导,是内心世界在外部世界的一种投射。这种对现实的虚拟建构不仅体现在原始人身上,而且神经病患者,尤其是妄想症或精神病患者身上也有。同时,宗教、一个社会群体或国家在没有任何客观证据的情况下将另一个群体或国家视为敌人等情形也属于虚拟建构。
Chinese to English: Tai Chi 太极拳 General field: Art/Literary
Source text - Chinese 登上巍巍长城,在徐徐清风中打一套太极拳,个中体味到的东方哲学韵味和高尚情趣正是迷恋和热爱中国功夫的外国人所向往的。包括太极拳在内的中国功夫吸收了中国传统文化儒、道、佛家学说的精髓,突破了搏击中力量决定胜负的传统观念,蕴涵着一种东方古典的礼仪道德和修养,成为外国人开启中国传统文化之门的一把神奇钥匙。
Translation - English For foreigners fascinated by and obsessed with Chinese Kung Fu, what a rewarding experience it is to ascend the towering Great Wall, play Tai Chi in the gentle breeze and savor the oriental philosophy and lofty sentiment. Chinese Kung Fu, Tai Chi being a genre of it, has become a magic key for foreigners to open the door of traditional Chinese culture, as it embodies the essence of Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist doctrines, abandons the traditional concept of overpowering strength in fighting and reflects the classical ethics, etiquettes and cultivation in oriental China.
Chinese to English: 春季预防河豚鱼中毒 General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Chinese 河豚鱼中毒的潜伏期很短,短至10-30分钟,长至3-6小时发病。发病急,来势凶猛。开始时手指、口唇、舌尖发麻或刺痛,然后恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻、四肢麻木无力、身体摇摆、走路困难,严重者全身麻痹瘫痪、有语言障碍、呼吸困难、血压下降、昏迷,中毒严重者最后多死于呼吸衰竭。如果抢救不及时,中毒后最快的10分钟内死亡,最迟4-6小时死亡。有报告显示,日本人河豚鱼中毒病死率为61.5%。
Translation - English The incubation period of globefish poisoning can be as short as 10-30 minutes, other patients start to show symptoms of onset within 3-6 hours. The acute onset is sweepingly powerful, starting with symptoms of numbness or tingling of fingers, the lip, and the tip of the tongue, then comes nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, limb weakness and numbness, body swaying and walking difficulties, graver symptoms include general paralysis, language barriers, breathing difficulties, dropping blood pressure and coma. Those with severe poisoning mostly die of respiratory failure. Without prompt rescue measures, patients can die within 10 minutes, or at most 4-6 hours since toxication. Reports say that mortality rate of globefish poisoning in Japan is as high as 61.5%.
Chinese to English: 《孩子快抓紧妈妈的手》Dear, Don’t Let Go of My Hand General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Chinese 《孩子快抓紧妈妈的手》
Translation - English Dear, Don’t Let Go of My Hand
For Deceased Kids in Wenchuan Earthquake
Writer Anonymous
My dear,
Come hold my hand,
For the journey to Heaven
Is way too dark
Mind your head
Come to me,
Hold my hand
I am here by your side
The journey to Heaven
Is way too dark
Where is your hand?
The moment when
Walls fell down
Shadowing the rays of the sun,
I have lost sight of
Your gentle gaze
My child,
Now it’s time
The journey ahead
Is free of worry,
No textbooks awaiting
No blows from your dad
Do remember
How your dad and I look like
For we have a promise of eternity
Don’t be so
The journey to Heaven isn’t lonely
Friends and classmates are here with me
We have agreed
Not to cry
Other moms will take care of us
For we are all their kids
Mom, now you can love other kids
The way you loved me
Mom, please
Don’t cry
Tears cannot light up
Our journey to Heaven
Let us
Say goodbye
You and dad are etched in my mind.
Remember our promise
Of eternity…
English to Chinese: Film script General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English A child cries as it loses its mother momentarily in the crowded marketplace. Villagers in modest dress weave through the small walkways, where vendors are set up selling goods-produce, pottery, weaponry, clothing, livestock.
Mulan, now clearly a poor village girl, disinterestedly sells woven shawls alongside a one-armed older man, her father HUA HU. As Hu encourages one passerby to take a closer look, Mulan is distracted by a growing commotion taking place behind her father’s stand. With Hu distracted, Mulan slips out to take a closer look.
A circle of IMPERIAL GUARDS surround two filthy, malnourished PEASANT PRISONERS. Both hold rusty swords.
Whoever wins earns his freedom. The other dies a thief's death.
I stole nothing.
Liar. When you steal from the Emperor’s fields you steal from the Emperor. You steal from China. Now you will die for China.
Please. I have two sons.
And now they have no father. Take it as a lesson. All of you.
Peasant #2 takes a swipe at Peasant #1. Immediately, a MASKED OFFICER steps into the circle and easily disarms both peasants. He whips off his mask to reveal ZIRU, 27, a captain of the Imperial Guard. He is a handsome, lean, imposing figure. He collects the swords.
Ziru throws the swords at the feet of the guard. Mulan smiles.
(prostrating himself)
Thank you, sir. You are most—
He is cut off as Ziru hits the peasant hard across the face.
No one is forgiving you of anything. You will serve your country. At the wall.
The peasant’s face falls. Mulan is startled as she feels her shoulder grasped from behind.
I was just—
Yes, I can tell.
No one is buying shawls today.
Let’s close up.
Hua Hu has piled their wares on Piao, the family’s white mare. Mulan takes the horse’s reins, patting the animal affectionately.
(muttering to Piao)
No one is ever buying our shawls, are they Piao?
(beat, more seriously)
Why can’t they just stay on their side of the wall?
It’s their job to protect the Emperor. And us.
Mulan scoffs as she holds up a stick as if it were a sword.
I don’t need their protection.
Mulan, please.
A FISH VENDOR notices Mulan’s pose.
Hua Hu. Your daughter’s planning to enlist?
Hua Hu ignores the comment.
Something tells me she might not have the balls.
The vendor laughs crudely and goes back to his work. Mulan makes a start before Hu blocks her way. He gives her a “not worth it” look before he continues walking. Mulan follows for a couple steps then picks up a stone and turns back toward the vendor. She hurls the stone at a shelf holding a bucket of fish. The bucket overturns on top of the shocked vendor.
Mulan runs after her father, who has had his back turned the entire time. After a moment—
Good shot.
Mulan throws her arms around her father as they walk into the fields.
Translation - Chinese 一个一会儿寻不着母亲的小孩在熙熙攘攘的市集中哇哇大哭。并不宽敞的街道上衣着朴素的村民们来来往往,商贩们正在热火朝天地叫卖农产品、陶器、兵器、服装、家畜等货物。
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Keywords: English to Chinese translator, conference interpreter, liason interpreter, marketing, finance, SAP localization, website localization, human resources, management, speeches. See more.English to Chinese translator, conference interpreter, liason interpreter, marketing, finance, SAP localization, website localization, human resources, management, speeches, scripts, academic papers, and social sciences. See less.